Thursday, November 30, 2023

(died from attacks from Israeli on Gaza) Hamas' Shocking Claim On 'Dead' Israeli Hostages; 'Refused To Accept...'...

What the heck is going on with the women standing around Netanyahu? I mean look at their eyes and expressions, very weird!

Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out

This is from 2006! Geeze.... many people are now finally waking up to this, me included, in 2023.... perhaps now we can finally change things for the better for the Palestine's! The great thing here is that these young men have hearts and know what is being done is wrong, which makes them good guys and means that there is not one whole group of evil people in their country, that is refreshing!

Former Israeli soldier says Israel is making everyone less safe

This video is from before the Oct. 7, 2023, incident. Bravo for having a consciousness and courage to try to improve things for humans.

Breaking the Silence: Israeli Soldiers Come Clean

Wow, 2015 is when this video was made, it is now 2023 and people are finally becoming aware around the world of what is going on. Thank you for love and courage in speaking up and caring about humanity and your own hearts!

PANIC! Thousands CANCEL Disney+ After Elon Says “Go F*** Yourself!" to B...

What fun we are having now! For a minute, I thought Elon was going the other way. Good news! Wasn't Disney the company, or one of the companies that didn't want Sound of Freedom to be shown?

Hostages THANK Hamas For Compassionate Treatment!

I hope Israel does not punish this mother and her family! Thank you, Jimmy, for sharing!

Israel could not behave like it does without the support - MEP Mick Wallace

Yes, the experiment didn't work, and it is time to fix it for humanity's sake. We all need to evolve to a place where we treat everyone as true humans and with dignity.

Families of Israelis held in Gaza condemn member of Knesset’s call for d...


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Burn Back Better! Perfect Crime or Perfect Storm? Lahaina Fire Survivors...

SHOCKING Footage Of Gaza Destruction!

When most humans see what war can do... they don't like it... let's remember and find a way to stop doing it! Love to all!

Selling LAHAINA Real Estate - The first FIRE SALE

Gaza Girl Thanks Putin For Saving Her Life After Hamas Praises Him, Free...

Amidst the horror, good things still are happening, wonderful!

Palestine: 50 Years Of Occupation: Former Israeli soldiers reveal army m...

What a refreshing outlook! Thank you both!

Hamas Invites Elon Musk To Gaza After His Lecture From Israel; 'Come And...

Elon is treated like he is a diplomat or even a god when he is someone with a lot of money and controls something that can open or close doors. It seems like someone told him about the incredible power of the Mossad.

Israel Is Building A $55 BILLION Canal Through Gaza!

What? Hmmm. 

Maui Alert LIVE News Report

Thank you! Bravo! I love the chickens in the background too.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Elon Musk EXPOSES HIMSELF in Israel 🇮🇱

Just because we see what truth is, there is no reason to change or lose hope ourselves. We have to live with ourselves and are responsible for what we do. Stay focused, stay loving, stay just, this action has nothing with what you do and who you are! Love to all!

Israeli businesses suffer from Gaza attack

That guy with the shovel they set up in the beginning of the video cracks me up, he is like... ok, is that enough? how about that? hahahahaha...... They are suffering because the Palestine's from the West Bank are unable to do cheap labor for them.... hahahahahaha I am sure that is ruining their economy.... in war, someone is making money! shows how to stay safe at family get togethers

This is so empowering to anyone, and you are not talking specifically about anything bad, keeping it light, but giving those who need help some encouragement to stand for themselves and potentially prevent further problems! Love to you all! I am going to share with everyone I know! OMG I love this!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Video-THEY don't want us to see this! Russian soldiers saving wounded Uk...

Love you for showing this! There are probably so many little things that happen everywhere that will never be recorded, a few know and that is the way life is. I remember a story by a soldier I knew who told me he was in Germany and went around a corner and came face to face with the enemy, they were both holding a gun on each other. Once they looked each other in the eyes, they could not shoot each other, so they shook hands and separated. Love to all.

Israeli official warns Palestinians about celebrating the release of pri...

