Tuesday, April 30, 2024

ICC war crimes prosecutors interviewed Gaza hospital staff: Report

These are all our brothers and sisters! The killing won't stop until it is stopped! The horrors will continue until they are stopped.... that is obvious! The takeover of property and destruction of life has obviously been OK'd by USA, since they are giving weapons to do this.... Besides that, USA sending money to poor Ukraine, who is fighting in Sudan.... where more people are caught in the middle..... This is happening to ALL of us, not just some people somewhere..... Love to us all!

ICJ rules against halting German arms exports to Israel

Someone kicked me in the guts is what this ruling feels like! But.... then I listened to more, and I feel a little better.... it is not done! Love to us all!

He lost his whole family, then he lost his legs: One child's experience ...

UK wouldn't give them Visas! Thank you, Italy! Thank you everyone who helped these kids and their loved ones! All the money spent towards destruction, when it could be spent to make the world so much better..... let's all keep working for a loving ethical world for all! Free Palestine, free us all!

Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's Investigating the ...

Hmmm, this is interesting to me!

(Julian Assange) "A technique has been developed in the west of punishment as process."...

Bravo to Julian Assange! Free Julian Assange!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Find out why people vote they way they do in government.

 https://trackaipac.com/ Find out who is getting paid by Israel to work in your government!

April 29: 10 Reasons to invest Social Media time & effort towards Univer...

Thank you, Mansour, I am sharing! #FreePalestine #StopArmingIsrael #GazaGenocide #GazaProtests #campusProtests #studentsprotests #studentsforgaza #stopthegenocide #ceasefirenow ‎#endthegenocide #GenocideJoe

Gaza Protests: Students Label Netanyahu As “Terrorist” In Tokyo | Dawn N...

Beautiful! Thank you for having courage and love! Free Palestine!

War on Gaza: Dozens of Palestinians killed in Israeli bombing on Rafah

Their addiction to kill the Palestine people will not be satisfied shortly because Palestine will be free! The domestic violence in Israel has increased, I read... cannot put a link here, but, check it out if you are interested. Oddly, I feel the IDF and Israel people have been manipulated in many ways to keep the war machine greased and working..... but, many of them see the truth. Love to us all, Free Palestine and keep her people safe!

(WEF 424) Briefing on the Gaza Crisis

I had a different idea of what would be said at this forum of the WEF....  I listened and am surprised at how candid they are, and how different, in a good way, they sound than I was expecting! I encourage others to listen too! 

Jill Stein released from St. Louis County Jail after Washington Universi...

Thank you, Jill! She is running for president of the USA in 2024!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Israeli FM says a hostage deal would suspend Rafah incursion

They are playing with all of us! I just want to say, I don't know what I would look like if I were forced to listen to the overhead drones constantly, had to live in a plastic tent, didn't have fresh water, watched people get blown to pieces, had to find a place to go to the bathroom, didn't have enough water, wasn't ever getting enough sleep, watched people losing weight and being hungry, didn't have spare clothes, just to name some of the issues, for 7 months..... I truly admire and respect the people of Palestine. I pray for Palestine to be free and her people to be able to live in peace, safe from Zionists! Love to us all!

UN official says war crimes have been committed in Gaza | Janta Ka Reporter

A human mind is capable of many things, and for many of us it is beyond comprehension that a person would do such atrocities to other living beings, and yet, throughout history, the stories of what has been done to humans tells us that we are capable of actions that we struggle with as human.
Perhaps it is time to be honest about where a human can go and help each other from entering into those depths of darkness and stay close to love. Each one of us has to make these choices, but sometimes we need others to see and help. I pray we create a world where all are honest, ethical and loving, where we respect each other and all life. Palestine must be freed by all of us, because it is a reflection of all of us, and we must heal. Love to all!

Displaced Palestinians in Gaza thank student protesters

This is a beautiful thank you! Free Palestine and keep her people safe!

'Terrorised By Netanyahu': Israelis Take Cue From Alive Hostages; Protes...

One comment with my reply: @daisy-by1sv
Wait, wait, it was first 1400 than 1200 now. It's 1170???what are the real number of casualities on oct 7are dead coming back alive?
@daisy-by1sv Yes, I keep noticing that too! The IDF also admitted to killing some of those.... so what is the real number that died from Hamas???? Any?

This is a MASSIVE win against WHO Pandemic Treaty, or is it? | Redacted ...

Jodie..... check this out! 

