Sunday, March 31, 2024

Protests for Gaza erupt across Arab world

Wow! I want Palestine people to be free and safe from harm and recognized as a country with sovereign rights! No sanctions and assistance to build new hospitals, schools, houses, and replant their agriculture, if possible, also water returned to natural drainage not all diverted to Israel and clean out springs. No loans for rebuilding, only gifts from those responsible with no attachments.

A child carrying water in Gaza breaks down due to exhaustion

I have no problem with being reminded of the changes that need to be made in Gaza, but when filming these children, please help them. Whoever is filming can help him get that water back to his family, and you could show us that you are helping him. Many of us are helpless, and just knowing he got that water to where it is needed would help him, and us too! Don't leave him in that corner feeling horrible!

Israeli War Crimes COVERED UP By UK Government

I don't think it is complicit..... I think that word isn't the definition, they are criminals doing it too, USA too! And besides the bombs, and all the other weapons, what about the soldiers that fought in the IDF with dual citizenship? Complicit sounds to weak.... they are and have been involved completely with Netanyahu simply the title, but all have equal weight in the slaughter, torture, psychological terror, wrongful imprisonment, slow culture death, stealing of property, forceful suffering from poor water sources due to rerouting of water resources bombing of wells and pouring cement into them until the underground water has been depleted allowing for sewage and salt water into supplies, and bombing agricultural areas with white phosphorus which lingers for years destroying chances to grow food, and on and on and on..... and allowing such groups that bribe government officials with direct payments, free vacations and who knows what all...... even when it harms the citizens of their own countries...... no, no, no, the willful participation is a better description of what they have done!

30th of March, 2024: We have provided lamb meat to besieged civilian fam...

Blessings to the creator for giving life! Blessings to the sheep that will give nourishment to so many! Blessings to all the people who helped with this sharing of food! Blessings to all the people of Gaza! Blessings to us all!

Unicef spokesperson shows Palestinian child injured by Israeli bombing a...

James Elder is a love warrior! Thank you for the update! End the occupation, free Palestine and recognize her as a country and keep her people safe!

Gaza Shocker: Soldiers Pose With Lingerie; UN Furious, IDF Reacts | Viral

A lot of those soldiers look like men who are career soldiers. These may be inappropriate, but blowing families to pieces, talk about enjoying killing children, humiliating women and destruction of land, homes and water sources are much worse to me. End the occupation, free Palestine and keep her people safe!

Win For Malaysia As Armed Israeli 'Mossad Hitman' Is Captured Before Pot...

Bravo Malaysia! I don't want any of your beautiful people harmed! May you stay healthy, happy and safe!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

'Devils' Biden And Sunak...': London 'On Boil' As U.S., UK Fail To Block...

USA is not just complicit; they are assisting the genocide! Even the person driving the car is in on the bank robbery!

Big Embarrassment For U.S. Navy; 'Nearly $400 Million Overspending In Uk...

This is so stupidly embarrassing that the USA cannot even get accounting correct, this is the third time, we have heard of, who knows how much really has happened! Can anyone imagine what would happen if a citizen did this, or even.... say someone running for president..... It makes the government look like drunken imbeciles.

Biden Teaches Netanyahu A Lesson? 'U.S. Didn't Give Israel All Weapons' ...

Oh..... whew..... hahahahaha. Like what does that mean? If true, it means Israel plans on killing a lot of people..... and now they only get to kill some.... just not as many? Or.... as soon as USA has them, they will be sending? or USA normally doesn't fulfill their contracts? Is this put out to help Americans feel better in some way? Any of the killing is wrong...... including the killing of the Israel people by their own IDF on Oct. 7th, 2023.

How Is World Reacting To ICJ Order On Gaza Aid? | Israel | Dawn News Eng...

What a beautiful way to eat, everyone sharing and making sure all get some! Israel will continue, until it is stopped..... I do not wish for violence, but when one is beating another to death, the one doing the beating must be stopped. It is everyone's duty as a human to help the one that will die if the beating continues! The way I see this, is it could be any of us at anytime..... how do we want our world to be? Would we want others to help us if possible?

White House authorizes weapons transfers to Israel

When you make weapons to kill, people want to use them, and sell them. These sales took place BEFORE Oct. 7th, 2023? How many more did? I believe the people of Israel, and Palestine, and many more are being used by a few..... We are capable of finding a way to love.... That way is not through violence.

