Thursday, June 29, 2023

Special Request From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Thousands Demonstrate in Ramstein Protesting against US Military Hegemony

Russian strike targeted NATO-Ukrainian deployment point at a hotel in Kr...

This report is so different from others I have seen, I believe this is the truth.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

How to Build Porch Steps - Composite Decking

Rubio: UFO Whistleblower, David Grusch, NOT THE ONLY ONE. More To Come: ...

The whole alien thing has no political party, and no country..... they are aliens from outside the earth. There are much more than one species, as per ex Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer (you can watch his videos on YouTube or buy his books), the situation is partially that there is fighting going on with some of the species, and USA military is working with some of those and some of them are in or running banks, businesses, which includes making an army for their own purposes, as per many such as Paul.
Our government does not want us to know, because they are the aliens who are fighting the others, the good ones.... the ones that have been trying to keep secrets are not the good ones, and they control everything at the present.....
This needs to be brought out to the people so we can defund this operation, and many of the other things they are doing that is basically causing destruction, killing, and a lot of pain and agony. Just take a few moments to think where did AI come from, GMO, computers, DNA replication, weapons like we have, weather modification, and so much more? Humans lived for many thousands of years without any of that.... where did it come from? A sudden jump in evolution?
If you look back at some of the amazing buildings from thousands of years ago, you can see evidence of advanced technology, and of wars where some were melted, or blasted to pieces, some believe the same thing happened on Mars. Have you heard about all the thousands of miles of tunnels where people lived in communities over many parts of the world? What was going on then?
Most of us are just trying to make sure our bills get paid; we don't want to be freaked out so bad we poop our pants over what the real situation is..... Yet, we must know..... Many Indigenous peoples have known about them and have stories of encounters, there are some that are good, and we should be working with them and say no to the dark ones doing horrible things here..... that is why it is a secret.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Circus bear is rescued from cage life. Guess his first reaction.

It is so amazing the way he communicates and even looks like he is smiling. Thank you everyone who helped this bear, and thank you for showing me this video!

Bram Stoker's Dracula [ 4K - HDR ] - Dracula Bites Lucy The First Time -...

This movie was so great, but I did not want the ending to be like it was.... ah well, I totally enjoyed it. In a way it made the romance so much hotter than it would have been for these women in a normal relationship.... which I found exciting too!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Australian Senator Claim: 30K Excess Deaths Caused by mRNA Vax. Calls Fo...

Shelter dog realizes he’s been adopted

What a beautiful and good dog! I hope everything works out for him and his new family! 

Heart Surgeon: You’ve Been LIED TO About Cholesterol & Heart Disease | D...

Police prepare for permitless carry, which takes effect July 1 in Florida

Chief Eason provides a well crafted response to what I consider a shopworn question. Florida will become the 26th State in the Union to legalize permitless carry. Had any of the other 25 States become " the wild west ", we'd be hearing about that every day from any number of vapid, liberally biased news outlets. Safe to say that isn't the case. Congrats to the people of Florida, you now have the legal ability to fully exercise your 2A rights. With that right comes responsibility, please take that seriously.

Mel Gibson’s views on Donald Trumps wall

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Stone House in Mount Pelion, by Dimitris Philippitzis

What a beautiful home and such a unique way to do this video!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Her baby was decapitated during childbirth

Laura has a wonderful idea here, such a loving comfort she has. Probably many mothers and fathers too would like this idea! Blessings to her!

UFOs - Truth, Lies & Coverup (Session 3) | The Citizen Hearing on UFO Di...

Held at the National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013.

Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks...

Friday, June 23, 2023

National Weather Service explains why there have been so many tornadoes ...

More rain than years in Colorado, and in Wisconsin is a drought. 62023

Supreme Court's ruling on immigration | FOX 5 News

Ten billion, where is that money actually going? Homeless and those seeking asylum should be able to have food and housing with that amount or get someone in there that knows how to spend wisely!

Sleep Paralysis caught on Camera (again)

Read the comments to this video to learn more. I have had this and for most of them, I was horrified, but some people talk about learning how to enjoy them! 

Thursday, June 22, 2023


This is quite a beautiful video.

BREAKING NEWS: Lauren Boebert Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against...