China Jumps Into Gaza War: Hamas and Fatah Ready To Unite Against Israel...

Netanyahu wanted Hamas to stay in power so that Palestine would not be united, and USA seems to either do what Israel says, or tell Israel what to do, either way, they seem to be backed by the same dark forces. I think it is wonderful and sensible of China to be doing this. The Palestine people will be better united.
The whole reason for breakup of that area was over control of oil, way back before Israel was a country. Think of all the lives that have been lost to greed..... we could have many different ideas for energy, but the oil companies bought many out or just stole them..... We all have been manipulated and want our freedom and to live in a peaceful world.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Hamas Shows New Hostage Video On Day Of Israeli Truce Offer; Captives' K...

Israel does not want Palestine people to be free... it is silly to keep expecting they will agree with that.... Others need to go around what Israel wants and make Palestine a sovereign country and keep her people safe from Zionist destruction and theft! The same thing that happened when Israel was made a country must happen now with Palestine, it is the right thing to do. No one is better than anyone else, no matter what people think a religious idea says.... my religion believes in love and treat others as I want to be treated. Which one is right? It seems the people of the world have as a majority decided that Palestine must be free, and the occupation needs to end, along with criminal racist behaviors and actions towards them! We the people demand a better world!

US State Department does not see Netanyahu’s call for end to Pro-Palesti...

It is so funny, and not, how the reporters bring up questions that many Americans feel and think, and we keep getting run around answers, which actually exposes the ridiculousness of what they are trying to keep the public believing.

(Stephen Gardner) 🔴RFK EXPOSES the CIA... THIS IS TERRIFYING!!

Hello! Yes, I knew it! It has been out for a long time. I remember when you started your channel and seeing your heart being broken, and slowly you started talking more courageously.... it is scary thinking about being shut down, and also your family.... I love everything JFK says, except he supports Israel. What he was saying, has much more horrific information too.... and for those who have not heard some of it, I would suggest taking a long look, things will start to make more sense.
Fauci was also knowingly recommending medication to those with HIV/AIDS that they knew would eventually kill them, and they outlawed the stuff that would help. Dallas Buyer's Club tells a story about some of that and is based on a true story.
Some of the stuff that has been done seem like demons have taken over.... I don't want to believe that.... but it seems so far from the human idea that I want to believe in... so, it is very difficult for me too.
The Patriot Act says that anyone can be arrested at any time, and no one needs to be notified, even the person being arrested does not have to be given a reason.... indefinitely. And.... we know Israel has developed some AI intelligence that can tell where anyone is at any time, and using it in Gaza, and America uses their technology systems and development.

Gazans return to destroyed Nuseirat

Always the drones in the sky, the buzzing is maddening! USA arresting people for protesting this horrific crime to fellow humans! Targeting children and elderly does not make a fair fight.... nor does targeting people with no weapons.... cowardly acts done by the IDF.... May the Palestine people be free and safe from further destruction and killing, NOW!

A 74-year-old Palestinian activist from Ramallah, spends six months in I...

I am glad they released him, and that he is still able to walk and talk! Love to us all!

Columbia bans student protest leader for incendiary comments he made bac...

Advocating killing is wrong..... which is why, generally, it is fantastic that people are protesting killing that is happening because of US tax dollars funding destruction of the Palestine people! Wanting peace is fabulous, most religions promote it too! I hope people keep speaking up about wanting wars to end, destruction of life and environment, and any actions that are unethical! College campuses have long been a place of meeting of great minds and debates as well as protests! Protect free speech! Have the courage to stand for what is right and change things, have the courage to listen and negotiate, have the courage to be a responsible ethical loving person! Love to us all!

Friday, April 26, 2024

'Last Chance': Hamas Responds to Israel's Threat of Launching Rafah Ops ...

Permanant ceasefire, end the occupation, make Palestine a sovereign state and keep her people safe! Why does Israel have anything to do with making these deals, all the world, except the USA know what needs to be done and are demanding it! Love to us all!

(42624) 'You're asking the accused ['Israel'] to investigate itself?'

The reporter is helping the American citizens get to the truth, the government representative is trying to convince us that everything will be fine, we are not fools. Israel could not even investigate truthfully what happened on Oct. 7, 2023.... when the IDF killed some of the Israelites themselves. We all have seen many lies, and this does need an independent investigation, which how are they going to get considering that everyone that goes into Gaza is a target? Ceasefire now, end the occupation, free the Palestine people and keep them safe from any further harm!