Illegal settlement expansion: Israel seizes Palestinian land in Jordan v...

When people from the USA and other countries hear these things, they understand why someone would want to defend and fight back, even though USA did basically the same thing with the Native people of the Americas who now remain in enclosed reservations.

Iran's New 'Gaza Drone' Nightmare For Israel, U.S.; Can Carry 13 Bombs, ...

The more weapons are made, the more will be made..... and more killing will happen.

Ex-Trump advisor Navarro begins prison sentence | REUTERS

I am posting this because it is important in USA history. 

FBI's America - This Should Be Your STASI ALARM, Americans

They want you to talk, and they want you to talk about others. They don't even look official, even with the ID. Lawyers will tell you never talk, get a lawyer, because anything you say will be used against you if possible. Know your rights, don't be rude, don't run. They are doing this behind the scenes, even to all the comments you post on YouTube, Facebook etc..... just remember that..... your phone texts, calls and everywhere you go is traceable. Don't be naive or paranoid..... just be aware!

Sweets embody cultural resistance in war-torn Gaza

I am not sure how they are getting the ingredients to make these, or supplies to cook with, or money to buy things..... I don't think anyone looks well fed in this video, and I myself like sweets as comfort, so I understand their importance! It all looks beautiful! May the occupation end and Palestine be free and safe from harm NOW!

WHO doctors reach northern Gaza for the first time

Love warriors! Blessings to all of them!

Difference between Israeli army & settlers in West Bank "virtually disap...

The UN has said this was illegal, and building the wall is illegal, and on and on.... yet it not only continues but has gotten worse. Would you want a neighbor who is willing to do these types of actions? It seems like it would make it more frightening for the Israel people, because you wouldn't be able to say anything against anything or you might get shot too! Now, Biden is sending even more weapons... End the occupation, free the Palestine people and keep them safe from harm! The experiment hasn't worked in favor of humanity!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Max, an 11-year-old Jewish boy, tells council to stand for Gaza. #gaza #...

What a powerful young man! Bravo!

I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns from State Dept. over U...

Today, the choice was made to send Israel MORE weapons!

Death toll from Israeli strike on sports centre in Gaza City rises to 15

Huni you are still alive! Good! Thank you for your report! I want peace and am so sorry all of the horror is going on in Gaza! Love to us all. We are all connected!

(Gaza farm family) Israel: Anthony Bourdain has traditional Palestinian meal (Parts Unknown...

The woman is saying that some are saying it is rude to eat without letting others eat too.... that is ignored.....

Desperate parents struggle in Gaza: 27 children succumb to malnutrition ...

We are the same. These people are like a lot in the West where we are used to living more modern, and for them to be thrown into a struggle of survival is difficult to see, most of us would not be this calm! This is a form of sadistic torture is what I see, to break them into submission and back to living under occupation, or worse! Let's help them however we can, it could be any of us next! Love to all!

Palestinian children gather leftover food following Israeli bombing

What a nightmare.... and the USA still supports this! Everyone needs to be aware of how this situation could be any of us at any time. If we don't stick together, we will fall apart!

Israeli influencer operation targets UNRWA with hundreds of fake accounts

The reporters in Palestine were specifically targeted, and their families, and killed, to decrease the number of in real time videos and pictures of what is happening in Gaza..... and now I see so many other pieces on the news about how difficult the people have it in Israel after the Oct. 7, 2023, event.

Life in Gaza: before and after the war

Play at a slower speed to see it better..... End the occupation, free Palestine and keep them safe from harm!

White House issues first A.I. regulations

We do need regulations..... but who do we trust with that? The cat is already out of the bag here.... Getting rid of the Patriot Act might be a good route!

What the hell is the point of the UN?

This is fantastic...!!!! The reporter says things we are saying too! Thank you, DOS Spokesman, Matt Miller ! Kirby is having so much fun, it is horrifying! I could see him being tickled when the tortures were going on in Europe!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Russia, China School U.S. On UN's 'Binding' Resolution As Biden 'Pacifie...

This is ridiculous, like we are all bound.... by a so called non-binding resolution, I pray for all doorways to open to ethical and loving actions to become the way we humans have decided to live on our planet!