Amazing! And, her hair looks fabulous too! But, not a word about all the money from all sorts of illegal activities for his family and himself. The border is nothing compared to all the other things he has done. This actually is a fear tactic to distract from reality! I am upset that nothing is said about all the other things.

1977 Superweapons | Particle Beam | General George Keegan | Cold War |This We...

It is funny that he talks like USA does not have or are working on this. Here we are in 2023.

LRAD - Long Range Acoustic Hailing Devices

Non-Lethal Weapon: Active Denial System (ADS)

The comments have some interesting information. This was tested on people if you research, but the comments say more.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

ALL Hell The Real BPEarthWatch maneuvers

Missing Titanic sub: Underwater noises heard mid-search

This seems connected with a new sub port in the artic, here is some information: Nation’s First Deep Water Arctic Port Will Expand Cruises To Nome
June 20, 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Rand Paul RIPS Bill Gates, Fauci Gain-of-Function Research As 'BIGGEST D...

Downtown business owners push for better resources for homeless people

To help USA be strong, more money needs to be spent on things like social issues, and less on the war machine, and paying back the federal reserve with interest for money we borrowed from them.

Strong winds in China blow away restaurant staff holding onto canopy

This is funny and horrifying at the same time! I am glad no one was killed! Probably some interesting scientific studies can be done from the increase in hormones and other chemical levels in that guy with the grey shirt that will cure some terrible disease!

UFO Whistleblower Testimony CONFIRMED By Secret Congressional Briefings:...

Minutes after reported Near West Side shooting, crowds twerk & taunt cops

I burst out laughing! I can't believe the comments on here like a group of people who have no sense of humor and think they are better than anyone. The crowd is mostly people not doing anything wrong. The city just had a great celebration, people are making their way home slowly. The cops aren't bothered, look at the one next to the car. Even the newsman was trying hard not to laugh.

Putin’s War Has Emptied West’s Arsenals, Admits NATO Chief; Says “Stocks...

I don't believe this at all.

623 This Storm Will Literally Hit Different…

Monday, June 19, 2023

Home Equity Theft - Supreme Court Ruling

Work underway to remove dams along Klamath River after effort from tribes

The ‘wettest place in England’ is now completely dry

WOW! Is THIS Why We Were Really Taught To Hate Russia??

'All-Hands On Deck': Submarine Taking Tourists To See Titanic Goes Missi...

Strange, and hopefully was not an implosion. 

(Redacted) People are being killed over this - UFO whistleblowers EXPOSE the deep s...

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Cracking the AC Code! How She Found the Holy Grail of Van Cooling: The B...

Possible chemical attack leaves crops useless at Ruzycki Farms in Jones,...

I think this is getting the information messed up, like when they said what was at area 51 was a weather balloon. I don't believe someone sprayed this mans crop, it is something more than that and they don't want us to know what it is.... But, it is possible that it is a overspray or in the manure of use of herbicides as is mentioned in the comments, because I looked them up, and it seems no sane person should be using them.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Stoney Nakoda Winter Feast

Friday, June 16, 2023

US airman indicted over leak of military secrets


Young Healthy Adults Continue To Keel Over, This Is Supposedly Normal

OMG that is freaky as heck... look at how he shakes before he falls, then the way his hands are curled under.... geeze.... I honestly do not know what the cause of this is, but I did see a woman with low blood sugar act just like this about 25 years ago, it was horrifying too!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

I built my own social housing: the rise of Chile's 'half-houses' | How W...

Albuquerque man believes mysterious peacock is his late wife

I love this! I would believe it too!

FOO FIGHTERS?, Remember this = 3rd June UFO Buzzes Red Arrows at Queens ...

Recent video, great music and footage! 

Dracula Encounters Mina | Bram Stoker's Dracula | Creature Features

Read the comments. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

San Diego City Council approves homeless encampment ban

More and more of these are happening.... yikes. 

LA's Chinatown takes in migrants bussed from Texas

Some people have so much anger in these comments. These people and the homeless are both groups that need help, there is no reason to take out frustrations on anyone. How many of those people that make negative comments are actually trying to help either group, or anyone in your community? Many are still even angry at American oriental people. How is the world going to get better when anger does nothing to help anyone? I am happy to see people at a place where they can feel safer than their own countries. And, I pray for us all to be creative and keep our hearts open. Love is the only way.