Stop spraying our skies!

We are all in Gaza...... free the people!

Ben-Gvir, Israeli far-right minister, in car accident


Gaza’s miraculous C-section baby loses her fight to survive

Such a meaningful baby. Love to all! Stop the genocide, free Palestine!

The United States of Israel EXPOSED

Frightening! Thank you for sharing this!

Sign Language Stories from Gaza: Bassem Al-Habal | News Flash | United N...

Fabulous! Thank you!

US questioned on Israel’s examination of Gaza mass graves

Bravo to the journalist! Everyone knows how ridiculous this policy is that Vedant Patel is pushing out and acting like it makes sense. The situation is dire for any chance of truth and ethical actions. The Palestine people are under genocidal attack, and the USA is under freedom of speech attack in the guise of defending the criminals. Julian Assange is still in prison; Snowden is still in a place of safety outside USA and many whistle blowers are being shut down or go missing. This is nothing new, just something that is blatant here! Stay focused, and no... you are not crazy....

Rafah’s crowded, unsanitary conditions a breeding ground for infectious ...

Many people think this is far away, but it is right where you are. People are getting suppressed to say anything about it, people in USA are hungry and many don't have shelters or healthcare, and yet the corrupt government pays for more destruction of lives! We are all Palestine people, and we want freedom and respect given to life. We want the world to go forward with ethical actions and behaviors that help improve the precious gifts we have; we have no need for destruction anymore! Thank you, Hani, for all you do my dear brother!

More Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah face eviction

This kind of manipulative corruption is what has happened to many people in the world, I cannot help but think of the 'treaties' for the Indigenous people of North America. How frightening for the Palestine people this is.... May the occupation end and the people of Palestine be free and kept safe!

The mental health of doctors in Gaza: "Survival is not a choice"

I am a nurse, and I know how much medical staff cares about their patients, it is that everyone becomes family. When we can do things to help the patients it feels good, when we can't, it makes us feel incompetent. The bigger picture for all of us on the outside is a feeling of the same incompetence. So many keeps trying to get the horror happening to the people of Palestine to stop and for them to be safe and free of the occupation, and yet the killing and destruction continue with funding from some countries. This is a nightmare that we must stay focused on the positive results, but also have to face the reality of what it is so we can change it. Love to all those who are trying to help, and love to all the people of Palestine!

Rabbi says Iran’s hostility towards Israel is about the occupation, not ...

Most people feel this way.... and there is the psych-op.... pushed by the Zionists.... it is twisted and makes people doubt their hearts/minds..... we have to keep on focus and say it like it is! Love to us all!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mohammed El-Kurd EXPOSES Israel’s Operation Distraction

I agree with you! The mind game has been going on for a long time. It was really intense with the truth when the pandemic was going on, and people got so emotional they wanted to kill people that didn't agree with the vaccine. The emotional pull is powerful, they are good at telling lies! This reminds me of how the people in advertising try to get people to buy their product, very powerful. It is difficult for people to SEE and then argue with their own belief systems. But we are all Palestine people, we are all together. We are being targeted at this moment; data is being collected on every person. We cannot bring back those who have died in Palestine, but we can try to prevent any more from dying and being oppressed! We can create a world of truth, ethics, and love! We can tell the bullies and war mongers that we do not need them anymore, our world is going to be changed now. Love to us all!

Students across the U.S. occupy campuses in protest for Palestine

Beautiful! Bravo! Look up the song Ohio from back in the early 1970's by Crosby, Nash, Stills and Young! Love to us all! Free the people of Palestine and keep them safe!

'Won't Surrender': Qatari Official's Fiery Anti-Israel Speech; Praise Fo...

It doesn't matter what religion or nationality they are.... are they committing genocide or not? Are they oppressing the Palestine people or not? Are they stealing land and property or not? Are they lying to the world or not? ........ It is the duty of good humans to take care of others, and not allow killing, torture, beatings, theft, lies, etc. to continue.... and to speak about it, no matter who it is doing it. If a serial child killer is Jewish.... are we going to allow them to go free and ignore what is happening, and even give him the tools to continue killing the children because we don't want to be called antisemitic? And FYI Palestine people are also semitic people..... look it up.