Israel using Google Photos to detain Palestinians in Gaza: report

This technology is what people have been warning others of for a long time and should frighten people enough to have it stopped. Now we are already over the edge and will probably be almost impossible to have military, police and governments not use it.

The World Stands with Palestine #freepalestine #palestine

It took a long time for us to wake up to your world, now many people see the horrible occupation and want Palestine to be free and safe from Israel!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

(re BLM) 'This Is One Of The Largest Land Grabs We've Ever Seen': Harriet Hageman...

There was once agenda 21..... but, I do not know enough about the bill she speaks of, here is a link though:

The West is preparing for a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO...

Wow, a lot said here!

Palestinian child struggles to move sack of flour in Gaza

I can't stand that this guy is talking to him and making a video when he should be helping him..... I think that is awful! Beautiful courageous young man carrying food for his family!

Judges: CIA Plot to Kidnap Assange Doesn't Matter If We Extradite Him!

Love your passion and wisdom!

Muslim Quran Saved by IDF Soldier in Gaza

Well, this is a different loving post! Thank you to the soldier and the channel! We need peace and love, not hate fear and greed! Love to all.

Israel minister Ben-Gvir says: "UN is anti-Semitic, and its Secretary Ge...

The abuser will say any BS to excuse and continue their behavior because they are manipulative and trying to continue doing what they want without anyone stopping them. In all honesty...... many people from the Middle East are Semitic and not Jewish....

Here's what surprised a structural engineering professor about the Balti...

I think it looks odd that the WHOLE bridge fell.... I am not understanding the components of its structure at all! Technically, that was so easy..... why would such an important bridge be built like that? If it wasn't closed for repairs, hundreds of people would have died simply driving across it!

An ex-Israeli soldier on Israel’s perspective on Palestine and Palestinians

The Zionists wanted that from the very beginning of the establishment of Israel, USA president complained about it. If one man can see what is going on, there are probably many more who know and feel the same as him! Blessings to all the journalists who have been documenting these things, and condolences to them and their families/friends for many have died trying to share the horrors! This event since Oct. 2023 has been such a wake up for so many around the planet who are in shock, and also trying to change things to be more positive!

My executed Israeli children story was untrue, admits ZAKA's Yossi Landau

It still surprises me, as an old woman, that a person can look like a sweet person and be so dark! It is the stories like these that resulted in thousands of Palestine children being blown to pieces!

Yoav Gallant and Lloyd Austin meet as tensions rise over Gaza

They might as well as have two tape recorders on replay sitting at those tables.....

Ship and Bridge 3/24

 Video of the ship after the bridge collapse shows no damage to the hull at this link:

I got the video off of X on 3/27/24

This is going to be a problem. No damage to the front of the ship? Yet it took down a bridge. #baltimorebridge

We are interested in who ordered the terrorist attack in Moscow! Putin, ...

My condolences to all friends and family of those who were killed at the concert hall.
I do also wish all who were wounded heal quickly with no long term affects.
I want to also congratulate the brave actions of those kids working in the Crocus Concert Hall for showing many people to, and opening the doors so they were saved! Brave young people to do that and thank you!
Love to all!

Putin Says U.S. & CIA Did It!

I love you all who make this show and do all this research, and keeping your human hearts and all your courage!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Northern Gaza cut off: Desperation grows with aid supplies blocked

Thank you to all who are trying to help the Palestine people with basic needs and humanitarian assistance. It takes courage to do all you are doing, and especially love. End the occupation now is my every moment thought and prayer!

Israelis who fled kibbutz after Hamas attack must decide whether to return

I do not condone violence. The land was stolen, and the government was wrong. I know some land was bought by the Jewish people, that is true, but even this video says 700,000 Palestine's were ousted from their land and many were also killed. Also, some of the people in Israel that died on Oct. 7, 2023, were by the IDF...... These in this video should move out so they are safe, and not kill to survive. If I took something from someone, I might feel a little paranoid they might fight me to get it back.....

Palestinian detainees released by Israeli forces say they witnessed fiel...

We are all connected, so much suffering in this world, we need to heal and advance to a higher human who uses ethics and love rather than fear and greed. End the occupation and free Palestine and protect her people from Israel.

