Monday, February 19, 2024

Palestinian Ambassador Breaks Down In Tears During His Speech At The ICJ...

I wish there was no added music to this speech, I can figure out myself what emotion I want to feel rather than be led to emotions. If I turn it down, then I can't hear this man, Riyad Mansour speak! Thank you Riyad for your love and courage! Riyad has delivered a beautiful speech and request and I agree with everything he asks for and speaks of!
Our world has had some doors open to the light, and many of us have awakened to the reality of what is happening to the Palestine people, and we want peace, dignity, and ethical living situations for them with the occupation ending right now. We also want Israel to be held accountable for their actions now and in the future that cause harm to the Palestine people! The people of Palestine will need assistance to build back, but immediately they need the killing ended, return of prisoners, food, clean water, medical supplies and other simple living needs such as blankets. Love to us all!


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