Most of 392 bodies found in mass graves unidentified: Gaza civil defence

So, some were buried by the Palestine people and dug up and re-bagged by the IDF, and some were buried alive, and some were tortured or executed by the IDF, is that what they are saying? How horrific this scene is for everyone! What suffering so many went through before dying, I can only imagine! The amount of hate generated by actions like this is also just horrible..... I don't like seeing any of it, but.... I would rather know what is going on so we can change it, hopefully. We cannot bring back the dead, but we can try to stop these things from happening in the future, possibly.... at least stop funding those who want to kill and be destructive to life! If we do not step up... it could be any of us next, we have a duty to all humankind to be the best we can! Love to us all!

Evidence of torture, executions, and people buried alive found in Gaza m...

I am curious how they started finding the bodies in the mass graves. I know they well be documenting what they are finding, and I wish an independent investigation could be there right now. No one wants more stories made up, we want the truth, and we want Palestine free from Zionist occupation and her people to be safe to live like all humans should, with dignity and happiness! Bless the family members who have loved ones in these graves, and the trauma they must be experiencing thinking what they went through before death!

Injured Gaza 1-year-old suffers 200 facial stitches and hand amputation ...

This is disgusting USA is helping pay for such horrors to be committed to the people of Palestine who simply want to live like all humans deserve! We are all created by the life force that has made us all so unique and beautiful! This needs to end! Palestine must be freed, and her people kept safe! No more war! No more occupation!

‘Gaza Freedom Flotilla’ prepares to challenge Israeli blockade | Al Jaze...

When you realize they have been trying to help the Palestine people since 2010, it makes this aid even more imminent! It is time for the people of Palestine people to be free and kept safe from harm!

Dozens of whales stranded on beach in Western Australia

They cannot stand the killing and destruction humans are doing any longer, including underwater with loud sonar and other equipment! There are so many of them and they look like humans! I hope they can be saved and thank you everyone who is trying to help! Whales are so intelligent and important for all of us!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

An Update on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Bravo to you Love Warriors! Palestine people need to be free and safe, and they need food and medical aid and water! Love to all of us!

UN urges 'paradigm shift' for Gaza aid: Israel's cooperation uncertain

This is insane that anyone is letting Israel decide about getting aid in! Besides the death of Palestine people this is causing, it is torture for everyone else who knows this is wrong! I believe this is some kind of psychological welfare that they are doing to us all and it is important for us to stay focused and not give up what we know to be right! Love to us all!

(Richard Medhurst) They Deny Palestinians a State, Then Wonder Why They Resist

Richard Medhurst always has an interesting perspective. He is a passionate honest reporter and researcher.

(John Campbell) Midaz

John Campbell goes over a research paper about Midazolam use during the Covid-19 pandemic as treatment. The paper finds numbers that are disturbing. 

Civilian suffering in Gaza: Eyewitness testimony from inside ravaged enc...

Thank you for sharing! Palestine people need freedom and safety!

'At times I operated without anaesthetic': British surgeon's harrowing G...

And.... USA voted to send more weapons and money to the murderers! Palestine people need to be free and safe from harm! We humans are the ones who can help them, it is our choice! Love to us all!

Watch US Marine’s GoPro footage that challenges Pentagon’s account of at...

Remember what has happened to Julian Assange! I love that one soldier who says it is an insult to say the soldiers have brain injuries or something wrong with them and can't remember!

'You Should Be Ashamed': Israeli Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin Rips Netan...

His hand is healed, that is good, and he can still talk, unlike thousands of Palestine people since and before Oct.7th. This is such a simple fix and yet, the greedy ones who like destruction will not give in. The loving ones need to stay focused and stand strong! Free Palestine! Love to us all!

Drone video shows total destruction in former Gaza ‘safe area’ | #AJshorts

All that rebar and heavy cement make it difficult and so unsafe for anyone doing any cleanup to just have a place to sleep or rest. It is painful to look at and think about that stuff landing on humans. This is such an atrocity! My ideas of what USA stands for were shattered a long time ago, since Viet Nam, and I am still horrified that they still participate in this sort of destruction and push so many lies out to the citizens about why it is ok. Nothing about this is OK with me! Love to us all!

Mhairi Black demands answers for Gaza mass graves at PMQs

Deputy PMQs Mhairi Black is right and the man who speaks is dangerous! Some are acting the same way in USA; it makes my stomach churn! Love to us all!

Injured Palestinian man shot nine times by Israeli forces while attempti...

He is so young, and so thin! The IDF is doing some of the most racist and sadistic things to these beautiful Palestine people. So many are trying to stop it, and now USA just voted to send more money. I do not agree. Palestine must be free of the occupation and kept safe from harm of the IDF! Love to us all!