Yemen Launches TRIPLE Attack on Israel, US, UK Targets in Red Sea

Thank you so much for your update, Richard Medhurst! I appreciate all your work, and your heart!

"The lives of kids in Gaza are disrupted forever": U.S. doctor says of I...

End the occupation. Palestine must be a sovereign nation with free people and protection from Israel.

Elderly Palestinian man cries over his destroyed apartment in Gaza

The video says he is 87, the description says he is 78..... Either way.... it is everything he worked for.... something also for his family! The idea of such a thing is horrific, and yet here it is...... it could happen to any of us anytime. This is purposeful human destruction but could be disasters or other things. I feel so deeply hurt for him! Someone is helping him, but.... most of the people in Gaza know family members and friends who have been killed or injured from Israel. End the occupation and free Palestine, give them sovereignty and protection from further attacks from Israel.

The US gov’t is stunned that Niger is kicking the US military out of the...

USA acting like Pimps when one of the group their want freedom! Hahahahahaha!

Palestinians in Gaza express anger and criticism over air dropped aid fr...

This looks like a propaganda video against the Palestine people. Many Palestine people can read English and understand what the packages say. I cannot believe they would throw it away rather than give it to someone else if he didn't want it. I believe the food is gross, but it is food. Chasing food like a pet though is humiliating!

Israeli "commission" on 7 October rape claims exposed as fraud

So much was told that made people want to defend the wrong side.....  and what a betrayal for people to find out they were lied to and manipulated because they are kind caring people! 

'We Are With Abu Obaida': Arab Protesters In Israel's Neighbourhood Pled...


Palestinian woman who survived Israeli air strike on Rafah speaks about ...

Palestine is a beautiful area, even with the destruction. It would not be the same without the people who know how to care for the land and love it so very much. End the occupation and free Palestine. They will also need protection from further assaults, which means Israel should not be given any more weapons or money!

Palestinians in Gaza react to UN Security Council ceasefire resolution

They know the way it works after so many years of dealing with the occupiers!

Activist shares chilling account of alleged Israeli excesses at Al-Shifa...

I have never seen this channel before but subscribed. I know you have said what is USA and UK waiting for.... but don't both those countries have a history similar too? They might not be the ones to do anything about this.... It's not like other peoples haven't done these things.... with different weapons depending on the century.... Funny thing is it is usually men..... and yet, here are you, and there are so many other men who are loving and want to live peacefully with each other...... I don't know the answer..... I do know in the Wizard of Oz, even the flying monkeys went back to living peacefully and free when the wicked witch was melted.....

Palestinians released from al-Shifa hospital amid Israeli siege

I always wonder who is taking these videos. But look at these men with their clothes off down to their underware..... walking away, lucky to be alive, but what did they go through this past week in the hospital with people getting shot and who knows what else inside? The occupation needs to end, and Palestine needs to be recognized as a sovereign country, free to live!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Israel surrounds two more Gaza hospitals, demands evacuations

In the Wizard of Oz, everyone was freed, even the flying monkeys after the evil witch was melted.

Game with Words | Unspoken Realities: Unveiling the Truth Behind Western...

I appreciate everything you have done Turkey, TRT and al Jazeera. I am horrified at the number of journalists that have been killed, and their families, on purpose, and I am so sorry to live in USA that funds these things. I want the occupation to end, and Palestine to be recognized as a free and sovereign country. So many people would have a chance of a better life not only in Gaza and the West Bank, but also Yemen, Jordan and Lebanon. Israel should not have USA funding for anything, they have plenty of wealthy backers. Citizens of earth wish for a peaceful planet for all living beings, where all have clean water and air, food, and shelter for all. It is time to enter the higher realms we all hold within ourselves rather than exist in the low levels of fear and greed!

Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations - Lt. Col. Thom...

1988, funny isn't it???? Hmmmm..... Thank you for sharing Dutch!

'Systematic Sexual Abuse Of Palestinians': U.S. Official Shocks Israeli ...

When I have heard the IDF soldiers talk, while they record themselves, I have no doubt that they have been raping women, girls, old people, men and boys, and anything else they can out of pure hatred..... which, sounds like fear to me..... I would say from the recordings of themselves that it is not only men doing these things, and that they are probably very sadistic including torture on every level. They are their own witnesses to these atrocities, unless they are lying while recording themselves.... but seem to be very proud of their actions and attitudes.

