Sunday, April 30, 2023

Wagner fighters taken a huge warehouse of weapons and ammunition at Sole...

The boss might get a raise! It is too bad there isn't cheese, smoked meats and alcohol down there too!

Indian Rajasthan Gypsy dance

I can feel the warmth of the sand on my bare feet too, I love this!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Did you know? US confiscated first Iran oil cargo on tanker, then Iran d...

I did not know that, and it seems like it has been going on back and forth for a while.... it is funny, and not. Thank you!

(About Tinititus ) Alarming SIDE EFFECTS and the Mainstream Media

Misinformation and personal threats

Thank you both! Bravo!

Vertigo The #1 Vitamin Deficiency Behind

White French Police Violently Evicting Africans off the African Island o...

Where does a person go when they are told to leave an island? I hope they settle this soon in favor of leaving the people who are there alone. France could be smart and start a business with them being workers who bring France money rather than harming them.

Friday, April 28, 2023

When Africa Colonised China

Willy OAM channel.... You're Being Lied To! Narratives Created - War Map Update

Varahi Mantra

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Chemical Farming & The Loss of Human Health - Dr. Zach Bush

France secretly owns 14 countries

BREAKING NEWS: HHS Whistleblower Claims US Government Is 'Middleman' In ...

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Semiconscious Biden threatens N. Korea with "end of regime" attack. Why ...

I totally agree. Same in Sudan, same in Haiti. That is just recent, the past is the same. In USA we desperately need daddy to stay home and work on our house and the people living here. Daddy has a gambling addiction and owes a lot of money to the mafia.

Hang on! Biolabs under attack in Sudan? What is going on? | Redacted w C...


A lot of information and help is here. 

Gardens NOT producing THIS COULD BE WHY!?!

Weather and sky documentation. 

Police: Estimated 1 million dimes stolen from truck in Philadelphia

Think of cashing out in a coin machine, lol!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

9/11 hijackers revealed as CIA recruits

Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11 also  .        The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss bombshell court filings containing testimony by former and current FBI agents describing two September 11 hijackers as CIA recruits involved in a joint CIA-Saudi operation. Read Kit Klarenberg's report on the revelations here: ||| The Grayzone |||

9/11 hijackers revealed as CIA recruits

Didn't Michael Moore make a documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 about this?

Monday, April 24, 2023

Varahi Mantra

Statue of the Fallen Angel; Madrid

You are funny and I appreciate you putting this on YouTube for me and others! Incredible statue!

What I Just WITNESSED happen in the sky above my home was AMAZING

How a herd of California goats are preventing wildfires

Sunday, April 23, 2023

4232023 NJ Town Must Be Ready to Evacuate ASAP as EPA Cleans Up Mystery Chemical...

400 feet? It's over and NATO is finished | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Down Spout Catch Basin Installation to French Drain

Same number as IRS in USA... odd When you grow vegetables in China ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ

A Riot Is Brewing In The Ukrainian Army. Military Summary A...

This has new information about a law passed in Ukraine today where no one can say anything bad about the president, even if it is true, as he prepares to run for second term. 

US Rep. on UFO sightings: 'It's a complete cover-up' | NewsNation Prime

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Power of a Mother's Instincts - Raccoon Mom's Heroic Actions Caught ...

OMG you are professionals! I have had people come to my home that are idiots, and I had to pay them too.... I don't have any idea what you charge, but besides being efficient, you are kind to the animals, which is the worst part to me, because they are destructive, but loving and intelligent.

Taser Didnโ€™t Work On Him!

The noise level is insane, it seems he doesn't know what they are saying. I don't like this because I have no idea what happened. It is cool though that a person that is not doing anything but standing up, that I can see, and they try to taze, is not even affected by it! Teach me master!

Americans Turn to Loans to Buy Groceries | Vantage with Palki Sharma

It is a trap, very difficult to get out of.

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‡๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ง ๐€๐ฐ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐“๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ˆ๐ฌ ๐€๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐“๐จ ๐๐ž ๐‘๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž๐ ๐๐ฒ ๐€ ๐Œ๐€๐‰๐Ž๐‘ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“! - ๐€๐ซ...

Sword of Blue Light of Michaels starts around 14:30

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Seymour Hersh just EXPOSED the truth, Facebook labeled him 'false news' ...

Very important information. 

Perfect Ideas for my house Immaculate Cottage in heart of Pretty Village - โ‚ฌ84,500

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Raw Video: Tornado Appears During Wedding

Everyone like.... lalalalala 

Trump Pledges To Carry Out 'The Largest Domestic Deportation Operation I...