I can't believe CNN is reporting this.... and this is horrible! (They took some of that lady's liver and a kidney.... to sell and grow probably) ..... Now, let's report on the almost 500,000 Americans sitting in jail awaiting trial....

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel leads thousands in pro-Palestine march...

This is Fantastic! We are truly on a new path I believe! Bravo to humans! We want peace and love for our planet and each other!!!! Love to all of you!

Israeli soldier brags about looting a silver necklace from Gaza

Pitiful he has grown up to be possessed by demons rather than have a soul and heart, he has been overridden and is buried deep within. I hope he finds a way out and takes over those demons before he dies.

Palestinian girl who lost her leg in Israeli attack dreams of returning ...

This poor girl, you can see so many places she was also burned or hit with shrapnel or something, it must have been unbelievably painful. I hope nothing more that is bad happens to her and her family. I hope for happiness, love and health!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

(I put this up just because the flying machine, I would not buy from this company) 180 Acres of MONTANA Land for Sale with Creek • LANDIO

Those flying things I first saw on Mars on this channel: TheRealJimmyRoberts1 This land is expensive to me, but some might find it ok. The comments below seem to show that the company is difficult to reach if there is a problem.

The Fall | Ukraine Lost More Than A Million People | The Greatest Storm....

Weather modification is a real thing. Thank you, Dima, for all your information!

Father speaks out after nearly falling prey to AI phone scam using son's...

This is super freaky!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Gen Z girl has MELTDOWN about REAL LIFE

It sucks for anyone. Now that I finally retired at 69, I feel like I sacrificed my life and missed so many times with my family, children who are now adults with kids, that I didn't see much either.... It is not the way humans should live, she is right, and we need to realize that! The children are also put through it from the minute they have day-care.... we are keeping people from their natural state, which is being around our families!

Friday, November 24, 2023

A child from Gaza is happy with the quiet skies

A beautiful child! Love to him. Love to us all!

U.S. Marine Makes Undeniable Case For Hamas!

Thank you, and he is right. Things have just gotten worse for Palestine. It is time we change and good that some things are improving, people's awareness is the best thing right now!

Maui 911 Calls During Lahaina Fire

Remember this? they still need us! It is now November 2023, and I am hearing these for the first time. It is very weird to hear the calls and how calm some people were after I watched many videos of inside the cars and others and how it looked and how frightening it was, and the callers are mostly very calm and polite. A lot of comments are accusing the dispatch of being rude, but I hear a lot of trying to keep people calm, and I think there was a lot of confusion about what exactly was going on. I mean.... what do you tell someone who is saying they can't get out and are surrounded by fire....
There is so much more that could have been done to get those roads open though and get more out! I do see there is a lot of neglect that happened with not enough water, no power, no sirens, on and on and on..... but there are others that are trying to help each other, and lots of fear and confusion.... this is a situation that does need more investigation, and some money to the survivors ASAP.
As the calls are coming in, it is really painful to see the path of the fires and how some places are not touched at all, some right in the middle of, or right next to flattened places.... very suspicious, I do have eyes of my own to see what I see no matter what the final conclusion is.

(My thoughts below) Dublin knife attack leaves three children injured | BBC News

Why does it matter what the persons skin color was or where they are from? Every country has its own people harming each other and Ireland is no exemption, including physical abuse and rapes of children. The important thing it seems to me in this story is that he was stopped by people, and so far, those stabbed are alive! The public did a great job helping quickly! Love to them for all they did.

(Man who saw child) Shock in Dublin as three young children stabbed near school

Horrible incident 112323 in Dublin. 

bold Barbados pm calls Israel assault on Gaza - a televised genocide

With the horrors we are witness to, many have learned a lot they did not know, me included, about the horrible history of how the Zionist way came about, and has become a monster to many including other Jewish peoples, and how the taking of the land of Palestine to form Israel included killing many and stealing their lands, and years of oppression, beatings, torture, jailings and more killings and taking of more land. The world is now awake.... for this moment. Yes, there are other horrible things happening that also need healing.... but this is mass sadistically blowing families to pieces, starving them, bringing illness and emotional scars to all of them, that may never heal, and resulting with many angered at the leaders who are doing this.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tony Washington

Great tribute to Tony! I am an old lady but can appreciate you having fun! Did you have to stay up for days until that fire burnt down?