Israel-Hamas War | UNSC lays down terms of ceasefire

I am skeptically happy! I do not trust Israel, or USA..... But.... I am so happy that so many wonderful loving people are trying to help and free the people of Palestine! We can all see ourselves in their situation, and no one wants to live like they have lived with their friends and families torn to pieces, land stolen and destroyed with white prosperous and other methods, and rich historic areas treated like nothing. I would not give up my negotiating tools so quickly though if I were the Palestine people until recognition of a free and sovereign nation was present, and the occupation was ended.
Buildings can be restored, plants can be regrown (if there is non-polluted land), water can be found through rerouting the original water ways that Israel has stolen, families can eat and sleep together in peace, and the whole population will become healthier and strong again.... but will carry the pain for generations. We will help you with your burdens, we can all work together with ethics and love!

The UN Security Council passes a Gaza ceasefire resolution

Ramadan month is half over, then what? I would not give up my negotiation tool unless there was a permanent ceasefire, and the occupation was ended, and Palestine was recognized as a sovereign nation!

Gaza Under Siege: A Cry for Humanity

Only over months!!!!! Slow killing and mental anguish, destruction, horror! End the occupation, free the Palestine people, free us all! We as humans need to rise above our mental illness of fear and greed and become a society of ethical behavior and loving actions/thoughts!

Israeli Jews, Arabs at Israel's Largest Medical Center Unite to Treat Wa...

I am glad for all to be working together, this is very slanted, but USA would do the same on their news reports. It is always great to have people work together for something good. Palestine needs to be free, and her people need to be able to live as all of us wish to. There are some people who understand how valuable the Palestine people are, because Israel will also train medical staff from Palestine in their hospitals! Rambam Health Care Campus is one such place. Humans wish to rise above war and killing.... let's do it!

Spanish protesters lied down in tribute to #Palestinian lives lost in #G...

Love from these protesters! We are all doing what we can! It is very dramatic to see their bodies laid out like that and the painting of Picasso who was horrified of war, even painted horses screaming!

Chile is home to the largest #Palestinian diaspora outside the Middle East

Wow! Brave people standing up for good!

Antony Loewenstein on how Israel uses Gaza to sell weapons

It is horrifying! Everyone needs to be aware of the AI technology, it could be any of us, anytime! I thought that in Ukraine, it is much more intense in Gaza now!

At least 14 Palestinians killed in overnight Israeli attacks

Israel has technology that lets them know who is where, they know they are bombing children! End the occupation, free Palestine's!

#Israel returned dozens of #Palestinian bodies to health officials in #Gaza

Growing new stem cells from a dead body.... this was written in 2012, and has probably advanced much since then:

(this is from 10/23) Dozens killed in Israeli air strike on northern Gaza

This was 5 months ago; it is now 4/24 and still going on..... along with starvation to the Palestine people.... 7 days siege in the al Shifa hospital now!

'Will Send Netanyahu To Allah': Erdogan Sparks Fury In Israel; Tel Aviv ...

Hmmmmm..... what talk is this? Sometimes I can feel the world shift just a little when so many people applaud! Part of the problem is on one wants to have to face war with USA.... who holds every one of us like we are all in Gaza.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Hamas' Abu Obaida Says Netanyahu Wants To Kill Israeli Hostages In Gaza:...

This is a horrible game with the Palestine people getting the worst part of it. The hidden agendas are more than we know...... someone is backing this sadistic nightmare, and the people in the news are puppets..... Since we are all connected, we can help by keeping our focus on love.... working on meditation as well as protection because they are capable to get inside your head too...... We still need to end the occupation and free Palestine.... as well as work on everyone on the planet having clean water and air, food and shelter..... but also keep yourself as clear and clean as possible. Love to all of us!

Israel's weeklong raid into Al Shifa Hospital continues

The reports I have heard are different, and I don't believe what is being said by IDF. Three of the top 'Hamas' they claim to have killed were actually police that help with food distribution and other matters for the people, the rest I am sure are civilians..... if you kill someone, no one will know the truth, no trial.... people were told to stay in place in the hospital when this started.... 7 days ago, then were told they needed to leave, but were shot at trying to leave.... the story is not as presented here.... al Shifa hospital has become a house of horror for the Palestine people inside. They shot a doctor that refused to leave his patients.... there is much more horror than we know. IDF likes to torture and beat people.

