Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Mar 5 - Live from Qatar: Mansour's interview with Al-Jazeera

We are not desensitized but, the media has a way to change the information the people get. When almost 100 journalists from Gaza have been killed, and their families targeted too, it limits the amount of info we get.... and that was done purposely of course! Foreign journalists are not allowed in for the most part either! Many of us are doing what we can in so many ways to try to stop the slaughter, starving, horror and destruction. Don't think people gave up please!
But.... I myself too have had moments of feeling so helpless. We cannot bring the people back that have died, but we can stop this from continuing! Thank you Monsour for all your work and sharing with us everything you have! I am glad you are safe, and I trust you will continue your work from somewhere. Love to you, your team, your mother, and to all of us!


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