(This video doesn't say much, but the man in the hat is interesting to me) SECRETS BEHIND AREA 51 | Ancient Aliens | #Shorts

I think
 I know the man in the hat... I think it is Harald Kautz Vella. He talks about a lot of interesting things like Black Goo. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

TURNING POINT: 1929 Palestinian riots

1929 Palestinian Riots, interesting piece of history. 

Over 100 dead Palestinians buried in mass grave in Khan Younis

Just a while ago they were enjoying meals with their families and listening to each other laughing and talking. We are all connected as humans, we all can feel this.... I send love and healing and strength to carry on living and may we find a way to love and live ethically with each other.

Gaza workers in Israel fleeing into the occupied West Bank

What a horrible situation! I lost my ID in USA once and it was very difficult time to do anything... now these workers have their information gone, probably houses destroyed, they will have to prove who they are, no one will know what ever happened to them if they die, they will not be able to do so many things... at least they can communicate with loved ones for now. Love to them all.

How to Pronunce Jannah (جنة) in Arabic -

Similar meaning as heaven or paradise. 

Palestinian father’s goodbye to his children killed by Israeli attacks

He says, "this is the soul of my soul!" It does not matter when this video was taken, or where, what matters is children die and get injured in wars, families get torn apart, and people love each other and are devastated by such horrible events. We as humans, and animals feel the same loss and pain. I cried watching this loving father still communicating and giving so much love in this farewell. I hope we as humans become more humane and I send blessings to this man and his family and all people.

Trip to Elko from Phoenix September 2023

My son made this video of our trip out west in September 2023! I had a great time with him, and we saw so many wonderful things! 

Vatican Lied About Jesus' Life! ✨ Dolores Cannon

Thank you very much. I love Dolores!

Mystery Dog Illness Potentially Fatal and Spreading

Hmmmm, thank you! Great information at the end, highly appreciated!

'Israel Supported Hamas': Saudi Prince Rips Netanyahu For Allowing Qatar...

The music in this is fantastic! A Saudi Prince close to de facto ruler Mohammed Bin Salman is very interesting to listen to.

South Africa President Warns Israel - Ceasefire Now or Else !!

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa bravo! Did anyone else ever think about how many leaders of countries around the world are able to speak fluently in more than one language, unlike leaders in USA? That seems to be one amazing example of how the USA education is lacking behind other countries.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Hasidic Jews dancing at a Jewish wedding. #Israel

These Jewish people are Anti-Zionist, interesting read link Haredim and Zionism - Wikipedia

Miko Peled - Son of Israeli General

Short clip from an author and speaker who is attempting to let people know the truth. 

We Helped Hamas To Build Bunkers Decades Ago, Says Ex Israeli PM Ehud Ba...

BASHAR Predicts HUMANITY'S Coming Great SHIFT in 2024! Prepare Yourself ...

Thank you both and Bashar too for this wonderful conversation that seemed to open some of my doors in my mind and heart!

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Internet Is LOSING ITS MIND Over How TMZ Obtained THIS Footage

Great video! I don't like spying and thought it seems suspicious when there was so much advertising via the media by showing footage of how Ring saved someone's life and subtly getting people to think they needed one. Naturally this is just another layer, I mean if your phone and computer can get hacked.... well.... Do you remember Edward Snowden talking about these things on our phones and devices way back when and is living in Russia for talking about the government doing it? It has been available to anyone that can get in for years, even when your camera is off. And then there are satellites....

Palestinian man trembles as he tries to reach his friend after Israeli a...

The amount of love and caring I see for others is overwhelming me towards the beautiful Palestinians. It is striking the difference in their displays of emotion compared with the USA, land of anger and coldness. I hope his friends are alright, and I hope this young man also survives, and his family, and his friends. They probably all need a good night's sleep, water, food and some quiet so badly!

Scenes of Palestine, 1945 [AI Colorized, Denoised, Sharpened, Upscaled, ...