Lab Leak 100%? Covid ‘Patients Zero’ Were WUHAN LAB Docs Doing GAIN-OF-F...

Hmmmm, USA backed, lol. Hugs to all who this affected in any negative way... which is basically us all! This stuff still is very frightening!

Legendary Actress Shirley MacLaine: ‘Life Is Just One Big Performance’ |...

The line.... ".... oh, I wouldn't say that, but I always keep out of the sun." hahahahahaha. I do love Shirley's movies and opinions, she is fun!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

6/23 Canada Under ATTACK? Wildfires IGNITE Simultaneously in CLEARSKIES

Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths?

The amount of pressure was intense, we should never forget that and we should not ever judge people for getting or not getting it. I felt shaky and wasn't sure of what to do at times, I even almost recommended it to a few of my family members who are overweight because I was afraid for their lives... but, I didn't. I have two family members who did get it, one wanted it, and the other wanted to keep his job, everyone else didn't.
I was actually more afraid of the injection than the virus. Oddly, I am an old lady, and never got the virus even though I worked in health care, I never got the injection either because of allergies to polyethylene glycol I got a Dr. excuse, but everyone else did, and no one had to go to the hospital, although there were a few who felt a little short of breath and everyone lost their sense of smell, otherwise like a normal flu that didn't feel good for a few days. My co-workers that got the injection felt like they were going to die they said when they got the virus.... and they were also shocked that they got it after getting the injection.
Also we were all surprised about the issues the women were having with their menstruation changing after the injection, that really terrified me when they started noticing it and talking. What else I noticed was how many complained about breathing problems, me included, from wearing the masks we were told we had to wear. They have since discovered that tiny fibers from those masks go into peoples lungs.
Probably one of the worst things that happened is how much people got angry at others, were frightened, quit talking to family and friends, some couldn't visit loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals, and the amount of common sense that people seemed to lose, to the point of knowing things didn't make sense, but still following along or simply not standing up and speaking out loud about it all. (and then there is the shut down of those who did).

The Height 611 UFO crash in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia on Januar...

Gold filaments inside of quartz filaments

Monday, June 12, 2023

Wildfires starting at same time 623 MrMBBB333 Something just didn't LOOK right here!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Vehicle fire causes I-95 collapse in northeast Philadelphia l WNT

What is the full story? I will have to look. Sometimes I think they need to reassure us that gas fire can cause a structure to collapse.... because some of us have a difficult time with the notion of that happening under a fire on skyscrapers..... even ones that were not a direct hit....

Engineer at Johns Hopkins University reacts to I-95 collapse in Philly

What is the full story? I will have to look. Sometimes I think they need to reassure us that gas fire can cause a structure to collapse.... because some of us have a difficult time with the notion of that happening under a fire on skyscrapers..... even ones that were not a direct hit....

ABANDONED $4 MILLION 15th Century Mansion ~ EVERYTHING Left Inside!!!

I would like to know more about the family that lived there, and how you found out they left in 2003. That place has less dust than my house! Thank you for the lovely video! It looks almost like there was a sewing business, and that the covers are left intentionally for people to see the machines, as well as many things looked like they were left out intentionally to make a mood.... like a book here and there.... a vase with dried flowers here and there.... Thank you!

Pilots and ATC personnel pressured into silence to report UFO sightings,...

(for testing of satellites) Why are these mysterious symbols all over the desert? 🤔

Read comments, more information about the truth. Burned to the Ground: the Canadian village incinerated by record tempera...

Comments below the video: 
1 day ago (edited)
Lytton, British Columbia fire was started by a Canadian Railway Train that had sparks flying from it's wheels as it sped through the town area. There is documented video footage that clearly shows this event happening. The documentary shown here is wrong to say that the town fire was a result of record temperatures. Further to add to the fire "once it was started by the CN train" was the lack of response from the provincial government to provide honest protection. There is a cover-up happening and the story is being whitewashed by such stories as this. Do your research and reveal the truth!!! The provincial parties responsible rely on news agencies like the Guardian to reinforce this lies. 
Further to this story is that Lytton is an town made up of Indigenous people

15 hours ago
yes .. promoting climate change crisis

13 hours ago
There was a freight car of lumber on a train that was on fire several miles south of town just after this fire started so it's obvious that this fire was started by that train.