Scores of people queue for boxes of aid in Deir al-Balah

Always the drone sound! Glad to see some eating! Of course they don't have any money, they aren't going to work during this attack! Love to us all!

State Department deputy spokesperson Patel says US believes Israel is a ...

Journalist Niall Stanage thank you.
Vedant Patel is one of the many that some people would call a lap dog of the tricksters!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

#drphil powerful response to those who attempt to justify the October 7t...

There is no evidence of them burning babies, the fence they went over is the fence that keeps them in a prison from land that was stolen from THEM..... We all need to be careful of the news we hear and make sure we defend the truth because there are many lies! No matter what side you take however, complete destruction of the Palestine people including babies and children is wrong ...... killing is wrong.... and USA should not be funding the killing through bombing, beating, no clean water, lack of medical care or starvation!

It's a dark day in America when the Senate suspends debate around fundin...

Everything you say here about funding Israel is true, and USA should not be funding such an appalling genocide that is ongoing and criminal. I am glad you are saying everything you say here. You say a lot of good things Bernie, but I have felt betrayed ever since you wanted us to take our votes for you and use them on Hilary Clinton in 2016..... I have never trusted you since. But.... I do not approve of sending more money to kill people!

Mass Graves in Gaza Show Israelis Are Worse Than Nazis

There are no borders for those who are doing this, they are not just in one country obviously, the circle of money flow is something all can find. Thank you for all your work, Richard!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Veterans Risk Their Lives Trying To Get Aid To Gaza On Freedom Flotilla

Love to all of you! I am sharing!

Iran, Saudi Bonding? Riyadh Opens Borders For Iranian Pilgrims After 9-Y...

Do not lose focus! I find it hilarious that a country that is strong and rich does not recognize Israel sovereignty.

Relatives meet baby saved from pregnant mother killed in Rafah airstrike

Awe, this is wonderful and very sad at the same time! There is so much malnutrition in Gaza, I hope they can find formula and have clean water (which is unlikely) for this beautiful baby. Hopefully they will be able to hold her, she needs that touch too. End the occupation! Free Palestine's people and keep them safe!

Israeli assault deepens tragedy in Gaza

Thank you, Joel. Several people have watched people at the markets where food is being sold and keep saying there is no hunger in Gaza, please be sure to clarify where the markets are. I did hear you say Tel Aviv. Those family members who are finding their loved ones are faced with a nightmare of identifying people that have died a few weeks ago, I am so sorry about the atrocities! Palestine needs to be freed of the occupation and her people need to be kept safe!

Over 200 bodies discovered in mass graves at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital

These horrors just make people not like the ones who are so paranoid about people trying to harm them.... (without saying names). Beautiful loving people looking for their loved ones.... I hope you can find some peace. I am just appalled at the sadistic actions that I see, and want an end to wars, and profits from weapon creations and selling, and more... their use.... We can see the results of them..... we are humans.... nothing makes sense to continue their use!

UN investigators: Israel obstructs access to victims and witnesses of 7 ...

Really, do you expect Israel to allow anyone to speak to UN? This is ridiculous, you need to be more discrete! When someone is abusing them, one thing they try to do, is make sure the victim doesn't talk to others about the abuse or makes them too afraid to speak the truth. The witnesses aren't going to speak freely in Israel if they have others watching them, but the Palestine people will.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Palestinian baby delivered prematurely in Gaza after mother killed in Is...

Bless you health care workers! Bless you reporters. Bless you Palestine people! The people of Palestine need to be free and safe from Zionist harm! We have to stay on track and stop making and selling weapons for profit that kill and cause destruction! We want a world of love and dignity for all life!

UK minister’s spectacular confession on weakness against Israel | Janta ...

Thank you for your update! This has been going on for years, it is just that this time, more of the public is aware! It does not work to beg to an abuser and keep giving weapons! There should be nothing but a complete ceasefire and Palestine a recognized state with protection from the Zionists, but the west profits from Israel. Love to us all!

(Andrew Bridgen MP) UPROAR in House of Commons public gallery BURSTS through protective glas...

Andrew Bridgen MP is a Love Warrior! The public clapping and cheering on this video are pro-what he is saying, and the speech is here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2024-04-18/debates/9F01F787-D758-43D4-B8D1-4FA357EB3EED/Covid-19ResponseAndExcessDeaths

Hamas chief Haniyeh says resistance ready to oppose Rafah attack in excl...

