Thursday, March 21, 2024

French-Israeli soldier boasts of torturing Palestinian detainee

This is a good time for people to wake up to the reality of war, and how horrible it really is..... people turn into something most of us would consider not human, more demon like, which means we probably have a little of that inside of us. We need to wake up to that and change how we function, so we work towards being ethical, wise and loving! We need to promote how to communicate and negotiate rather than full on physical destruction and all else that comes with the unleashing of the demons of war!
We need to take charge of ourselves as a whole community who want to live in peace with our families and friends, and want basic things like clean water and air, food and shelter! Let's take this time to see what the world is capable of and create something better. Don't let this loss of lives go in vain! Love to all!


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