The signs in English remind me that the British had control then. The remarkable way the land looks so beautiful! The amazing difference in cultures and clothing all together! The way I could smell that food cooking! The wonderful way people are looking at each other rather than their little tv phones! The music made it very emotional! Thank you.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

After we contacted Social Security, the people in our story were told th...

The story was interviews with people that had gotten overpayments from Social Security and were told they had to pay that back, amounting to thousands of dollars. OMG that is fabulous for those people, and it is amazing that it is a government agency that suddenly changed their rules or whatever because you called. That actually means that anyone else in this situation should also get theirs waived! And probably all those that did pay back, should have a refund! Thank you for your work! I am quite amazed still!

Anthony Bourdain shocked by this in Punjab, India (Anthony Bourdain Part...

1947 when the British left.... same timeline with another country.... wow, interesting.

Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines ...Congresswoman MTG Holds Hearing on

Myth Of "Western Civilization" Destroyed In 2 Minutes By U.N. Palestini...

Francesca Albanese address to the United Nations General Assembly about warmongering and pretending. This is a short address and worth listening to, and then to think about. Let's find different ways of living and allowing others to live as well. Thank you, Jimmy and Kurt!

Now Even the BBC Is Seeing Through Israel’s Lies

(Flat Earth Meaning) A Message to Humanity... Game Over

Very cool message!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

(Dutchsinse) How to forecast an earthquake -- TEXT VERSION -- Fundamental Principles

Anonymous Official in this video So, This is How They Control The Weather... (and all of us) talks about how he has been covering earthquakes. Nov 18, 2023.

(Microwave Radiation information) So, it is all planned and known in advance...

Dr. Steven Greer: "It's happening again and I got it on film..." PREPARE...

Thank you.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Artificial Rain For Delhi Pollution; How Rain Will Be Made & Will It Hav...

There was a time when people who talked about this were considered conspiracy theorists even though it was talked about with the government and is not to be used in warfare. Also, there is much more that can be done, for example.... flooding.... keeping the weather cold or hot.... drought with the use of desiccants.... intense winds and even earthquakes and fires. It is all available if you research, but a lot has also been censored out... so keep digging, use different words, keep interested and curious.

Antony Loewenstein: Israel Is Testing New Weapons on Gaza as Arms Dealer...

This is so frightening and disgusting at the same time. May we find a way to stop these evil actions.... I have no idea how, but still hope!

(I do not agree with what she says) Columbia University student Noa Fay, speech at the Israel rally in Washi...

She is not just Jewish; her body is an example of being able to see past skin color and love each other. It is time we get along and love rather than try to control and harm each other. Clearly her ancestors have gotten along and loved other peoples, and that is how people evolve and become strong. This is a time to end the anger and separations, we are all humans and deserve to be treated fairly. We all want our families to be healthy, educated, housed, with rights to live and speak freely as long as we do not cause harm.

Video of 'nurse' denouncing Hamas occupation of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaz...

Wow, what great visuals in this report, thank you for the information from USA! These things are making it harder and harder to trust the news, even when something is pointed out as fake, lol..... Thank you again!

Palestinian paramedic breaks down while cheering rescued baby

Love and blessings! Wow... the beautiful baby brought him back to a normal person for a moment rather than a tough rock that can handle anything! The one closer to the front also picks up the child and tries to keep it warm and blows it a kiss, so sweet! Most of us would not be able to handle more than a few minutes of what these amazing medical people do! Thank you and may the creator hold your hand at all times! Thank you, all medical workers, and blessings upon us all....

TikTok bans content promoting Bin Laden's 'Letter to America'

Remember when USA stood for freedom of speech! Look up in lumenlearning The United States and the Mujahideen, where USA gave them $3billion.... Osama became part of that group... . This stuff goes into darkness for those who have not heard. It seems like people might want to look quickly before it all gets taken down.

Gaza hospital workers scrambling to save newborn babies

Human bodies react to stress just like any animals, some animals will even absorb the babies back into their bodies, but not humans, and the stress will also increase risks of more health problems due to lower immunities. As horrible as this is, I am glad it is being shown because war is horrible and people need to understand why we need to come to better ways to work together, as humans, we need to have empathy and wisdom, love and peace. We can come to a better place if we work together and want it. Love to all!