He speaks the truth.

Palestinian family returns to Khan Younis to find home destroyed

This is absolutely horrendous! I am sorry your father has been killed. There are so many people around the world trying to make things better. The people of Palestine must be free of the occupation and safe from harm! They must have water, food and shelter and any needed healthcare now!

UK food production: Record rain impacts Lincolnshire crop yields

Climate geoengineering..... Dubai finally showed people how some of it is done, but the cloud seeding is a small part.

Countering Russian attacks: Russian nationals fighting for Ukraine

Alleged links to neo-nazi groups... 2:00 ..... says a lot big time! Even though he denies.... hahahahaha.

House approves $95 billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel, other allies

I do not agree with these bills. My great grandchildren will be living in poverty trying to pay off the interest. The ones who profit have no borders. End the wars! Time actually strengthen USA from the inside, not blow-up children and cause mass destruction!

US plans to sanction Israeli army unit for committing human rights viola...

It is always important to look at the whole picture, and these 'sanctions' seem like empty statements to look better to the people who don't know what really is going on. These sorts of words make USA look even worse to everyone else in the world. End the occupation of Palestine and keep her people safe!

Fact check: Iran vs. Israel fakes | DW News

Thank you very much! I want to know what the truth is and appreciate this! I am sharing.

(this was 2010) On board Gaza's Freedom Flotilla

This ship departed in 2010. They were attacked by the IDF and some of the people died and were injured. Here is a link to that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid

This is how #Israel erased the Arab-Jewish identity

Honestly, they did the same thing in the USA to many different groups. It is pitiful, and I am glad all has not been lost, but for some cultures and peoples it has. Everyone can benefit from learning about others. Love to us all!

Surveillance State: Inside Israel's Monitoring of Palestinians

Gee..... this is all over, I thought... people in USA..... something might be illegal, but .....

Israel carrying out ‘genocide’ in Gaza with Western support, approval: E...

Internally, the global west citizens also want Palestine to be free.... not all, but many! Some don't believe it is happening I think, because their eyes and ears were shut down with the first lies that were put out on Oct. 7th and the few weeks after as well as by the politicians and media, even after it was found to be false! It seems like a mass hypnotism.

Blinken Sitting on Recommendations For Sanctions Against Israeli Units L...

The ending part.... reprimanded a soldier for kicking a chair..... that is such a rude response! It is laughing at what the 15-year-old said and had happen to him! There have been many accusations similar, and we have all witnessed them beating the Palestine's. I don't like to go on assumptions from other behaviors, but we know the IDF mistreats them. Considering the cameras and surveillance capabilities of both Israel and USA, many real episodes of abuse should be able to be seen.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Turkey's Big Declaration On Ending 'Israeli Occupation' As Erdogan Hosts...

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, thank you!

Freedom Flotilla prepares for humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza

Thank you for your work and love Freedom Flotilla!

Rafah attack: A mother bids farewell to her son

Thank you for the report! The whole time we hear the drones above you, what a horrible threat that noise from them is! Beautiful children and families, who can bear losing them? No one. We must end this insanity somehow!

What's at stake is the ability to publish the truth and expose crimes | ...

This is a very frightening case, and Julian needs to be freed! I loved Wikileaks! Thank you, Mrs. Assange!

4182024 Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse

No one without a license can proclaim the mental status of a person, and even doctors need time with the person to come to some kind of diagnosis. He had something to say, and considering how important it was to him, we need to hear what it is. I wish I could read one of the pamphlets! I would never recommend such a radical way to get a message across but, I hope he is not suffering! Love to us all!

Asia heatwave: UN warns extreme heat puts millions of children in the re...

Right after this week Dubai reporting using weather modification!

Attack drones hover above al-Mawasi as injured wait for help

Hani, thank you for all your work! I pray for you to have enough food, water, sleep, and be safe! Thank you for your love and reports! May the people of Palestine be free and safe from harm! Love to all of us!

Chinese hackers preparing 'bold and unrelenting' attacks on U.S. infrast...

So.... just think if the USA shut down things... to make it look like something? Just a day ago, people couldn't make 911 calls in several states..... many systems go down for a while, and back up.... but, sometimes, people like to tell us something is happening, but it is a made up story..... like... Iraq for example.... just saying....