Palestinians describe bodies and ambulances crushed in Israel's ongoing ...

This has been going on for 7 days! Israel's military says it has killed more than 170 militants and detained about 480 suspects in the raid on Shifa Hospital that began Monday. Horrifying house of horrors it has turned into!

This Journalist Barely Survived an #Israeli Strike in #Gaza

He has a beautiful heart; I hope he lives and heals completely! It is very frightening that there is the technology that tracks down journalists so they can be killed! Everyone should be afraid of that and work to end it! End the occupation and free Palestine!

3242024 A Palestinian child describes a massacre in Rafah

Of course, he could be lying, we have seen many untruths, but mostly with Israel lies..... But we know Israel already lied about many things. If this did happen, I am so sorry to this boy and all who were blown to pieces, and all who have been going through terror and misery! The occupation from the criminal gang to the Palestine people needs to end! Free Palestine!

Palestinian survivor recounts executions carried out by the Israeli mili...

Of course, he could be lying, we have seen many untruths, but mostly with Israel lies..... But, we know Israel already lied about some things happening in al-Shifa medical complex, and we have seen the IDF tactics.... If this did happen, I am so sorry to this boy and all who were shot, and all who have been going through terror and misery! The occupation from the criminal gang to the Palestine people needs to end! Free Palestine!

Hindutva mob set fire to a mosque with worshippers still inside

It is hard to tell what really is going on here, I see a fire inside, but still is difficult to know what the truth is. Very long history of horrors from both sides, and also, fantastic things! I wish for peace and am shocked to see the level of violence, if it is true, rising like this, very frightening!

Why is the US building a port in Gaza?

Thank you.

'Not ISIS': Russians Fume At U.S Media As Arrested Terrorists 'Sing' I M...

Wow, this is actually a big deal....... one comment stated   22 June 1941, look it up. 

Southern Lebanon residents live under threat of Israeli attacks

USA funds Israels weapons...... I am so sorry to my brothers and sisters in Lebanon..... I will update all I can and do what I can to stop these atrocities! Love to us all!

Senator Chris Van Hollen speaks about how Israel wanted and backed Hamas to continue excuse for no 2 state

 Hamas UNRAW Sen. Chris Van Hollen
Start at 17:00 if impatient, and listen please!
Then please listen thru 36:13 Thank you
 March 14, 2024 | Part Of U.S Senate
U.S. Senate
Senators Van Hollen and Graham on Israeli-Palestinian Relations

My favorite Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speech also from C-span
March 14, 2024 | Part Of U.S Senate

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates Among Countries Fueling Israel's War ...

Short update for 3232024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Distribution of Meat Meals for Iftar in Muwassi Khan Younis

The music makes me cry! Blessings to these beautiful people helping so many! Blessings to these sheep for giving nourishment to the people! May we rise to a place of freedom and ethical actions with love as our base and source of all!

3232024 Algeria votes against US-led resolution on Gaza ceasefire proposed at UN...

Algeria Bravo! Thank you!

US Guards fire bullets at migrants attempting to cross from Mexico

Ok, rubber bullets should be added to the title..... they can still be lethal, but not the same as trying to kill..... please let's keep things straight, there are many counting on the real truth and not an exaggerated one!

US lawmakers forced to support Israel

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney conversation in 2011.

(3232024) Bisan Owda-North G@za Strip under brutal attack. Shifa under siege, civi...

Thank you for sharing, Bisan Owda! I am sharing. I am picturing a torture prison inside that hospital! The whole thing happening in Gaza is horrifying to me, and the West Bank is bad too! I pray for your safety, and for the occupation to end and Palestine to be free!

Palestinians flee under fire during aid distribution in Gaza City

Remember that part in the movie Shindler's List where the military officer is on his balcony of the house he has in the camp, and he is just randomly shooting at the prisoners and laughing...... these scenes remind me of that!

March 23, 2024: Disturbing food in Rafah (Chicken after a long time)

I have no idea how you got this into the people, but what a wonderful gift! One chicken can be so helpful, a lot of food can be made with the meat and bones even cooked in water will give nourishment! Love to us all!

