Monday, January 22, 2024

Israel approves plan to transfer Gaza tax funds to Norway

Israel is going to be hiring people from different places around the world now rather than the Palestine's people, they are offering a lot of money for the jobs and have been reporting financial problems without the people from Palestine working for them. What slow torture by withholding money to people who it rightfully belongs. They use as many angles to bring problems to Palestine as possible. Most people have a hard time thinking that people who were mistreated and killed as a group and genocide was done to them would ever do that to another group of people.
It is important to understand that Zionist is an offshoot of Jewish people and is only recent, since the 1800s. There are also Christian Zionist and lots of both in USA and other countries. I pray for the occupation to end! I also pray for us all; we all need love and peace. This is a beautiful world we live in and there are so many loving wonderful people, and all living beings deserve to feel joy and peace and be able to feel safe from those who destroy and cause pain on purpose.


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