Worse Than Hell: Dr. Mads Gilbert Decries Israeli Military Raid on Al-Sh...

I don't know what else to do for the Palestine people but to pray, and keep sending them strength, love and peace. I am so full of emotion.... such beautiful people, and some of the world's best educated being blown up just makes my bones ache. All the times we have been told lies and these kinds of horrors have been going on with money from our taxes makes me puke to think about..... Now is the time to loudly say enough is enough! Love to all of us!

Gaza health director refuses Israeli army’s request during phone call be...

I salute this doctor, I wouldn't have wanted to go down either, for the same reasons he said. 

First child death from the flu early in the season in Arizona

They say that last year, 80% of kids that got the flu it didn't have the vaccine, so that means that 20% did. 
I remember when people were concerned about the ingredients causing problems later on.  The ingredients can be found at the CDC website titled:  Vaccines for Your Children   Parents Vaccine Ingredients. If you don't know what they are, please look them up. 
The CDC also has another webpage about flu vaccine Side Effects that is important to read titled: Influenza (Flu) Flu Vaccine Safety Information
It is important that we advocate for ourselves and our families and make choices with knowledge. One of the strains that have been in the vaccine has been considered not needed and will be taken out, that information is on the CDC site also.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Gen-Z SHOCKED by Bin Laden's "Letter To America" 21 years after publicat...

People have found out something. 

M&S Xmas Ad Sparks Controversy with Imagery hinting Israel Burning Gaza

Wow, quite profound!

Israel has allowed a single truck carrying about 24,000 litres of diesel...

Emotional torture.

U.K. Prime Minister’s Family Raking In BILLIONS From Gaza Oil

This is not only sickening, it makes me want to cry!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Briahna Joy Gray: Mainstream Media Is COMPLICIT In Israel's LIES About Gaza

I am sad to see you two with so much tension over this, but it is happening all over, in people's homes and workplaces. I agree with Briahna Joy Gray and want to say thank you for your research and courage! I also see Robby is deeply emotional over the situation and I hope both of you find peace within and together. Love to us all!

DEBUNKING the IDF’s Alleged Hamas Tunnels: Exposing the Truth Behind Mis...

Wow.... .... Um.... (Why would there be an elevator there though? Unless the plan was for a future building, or maybe one was once there?) The curtains against the wall in the waiting room, or nursing room help make the basement look more appealing... it is a decorating trick that lots of people do, it does look nice, doesn't it? If there were bullet holes on that motorcycle where he pointed out, that is the gas tank under there and it would have blown up. The catch of weapons is less than school shooters have... , ok so maybe it is more, but it is not much to use for a war, for sure. Who knows what IDF did before they filmed this comedy of a evidence video. I love that you say mockery Kim. Those tunnels were never built out of sight of the Israelites unless they were made before 1948, because Palestine has been monitored since at least then.

IDF Publishes Evidence of Weapons found inside Gaza's Shifa Hospital’s M...

Did you ever see cops set a person up by placing items in their car or house, many have gotten arrested for that... it is easy to do. After they blast the heck out of the hospital, then go through everything they show proof.... hmmmm. I do not trust this as any evidence of anything but an excuse for the damage that was done to the hospital. That medical stuff in bags was not enough to last an hour... just saying. How did they clear the patients and medical staff?

House members visibly shaken, 'gutted' after seeing 10/7 footage

Do people realize that Israel killed thousands of Palestine's in order to take the land they now call Israel? They killed them, tortured them, destroyed their houses, orchards and fields and some they made leave to anywhere. Their assaults continued and grew worse and worse over time, do people realize that? Do people know that Hamas was started by Israel to fight the PLO? There is a vicious game going on here..... it is like walking into a conversation after it started 20 minutes ago and not having any idea what happened before you walked in. Learn the truth.... I do not agree with killing of anyone... but the truth is important.

Human Shields

Perfect! And, also incredibly sad... but a great parody!

(I put this here to watch, too tired tonight) Israel is NOT a Jewish Nation, It's a Nation With Lots of Jews (and not ...

