Friday, March 22, 2024

(Please read my note below) What the Jews' Talmud says about Babies, Jesus, Blacks, and Christians

Hmmmmm. I don't know enough about many religious books to argue or defend one way or the other, I listened and am sharing. The full documentary is called ‘The other Israel’ by Ted Winston Pike. The stuff he shows in this video is appalling to me, committing crimes but making up excuses about why they are not crimes.... that is very disgusting and mind F.... games! We all are responsible for what decisions we make, no matter what level of authority says it is right or wrong, people have ethical hearts and KNOW .... even if one strays.... others in the group can speak up. I don't know how much of what is being said is true, in this video, and I know many things can be slanted to sound however someone wants them to be...... so..... I say.... please research yourself!


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