Well.... who is going to work on those farms, I know they are turning into robotic farms more and more, ...... And who is it on the news for horrific crimes.... not these people usually.... what nationality is it that is spending all tax payers money in other countries and raising the rent so YOU can not afford to live there???? What nationality is keeping universal health care away from tax payers, while most civilized countries have that, and don't go bankrupt over needing medical care? I mean..... look deeper here people, please.

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Under your video, they put a piece from Encyclopedia Britannica about Contrails, just to let you know. This stuff has been researched by the military to hide aircraft from radar and called chaff since early 1950's, but, weather modification has also been studied and used, and around 10 or 15 years ago, this was talked a lot about and researched by many people, who took samples of the ground and water underneath these, and talked about how plants were changing, and some dying. It mostly got called BS by the media, and told it is perfectly safe as a vapor that comes out of planes and goes away in a short amount of time. But, we can see it is not the same thing and doesn't go away, it dissipates into a wider band that joins with more. Anyone of us can see that. It is obnoxious and obvious and yet we are told it is nothing. Geoengineering is another term. We don't know what all is in it, because most of us cannot get up that high to collect samples, and don't know who is flying those planes. I know if you are going to talk about it, be prepared to get harassed by media forms and people who comment, which many are bots, but also the government on here and all other media, doing the same thing they did with people who were trying to talk about the pandemic. They fly at night too. Sometimes you can see them on weather radar, oddly though a lot of the good radar that used to show it, got shut down also. Intellicast weather was one of the best and has been bought and changed for several years now. Look up some of the words, in private or with VPN if possible, and you will probably find some people to talk to more. On the positive side, many also believe there are those who are putting diffusers into the air that change those lines from being able to do harm. It seriously bothers me a lot, because there are so many things it could be, and in reality, is probably worse than I can even imagine. Love to us all.

History to some... titled Warning! Billions of people who have never had access to such informatio...

There are some who have full belief in this system of alien controllers. This does not give answers, just history as to some. 

had a wonderful surprise.HEALING POWER OF SOUND/MUSIC. chaddydad1


I got this from beepeeoildisaster tweet   2013

all media is lying to you

Chemtrails - Priority 1 - Project BlueBeam - by Henning Kemner

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Washington Post RATS OUT Pentagon Docs Leaker To The FBI!

Ukraine Bioweapons Labs BACK IN BUSINESS!

Just fu..... ed as He....l I wondered about them. Doesn't it make more sense why all that money is being poured in there?

Secret Climate Weapon. The Battle for Seversk has Started. Military Summ...

3:00 start to talk about weather. USA did use those weapons in Vietnam under the name Popeye, and of course since then, they have only improved, with many countries able to do this. But smoke from firing off so many missiles and hitting buildings can also have an effect on the weather. Thank you for your report.

Friday, April 14, 2023

US Left Red Faced as 21-Year-Old Airman Responsible for Intel Leak | Van...

A Brand New Sun, Brought to You by China | Vantage with Palki Sharma

The Verdict is Out: War between Russia and Ukraine Has a Clear Winner | ...

Power outage Ohio results in 300 million gallons of raw sewage dumped into cr...

Hundreds displaced due to massive industrial fire

Weather War II would love this evidence as the weather man shows on radar! 

Col. Tony Shaffer: Russia HITS Ukraine With DESTRUCTIVE FORCE

Something wrong, last third conversation gets into past. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

BOMBSHELL! America Lost $560 BILLION To Foreign GANGS That NO ONE Is Tal...

Well Digging By Hand Step By Step || Full water in 20 feet.

So amazing how just a few people can do so much. They are all working hard, and I have a lot of respect for them.

Over 2500 Giant Skeletons were buried in the Serpent Mounds in Ohio #gi...

25 Inches of Rain in 7 Hours/Miami/Massive Flooding

Check out the comment by I M Notamoose. 

NEIGHBOR was BEATING on Their DOG - While I was UNCOVERING this 120 YEAR...

Wow, incredible sidewalk, but the ending was the coolest part! You put that dog in, and he is wagging his tail right away, then the way your wife and daughter love you, and then the way that dog has grown so healthy and helping you...... You are a good man, thank you for being so loving and wonderful! I hope you live a long healthy, happy and wealthy life!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Canada, are you F**king SERIOUS with this?

This is the scary part... people willing to harm others in the name of doing good.... very frightening how many people have gotten killed over these sorts of folks, because they thought they were better.... many horrible things would not have happened if others were not willing to follow, and help.