(Dutchsinse) 11/14/2023 -- The End

OMG, you inspired me very many years ago, when you showed us the radar and other interesting things, it was grand then, many people involved after a while after seeing your evidence. I had another channel shut down and never found out why but have felt the touch of paranoia anytime I post anything since then, 10 years ago, about what I should post and not post. I love you from a sister level and thank you for everything. I hope you find abundance happiness, peace, joy, and wealth! Thank you again a thousand times!

Video-Who created Hamas? Ron Paul's refreshing speech. Who "radicalized"...

Ron Paul's words were brave and truthful; however, USA keeps hitting the people with all sorts of fears..... it is difficult to sort out things when in the middle of a whirlpool... there is a way to get out, but the main idea is to keep your cool, float and swim sideways, if possible, but the best advice is to avoid one if possible... after a few whirlpools... people might be able to see there is another one trying to catch them.... Love to all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

HELICOPTERS ESCORTING A UFO?! 🛸👽 | Ancient Aliens | #Shorts

Read the comments with this video, very interesting how many people have seen such things. 

World Warning. Radiation has Spread from Ukraine Across Europe to the UK

Of course, they keep making those weapons and pushing nuclear power plants which create the depleted uranium. There is already uranium in the water of Western USA from mining operations, and other toxic things like arsenic. Do research on what you can do to help your body cleanse, but part of that is emotional, so find things like meditation to keep your body at a low stress level. Love to all.


Briahna Joy Gray is strong, and I am so glad she defended herself here! We need to remember, Israel killed many Palatines to take that land long before Hamas existed, and also helped fund Hamas, to offset the PLO. Hmmm..... interesting report. I would call Gaza more of a blender with Israel pushing the buttons, than a graveyard.

NORD STREAM: Tucker Carlson Was RIGHT About Pipeline Explosion, WaPo Adm...

With all the satellites circling the world.....

Covid Vaccine Skepticism CENSORED After Virality Project COMPLAINED to S...

I am quite amazed that you can even report on this.... I wonder why they let you.... more fear perhaps? Thank you for all your work and bless all of us around the world.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Mexico Aliens Exhibition | Mexican Congress Holds Second UFO Session On ...

srael Seizing BILLION$$$ In Gaza’s Natur... Jill Stein DENIES Hiring Daou! I

ISRAEL-HAMAS - Are You Seeing Through The Psyop?

Yes, the decision to evolve is within all of us as individuals. Ad is at the last minute of the video. 

(Hawaii) The Mystery of Emerald Plaza Burned Buildings in Lahaina

Netanyahu Blames Arabs – Not Hitler – For The Holocaust!

40 weeks of protests? Wow. It is also important to research the history of Israel. Thousands of Palestine's were killed and displaced just to put it where it is, where the Palestine's were living. Israel was set up basically as a military stepping stone for Britain and USA, who have been giving them money, weapons and using them to fight many other countries and people. We were all told a story that hit emotions and is not real. But, it is important to also know that children are innocent, and many people do not agree with war, no matter where it is happening. Most people want to simply live in peace with their friends and families.... not all, but most, and that we are evolving to understand that as a way for us all to move towards. The media keeps trying to get us emotionally involved either thru fear or horror with other wars... keep focused and find the truth. Love to all!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Former US marine’s pro-Palestine interview resurfaces online

2010, and yes, most people would be too!

After Trip to Gaza, Anthony Bourdain Accused World of Robbing Palestinia...

I loved Anthony and still miss him! Thank you for everything darling and I hope you are having a great time wherever you are! He was right, and it has been going on for decades, the world is finally seeing what only a few knew, hopefully this will change things for the good of the Palestine people!

Maine Waterfront Property For Sale | Maine Cheap Land For Sale | $139k| ...

Beautiful place! 


I feel they are looking for someone, or a group of people.... as soon as I saw that in your description, I was amazed, first person who said my thoughts, thank you, great video as always! Time to not worry too much... because it can be collected anywhere, in the air, in the sewer system, check it out.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

1948 Survivors Narrate How Israel Stole Palestine

It started before 1948, but this is some of the story of what happened to make Israel a country....  many were not told any of these things, but it must be known to the world. 