Smoke seen on the Gaza skyline from southern Israel

The whole area looks very polluted! It is insane that that smoke is probably from people.... like the smoke from ovens in past places.... All living beings are created by the same God and are equal in value. Stop the occupation, stop the killing, stop funding destruction. Humans are capable of intelligent conversations, ethical and loving actions, and wisdom about what is fair and God-like. We can have heaven for every living being on our planet, it is our choice. It involves a look from the heart and getting over greed and jealousy! Love to us all!

Biden says Israel’s Netanyahu making a ‘mistake’ on Gaza | AJ #shorts

Vote no on sending them weapons and money! I am shocked to hear Biden talk like this.... Free Palestine, have her be a sovereign state safe from Zionist rage, all countries need to be free from their perverted goals! I am not antisemitic, the Arabs are also semitic (as per the use of the word), I am against destruction and killing of humans.

Young Benjamin Netanyahu on Palestine (1978)

Ben Nitay used to be Benjamin Netanyahu name! Wow! He is calling himself an economic adviser in this video. He was 28 in this video.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Palestinian Death Toll Rises To 33,797

Israel is not defending itself, just killing for fun. Palestine people need to be freed of the occupation and safe from Zionists!

Should the balloon go up!

Darling Richard, don't get behind a cow like that, I love you and your wife and don't want anything to happen to you! Hand milking is a good skill to use. I have been looking at slings.... like sling shots only, it is a little pouch on a rope.... a very great tool for hunting and protection.... but, a person needs to practice! Get to know some edible wild plants! Learn how to make a simple shelter and start a fire.... there are even homemade techniques to have clean water. What makes me think these ways is, look at the refugees that lost their shelter and are running..... it could happen to any of us anytime! You could be surrounded by edible plants but starve to death if you don't know you can eat them, or poisonous plants you eat and die! And.... learn to make shoes! From all sorts of things! Also rope! Love to us all! Remember our ancestors survived without electricity! We have information in our DNA!

Cloud seeding causes floods in Dubai CONSPIRACY theorists proven right.....

The news is reporting the cloud seeding had nothing to do with this.... hahahaha! It also has been flooding in Pakistan and other countries nearby. There are other methods used, and they do send stuff to dry.... desiccants into the air. But some are invisible, like radar energy.... getting a license to do these things is not that difficult or expensive! It is being done all over the world for many years now. Think about sudden crop failure due to weather.... how much control over a people another group can have.... just for example!

‘Israel’s 75 years of war on Palestine is such a western way of coping’ ...

Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zamlot speaks the truth! Next, it will be you that the same ones come for, the ones trying to get rid of Palestine's want ALL the power and land!

URGENT EVENT! Contact Happening Now! LISTEN CAREFULLY!! (16)(23)

Thank you! It is difficult and painful at times to deal with.... but, there are many who have so much worse than me.... I will stay focused and send love!

I Am Pro Peace #love #peace #life

I am for Peace and the right to live! 

41924 Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces base rocked by blast

Think of all the money made by those who make weapons and sell them!
Many ancient sites have pieces of what looks like was once beautifully engineered buildings we don't even know how to recreate, scattered all around, like once a war using some of the weapons now available, and even worse. Like Puma Punku and high levels of radiation like in Rajasthan in northwestern India. Some of the stories in Hindu texts and other pieces of history talk about powerful wars in the skies.

Israel approves plans to build settlements in Gaza Envelope

The political country of Israel, not most of the people, is a front of evil that has no borders, and all sides of civilians got told lies and manipulated! The same thing has been done in other places where one group is told they are better and then they spend their time busy doing horrible things to the other group, worried about the other group, making rules and regulations about them etc. It is done not just with nationalities and races but economical classes, religions, educational levels, etc. The enemy of people wants people to be distracted and cause destruction to other people and all life, the friend of people wants peace, ethics, wisdom and love.

41924 Israeli raids cause ‘worst destruction in decades’ in Tulkarem | Al Jaze...

It is not next, it is now! Israel does not need any more weapons or money sent to them and all must be stopped! These destructive actions and behaviors are to all of us, not just the Palestine people, we are all connected and if they are allowed to continue, it means it could happen anywhere! Free Palestine and keep her people safe!

Palestinians risk their lives recovering aid from the sea

Cruel people have created these situations, and we need to change it. We all want to survive, and we have to take care of each other because we are all connected. These are all of our family members! Collectively we decide what is right and wrong and build our society together. Free Palestine, free all of us!