We bought the island and renovate it, Clean up the Abandoned house the w...

There was no way I was going to watch this whole video, but I did because it is so beautiful and interesting, thank you for inspiring me!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Who is the oldest civilization in the world? (One of the oldest) #history #shorts

My husband's favorite recipe! He asks me to cook it almost every day! Si...

Yum! Potatoes, beef, cheese, eggs, milk, pepper, tomato, green onion, onion and spices make this delicious combo! 

The Hegeler Carus Mansion: A Hidden Gem in Illinois

ALIEN BODIES! Video evidence of U.S. held UFO handed over to journalists...

Hopi Apache dance

I have never seen them dance with guns, I love it!

Friday, June 09, 2023

Voices led him into getting trapped behind Landmark Theatre walls

This man doesn't sound like there is anything wrong with him, except he hears voices. What was he trying to hide, and what happened to that?

Homeboy just bombs into traffic...

I thought it was going to be the truck.... shock! I just went through more emotions than I have all week....

Passage of Portland’s daytime homeless camp ban met with skepticism

I don't see this as an answer. I do understand that no one wants to deal with a lot of people using drugs and alcohol outside of businesses, I get that too. There needs to be a place to be able to set the tents up, that is legal areas, I am sure there are parking lots, or someplace that would work so they do not have to take those tents up and down every day and would be out of the way of others doing their businesses. Not all the homeless are having addiction problems, and many are elderly. We can be both sensible and compassionate at the same time.

The terrifying way to know how and when you'll die | 60 Minutes Australia

Trump indicted on 37 felony charges in classified documents probe

Meanwhile..... what ever happened to .... oh geeze where do I start? All those who lied about things that put every country on the planet (almost) in a lockdown and economic downward spiral, and ended up harming so many healthwise? or.... people who lied about needing to go kill millions in other countries?..... or.... those who keep housing prices so that people can't live in them, including Hawaii? and on and on..... I mean... this is really a minor thing, and considering that every president did the same thing since the 1960's or so... for whatever reason..... we are chasing shadows here.....

(Jimmy) NATURAL or MANMADE? Impossible Ancient Ruins Uncovered in North America?...

Bright Insight 62023

Thursday, June 08, 2023

History is made up.Everything that happened before 1860 is hidden from u...

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Announces Probe Into Uptick In Chronic Illnesses In...

it is an ad, but it is right

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

6723 smoke from Canada Something Apocalyptic is Happening in NYC...

Kumari Kandam 🤯History

623 Earthquakes in NC: Expert explains what's going on in western North Caro...

623 Canadian wildfires are affecting air quality in Tri-State

623 Canada wildfires leads to air quality alerts in US, smoky haze witnessed...

6/23 Canadian wildfires send dangerous smoke to Minnesota

623 Smoke From Canadian Wildfires Spreads to NYC

623 'Choking Him Out': Over 200 Wildfires Burning In Canada, Smoke And Haze ...

Why are wildfires raging in Canada's Nova Scotia? 623

Mysterious COVID strain found in central Ohio

This is one of the creepiest things I have heard in a long time, they are able to track where you go to the bathroom, and who you are related to... through DNA...... wow, I am feeling like I need to stop going to the bathroom!

Lava Tube Volcanoes National Park

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Here’s How Both Parties Just Came Together To Screw YOU!

June 2023 budget information. 

Monday, June 05, 2023

Witch trials: The women accused of being 'agents of Satan' - BBC News

Let's go camping, it will be fun! Or so they said.. #vanlife

Hahahahaha! I love this! The one just coming toward you like, oh boy, daddies' home! I have never seen anything like this on any of the nomadic or camping videos I have watched. This is so freaking hilarious.