The history Israel DOES NOT want you to know 🤫

Short history of Israel and words spoken. 

Did Hamas behead babies? I Fact Check

No, they did not! 

BREAKING! Death toll in Gaza is MUCH WORSE than they're telling us | Red...

On top of all of this, UN Security Council and many countries does not consider Hamas a terrorist group.

Russia has documents indicating the creation of biological weapons by th...

This is quite interesting!

Friday, November 10, 2023

Where is the outrage In Gaza? 4104 Children dead, 88 UN Workers dead, 34...

That is almost 36 bombs every hour every day for one week.... which means more than 1 every 2 seconds! If you listen to some interviews with leaders in the Middle East from years ago, they say the same thing Emil... it is spooky, and then too, Israel has the Iron Dome.... It wasn't that long ago when USA wanted land and just went in and slaughtered all people in villages, men, women and children, and then desecrated their bodies in several gruesome ways. (Same for other countries too, there were not cameras, but stories told). I am surprised that USA set them up with such a powerful military though... including nuclear bombs! Yikes!

I know who is guilty of unleashing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict! Put...

Thank you Vladimir Putin for speaking!

Elon Musk on Israel-Hamas war

that has been the insight from many people. The people angered at Israel are not just in Palestine now!

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Rep. Rashida Tlaib responds to House censure vote

In reality, many of those videos and testimonies have been proven false, or from other times. The beheading of children has been proven not true and the burned baby cannot be verified. But..... every citizen of the USA has a right to speak.... freedom and freedom of speech cannot be lost. Chip Roy and anyone else who recommends that our representatives have a censor or gag order is not democratic, American or ethical. And the two women behind him are funny to watch.

BREAKING NEWS: Chip Roy Totally Unleashes On Rashida Tlaib, Demands She ...

In reality, many of those videos and testimonies have been proven false, or from other times. The beheading of children has been proven not true and the burned baby cannot be verified. But..... every citizen of the USA has a right to speak.... freedom and freedom of speech cannot be lost. Chip Roy and anyone else who recommends that our representatives have a censor or gag order is not democratic, American or ethical. And the two women behind him are funny to watch.

South Africa Takes Bold Stand! | Calls ICC to Arrest Netanyahu

Wow, what a bold action this is! 

Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestine National Authority

It is always good to be able to hear a person to get an idea of what is going on, so, listen please!

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Surgery Without Supplies in Gaza: "You cannot imagine"

Love to the Palestinians and the Doctors without Borders! Poke yourself with a needle, then imagine a whole foot coming off and waiting while watching...

Hilarious & Disturbing AI Generated Beer Commercial! (It gets weirder wi...

It's got sex and boobs and mouths and fire and alcohol and rock n roll music.... what more is there when drinking like manics at an outside beer party?

H@m@s attack was "An Inside Job!" | Says Veteran IDF Soldier

Thank you for sharing!

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Pro-Palestinian crowds try to storm air base housing U.S. troops in Turkey

US is not making friends.... US troops have no business there... US needs to take care of its own people..... Can you think about how much better off USA citizens would be if they got rid of most of the over 1000 bases and stations around the world (some the public is not allowed to know about so there may be more) and quit sending money and equipment to other countries to kill people, which raises the interest on the loans taken out, which makes everything cost more to try to pay back the Federal Reserve... which is charging USA (another crazy scheme) and if USA actually had strong, healthy citizens who were well educated, well housed and had healthcare available.... USA does need a military to be able to defend itself, it would be naive to not have this, BUT..... our military comes from the citizens and they need to be top shelf. We need to make friends , real friends, not just corrupt friends, or puppets put in place by the USA to continue their bullying tactics.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump's Lawyer Alina Habba Goes Off On Letitia James, Jud...

Brilliant and tough besides beautiful! I want to hear more from her!

Palestinian mother holds onto hair tie of daughter slain by Israel

Love to these beautiful parents, and family! She can't be brought back and was slaughtered needlessly for greed. This one hit me hard, the voice, the blood on her hands, the father crying, the other child, the beautiful hair of the young daughter, the weakness when trying to stand, but her voice..... May she find peace and joy somehow in the days to come, and may the bombing stop!

