Monday, March 25, 2024

Game with Words | Unspoken Realities: Unveiling the Truth Behind Western...

I appreciate everything you have done Turkey, TRT and al Jazeera. I am horrified at the number of journalists that have been killed, and their families, on purpose, and I am so sorry to live in USA that funds these things. I want the occupation to end, and Palestine to be recognized as a free and sovereign country. So many people would have a chance of a better life not only in Gaza and the West Bank, but also Yemen, Jordan and Lebanon. Israel should not have USA funding for anything, they have plenty of wealthy backers. Citizens of earth wish for a peaceful planet for all living beings, where all have clean water and air, food, and shelter for all. It is time to enter the higher realms we all hold within ourselves rather than exist in the low levels of fear and greed!


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