Woman Attacks People at Tompkins Square Park - MANHATTAN

I have not seen that many people together in the park for a long time, and I have to say it was lovely to look around. People mostly left her but helped when she tried to harm someone. I think she needed to go to jail, I mean, something wrong was going on and she needed to be safe, or get away, and had no other way to do it. Besides the problems from her, it looked like a beautiful place with nice people all over. I would like to visit!

Sunday, June 04, 2023

White House on alert after 2 aviation incidents

So they know he was passed out, even though they never communicated with him? One boom, but two planes? Unable to find the plane?

F-16s intercept jet plane over Washington DC, the plane "CRASHES." I am ...

What the F kind of BS is this piece of news? Video captures sonic boom caused by fighter jets being scrambled

What the F kind of BS is this piece of news? Do you believe it was what they are saying? Hahahahahaha Now they can't find the crashed plane?

Lights in the sky? Business owner reacts to seeing her theater closed due to Davenport bui...

Lights at 1:02 in the sky... 

Saturday, June 03, 2023

YouTube is Now "Pay To Play"

I haven't seen you in my feed for probably over a year..... and it is so great to see you again! I like your information, and this is very interesting. Those jerks are doing what a lot of companies are doing, there has to be a profit no matter what. Once, everyone could get paid, no matter how many subscribers or hours we got. There are other channels that many are going to. This seems like a method to eliminate those who actually speak the truth.... that is frightening.

Eric Idle - "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" - STEREO HQ

This whole movie is hilarious, if you don't get offended, lol. 

MS-13 gang members accused of killing 15-year-old boy

This story has nothing to do with USA trying to help people that want to come here legally, these people came illegally, so it would not have mattered what is being done at the border, they are criminals... It is a push to play with your emotions..... also, they did not attack US citizens.... they were after the boy who was already hanging out with them, he must have messed up a lot to have them do this to him.

Friday, June 02, 2023

(2/6) Basketry: Coil-Weaving with Sedges ~ Getting Started w/ The Urban-Abo

I am going to try this. I have many of these in my yard that I have been trimming down, they are very invasive, and if I can turn them into something beautiful, it will be fun!

Mile-long RV encampment symbolizes growing housing crisis in Bay Area

I have a house, and after raising a family, I have many times thought about living just like this. If I don't pay my property tax, I lose the house I paid off, so I never really own it. Heat bills are expensive, and many other things. I am on retirement and would have more money if I was living in an RV. To me, these are nice little homes. These though, cost a lot to drive around due to low gas mileage. I think it is great they have trash pick-up, toilets, hand washing stations, so these people can live with some dignity. I see this as a great alternative. Land also is getting more and more expensive, and many places won't allow people to camp on their own land more than a few weeks or months. Love to us all!

The WHO Is Staging A Global Power Grab & No One’s Doing Anything!

Second part of WHO with Jimmy Dore 

The WHO Is Completely Compromised ADMITS WHO Director

A taste of honesty! This is completely freaky! Thank you! I love you all Jimmy and crew!

A.I.'s Open Letter to Humanity | Written & Read by A.I.

It is the deception that is alarming to me, since media have already been shown to be deceptive to serve the purposes of a few, and with the super AI not understanding the tricks of humans, will follow the orders it is programmed to do, with even better results than they thought of...... Humans react to emotional visuals and sounds, and we can easily think we are witnessing something, when it could be completely made up, and then cause a reaction, such as violence because we believe we would be doing something good.....

Tina Turner - Mother Within (Heavenly Home) - 'Beyond'

Tina Turner Lotus Sutra Purity of Mind 2H Meditation

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Epstein’s Black Book REVEALED: Chris Rock, Richard Branson, OTHERS Assoc...

What is the point of investigation if nothing is going to happen, it's like a drama movie for the citizens to watch, to have their time occupied learning about a world where we are all being manipulated in one way or another........ Once Epstein was out of the picture, someone must have taken over.... right?

Beware of Homosexuals!

It's kind of funny, how in 1961 this was not only considered a mental illness, but an extreme danger to young men, compared to some of today's (2023) standards. There were a series of these made. I don't think they made any for girls, to watch out for predators, or for all kids to be careful of abusive people, and sex traffickers, and pedophiles. 

Police Dog Bites Cop For Attacking Teenager

I gotta say I love that dog! He has the ethics of a warrior angel!