Palestinian mother bids farewell to her only child killed in Israeli attack

The camera captures so much, I feel her feelings with her as I watch her trying to breath, trying to swallow, trying to get her child to wake up.... then someone is asking her a question, and she is feeling so lost outside of the pain and reality of her child being dead. The reporting on these atrocities is hard to watch, but we must know so we continue to work to Free Palestine and keep her safe. We are all human, and we are all connected.... the world is ready for peace, we demand peace! We do not need war anymore. Those who want to play that game can transform or simply go away, they are no longer needed for our human psyche, we have evolved!

Hamas Fighters Snipe Israeli Soldier In Gaza, Blow Up Two Booby-Trapped ...

They are saying Biden ok'd the ground operation in Rafah! This is horrible news! It is also horrible what is happening in the West Bank, and Jerusalem and Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, and so many displaced in Sudan (where Ukraine is fighting!). Some force with money that does not believe in borders or humanity is constantly stirring the beehive and the results are destruction..... we humans don't want that power running the show anymore, we want to live with respect for life, and love for each other! Palestine will be free and safe; she is all of us!

(41924) Iran Destroys Multiple Drones Over Isfahan Amid Reports Of Israeli Attac...

I wish when there was a video within the video, that it stated where it was from! I am against war, but I thought when I heard they were going to retaliate for the over 200.... that there was going to be something more than this!!!!! Iran is a beautiful country, by the way!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Widespread destruction of the Nuseirat refugee camp

There are some negative comments here about this situation, please ignore them, some people get paid to write them and there are some that simply hate others. I thank you for this report. It is horrible to see this destruction and know there are bodies under some of this. I am glad some people are able to get some of their things, and I hope no one gets hurt gathering their stuff. Palestine must be free and safe! We are all connected. Normally, when there is such destruction, others want to help and so many of us are hurting too feeling like we want to help so much. One day the illness that makes others harm others will be healed. I pray for peace.

United Nations - LIVE Vote for Palestine to be a member, USA votes no.... the only one who does

Right around 1:50 is the vote. This is totally unfair and biased!

US Senator defends Unrwa and says Israel’s claims are ‘flat-out lies’

US Senator Chris Von Hollen bravo! Thank you!

Reporter to US State Department: 'How can you continue to believe Israel...

Bravo to this reporter! Hilarious and disturbing that Patel would say he doesn't understand the question! I feel like everyone involved in this is working for some dark group that remains behind the curtain and without borders. When we try to figure it out, it doesn't make sense because it is meant to confuse us. The reality is not easy to find because we are constantly given distractions on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Love is the answer, with courage, and wisdom.

Video shows Palestinian man forced to strip by Israeli soldiers | Al Jaz...

The algorithm is pushing very hard for us not to get these messages, and many journalists have been killed. We must not stop paying attention and working for a free Palestine where all her people are safe! Love to us all!

28 Google employees fired after protesting ‘Project Nimbus’ contract wit...

The technology is still happening and improving and, in all seriousness, every person on the planet is in danger of being tracked all the time and eliminated or have their lives ruined. This is also all family members and friends 24/7!

Niger is kicking US troops out of the country and thousands protested to...

Extremely interesting news! I hope they find peace and happiness and her people have good lives!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Gaza Medics & Western Hypocrisy

I burst out laughing at the end, Tadhg, I love you! Yes, it is terrifying that the health care workers, journalists and aid workers are targeted, along with all the beautiful innocent people of Gaza as well as those who are getting targeted in the West bank, and the Armenians. What terrifies me is the intensity of hate, the power of the weapons and the AI that can be used on anyone anywhere around the world. All people need to be paying attention and standing up! Love to all of us!

Armenian Christians under siege by Israel

Love to all of you! I am sharing this!

We’ve made enemies of half the world and half the rising world

They are not my enemy either. Iran is a beautiful country with a rich history.

Iran's Missiles Hit 3 IDF Air Bases Not Just Nevatim; Hebrew Daily's Exp...

That does not look like a bomb hit at 1:50, it looks like work being done. I want only truth. If a bomb would have hit it, the pipe would have broken. Just my thoughts.

4162024 At least 14 confirmed tornadoes tear through Midwest

I am in Wisconsin, same storm system. Could it be engineered?

Is he dead, ill or in prison?

I don't have any answers.... maybe it is us who are leaving...... Love to all!

Che Guevara Recites a poem.

Palestinian man rescues cat stuck on the border fence between Gaza and E...

He actually risked his life getting that cat! I wonder how it got up there! Love to us all!