Tuktu- 4- The Snow Palace (How to build a REAL Inuit igloo)

Modern Culture Is Traumatizing and NOT Normal! With Dr. Gabor Matรฉ

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Biden just begged Canada to do his dirty work in Haiti | Redacted with C...

I am sure my neighbors would love it if I went in with a few armed people and told them how to fix up their back yard.... because it is threatening to me if their decorations don't match mine.

The Cherokee language

Monday, April 10, 2023

Tuktu- 1- His Nice New Clothes (making clothes from animal skins)

CIA Is LIVID Over Saudi-Iran Peace Deal!

Ex-FBI agent who worked on secret 9/11 case says hijackers had a U.S-bas...

Wow, you can speak of it now?

Ring Sends the Police Your Nudes

Carol Burnett Reflects on Her Extraordinary Life & Turning 90: "I Still ...

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Christian Shoon 2022 [LEAK] Indigo Chi x YG Zxggy ~ My Life (prod. Bayzilian)

How NASA Tricked Us ALL: Apollo 13 UFOs

Flexible steel wire rope@CirqueduSoleil

Powerful man with incredible skill!

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Hidden History of Slavery Revealed - Villagers' Emotional Responses Will...

The Matrix lets us know we are in, the Secret teaches how to get out.

Friday, April 07, 2023

Russell Left The Rat Race to Find His Paradise in Huatulco, Oaxaca

Quitting Health Care: 300,000 Fled the Medical Field, Now Many More Are ...

Thursday, April 06, 2023

โ€œIโ€™ve never been a father beforeโ€ ๐Ÿฅบ #explore #shorts #reels

UK Sky watch NOT SEEN BEFORE! ALIEN SKIES! 2013, old school sky watch, l...

Gravitas: How did Japan find 7200 new islands?

Don't Be Scared It's All A Show - Alan Watts

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

THEY Dimmed The Sky Again Today Over My Garden

Chemtrails are real UN speech 2007, Katie Woodland:

This is on CNN, which is going to have bias, and USA, and Russia are doing things too, but it is one conversation, even if biased. China to expand weather modification program to cover area larger than India, James Griffiths 2020 link here:

A Big Career Change Announcement

OMG I was laughing so hard, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I see you went over the top, and I love it! Sometimes it seems like the whole thing is a comedy to me too, and it is so easy to see through. I am so glad you have found a path of freedom and still able to get your message out.
Thank you for showing this side of you, I never expected it at all and am so surprised, and I love you even more as a great person and doctor! I don't know if you will be able to top this now, but I am sure you will come up with something. I am sharing this with all I can. (I think part of what makes it even funnier is that I have watched you try so hard to get the truth out, and be so frustrated, and I even bet you have spent time crying, so this is like you reached a point of inner peace in some way, and it is so positive, blessings to you)!

(Its about AI) i tried to warn you

Yes, of course people will want to control the world and AI. I see it doing things that will make it so we are unable to tell what is going on because all the fake stuff will look real. It is like we are crawling into the machine ourselves.

Breaking News: Pentagon Media Briefing Unveils Shocking Update! New bases in Philippines

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Hang on! We knew about Covid WHEN???

Posted in the fall of 2019 to work in Ukraine on Covid-19!!! Wow!!!

After COVID-19, Time for the World to Brace for Deadly Marburg Virus? | ...

Monday, April 03, 2023

Why was this Sea in North America on Old Maps?

Hmmm, the natives knew about it, he says. 

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Israel Runs Worldโ€™s Biggest Medical Experiment On Its Own People

All hospitals and nursing homes in USA had to switch to electronic records, with people's information, for a few years ago. The facilities were first given bonuses, then fined when they did not comply. These have been hacked many times since, giving hackers social security numbers, addresses, family names, diagnosis, medication regimes, and history.

Narasimha Mantra

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Ukraine decries 'symbolic blow' as Russia assumes UNSC Presidency | Late...

China & Brazil DITCH The U.S. Dollar!

I have no idea if I will be able to eat in a while in the USA because of this, but it is something that needs to happen to save lives around the world. I love my beautiful country and so many people, but the sacrifices of lives for evil have to be stopped, and it seems like this is one of the most spiritual things happening on our planet! Americans could simply join in the love, if they want to. We could release the ones who vote to continue war, lies, suffering, from their roles and all continue with happy lives, and more hope for our children too!

Lawyer Who Took Dr. Fauci's Deposition Reveals Why It Shocked Him To Jim...

why are they showing us this, are they trying to make us feel that the government now cares about citizens?