Rockets interrupt Anderson Cooper's CNN live shot

You can not be drinking coffee if you are going to try to do a video taped report where he is supposedly at... The sirens stop immediately after the explosion sound? Watch it at 1/2 speed then at 2x speed.... just to make it more fun! Love to all!

British-Palestinian students urge the UK government to evacuate them and...

They all need us in Palestine! 

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Intergalactic AI Computer Network in 1963? | Frank Jacob

Assassination of Top Commander of Hamas Caught on Tape | ABC World News ...

Wow, 2010..... The video does not actually show anyone getting killed, so might not even be real.... interesting, isn't it?

Moment Israeli police attack anti-Zionist Jews in Jerusalem neighbourhood

I always wonder what kind of people make up these police, they act like this in many places and throughout history. It seems obvious there are more than one kind of human being. One wants life, one against life. May love win!

Children reunited with sibling following strikes in Gaza City

OMG, this one really hit me! The bomb must have just happened, they are all covered in dust, and frightened, confused, and the one looking for his mama, the way he was reaching for his brother and sister. The blast must have been so powerful to make his nose bleed too! Geeze..... this is a nightmare against evil! Love to us all, may we rise to the level where we are loving and courageous and are able to see how everything and everyone is connected.

California issued debit, EBT cards funds go missing

I work for the county and scammers got peoples birthdates and started getting unemployment payments under names that were still working. I am just saying because it is also a state/government program. Our workplace knew it was happening but didn't want to tell the employees so they could protect themselves, until we started getting letters from the unemployment office, then we all had to go through a lot of work to make sure our bank accounts and others were safe.... it is some sort of hackers that are able to access all these things. It seems like someone inside to me. The electronic systems have a lot of back doors that obviously are easy to access and not so easy to protect. I hope no one loses their home over this.

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Jack Black - Peaches (Directed by Cole Bennett) The Super Mario Bros. M...

Obama says it is 'hard to be hopeful' amid Israel-Hamas war 

He does know how to speak, and he knows very well how to lie..... I fell for a few.... I hope I do not any more.... but, he is good... manipulative secretive murderous creep. He would be talking nicely to your face while his hands are going through your pockets.... and waiting for the hit men to finish your family off.... then smile as he walks away and you feel so lucky to have met and talked with him.

Friday, November 03, 2023

Interview with reptilian Woman- Everything you want to know[Universe ins...

Lacerta, the reptilian. I love this video!

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Chinese migrants cross US-Mexico border via risky route

Wow, I am surprised! I hope all have their dreams fulfilled, for them and everyone!

The Mystery of Emerald Plaza Burned Buildings in Lahaina

Can anyone explain these things? 

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

$14 Billion for Israel’s Genocidal War: How Biden is Losing Key Voters f...

Who cares about the Demon o cratic or the Reptilian parties? We the people want all people free and living peacefully, we want our country to have enough food and shelter and education for everyone, we want clean drinking water, and we need healthcare like the rest of the civilized countries. Israel does not need any more money to slaughter anyone else EVER!!!! It was a set-up game for both the Palestine's and the Jews to do this, so basically the land could be used as a military base and easy access to oil. Everyone loses here except the ammo makers and war mongers..... we need to wake up to the game we are being led around by emotionally by the profiteers.

Israeli veteran with PTSD admits killing over 40 Palestinians in Gaza

The Israeli military operation he describes occurred on 20th December 2007, at al-Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza. Israeli aggression in Gaza on the eve of Eid al-Adha 2007, killed twenty Palestinians and injured 27 others.

Israeli Amir and Palestinian Amjad: 'we are no enemies!'


Deadly strike on Gaza refugee camp

Israel obviously needs a restraint, they are way beyond looking for Hammas, they are sadistly enjoying all of this!

Soldiers enter Hebron homes at night, photograph kids, 24/02/15

2015, Living every day like this! I pray for Palestine freedom and peace. The people of Israel who were mistreated by so many and killed in camps would think and act different, I would think.... wouldn't you?