Israel announces West Bank land seizure as Blinken arrives for Gaza talk...

So many powerful people trying to have the Palestine people be free, and yet the monsters still destroy, steal, kill, torture, and bring pain to the world. We have a lot of healing to do and need to keep working for change. Many times, people wanted an end to the destruction and killing, and eventually things did change, we must be courageous and keep focusing on the good things we would like to see for all living beings because our thoughts and feelings have power as we send them into the world!

Guyana busts American lies on why its Gaza ‘ceasefire’ resolution was ve...

What it called for is BS.... it leaves nothing for the Palestine people to work with, no reason for Israel to continue bombing after the 6 weeks, nothing saying Israel inhumane treatment of Palestine people since and before Oct. 2023....... it was a sham of BS.....

Gaza City residents welcome delivery of desperately-needed humanitarian ...

Some sunshine, a little bit of something to eat, mix flour with any water? cook over any fire or eat raw? ...... all around destruction and emotional stress, pain from injuries, so much death...... end the occupation, free Palestine!

Yemen's Houthis Strike Tactical Accord with Russia and China on Red Sea ...

Wow! Thank you Richard!

FBI Issues Arrest Warrant For Paul Harvey For Misinformation Speech In 1992

Absolutely brilliant! Thank you!

Al-Qassam Brigades Kill Israeli Sniper In His Own Style; IDF Vehicle Tur...

I think they are getting some of the people that were staying in the hospital, or at the hospital to be treated, and medical staff, and killing them, torturing them, arresting them.... they cannot leave, will get shot.... The whole story sounds horrific for those within the hospital! Day 5..... Pray for them is what I can do at this point.... Love to all of us!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Guyana abstains on US-led resolution on Gaza ceasefire at UN Security Co...

This is one of the best reasons the internet is great, we get to hear her words for ourselves, not translated through another news source that paraphrases it! Love to Guyana! Thank you!

World’s largest container ship companies avoiding the Suez Canal because...

These ships are going around, but the ones attacked are related to Israel and weapons that harm the Palestine's, not all ships.

This Palestinian Christian Explains the Israeli Occupation

Dr. Munther Isaac, strong, courageous, loving man! This video was made Oct. 17th, 2023.

His eyes speak louder than words ever can #gaza #palestine #freepalestin...

I am glad they are both alive, but I am sure he has a family, and we don't know where they are. People who are not any stronger than any of us, just human.... struggling to survive something that should have never happened. We cannot bring back the dead, but we can end the occupation and free Palestine! These moments are for all of us to respond to and assist with, because we are all connected! One for all and all for one!

TRT organises event to show solidarity with Gaza

Love to us all.

7 October witness Yossi Landau fails to substantiate claims in Al Jazeer...

These sorts of lies really helped people to push the killing of innocent people..... it is an emotional propaganda. Humans are easily led down a wrong road because many cannot see through the lies, most expect people to be honest. Humans should play more games where they are using their rational minds to sort things out, and pay attention to their own emotions, so they get better at deciphering these sorts of things. Advertisers use these techniques often. Teach your children too how to decipher....

(Please read my note below) What the Jews' Talmud says about Babies, Jesus, Blacks, and Christians

Hmmmmm. I don't know enough about many religious books to argue or defend one way or the other, I listened and am sharing. The full documentary is called ‘The other Israel’ by Ted Winston Pike. The stuff he shows in this video is appalling to me, committing crimes but making up excuses about why they are not crimes.... that is very disgusting and mind F.... games! We all are responsible for what decisions we make, no matter what level of authority says it is right or wrong, people have ethical hearts and KNOW .... even if one strays.... others in the group can speak up. I don't know how much of what is being said is true, in this video, and I know many things can be slanted to sound however someone wants them to be...... so..... I say.... please research yourself!

NATO Nation Finland's Decision Embarrasses Netanyahu; Israel's UNRWA 'Li...

Thankfully there are some who have the courage and wisdom to be ethical and loving!

(I disagree, read my note) Schumer's Shameful Speech Targeting Israel Is Deeply Disturbing For U.S....

Mr. Steve Forbes, normally I love watching videos here, and your information. On this one, I totally disagree. All people deserve to be free, and I don't want my tax money to go to a group that is committing atrocities to another group of people. I don't want any people to be killed or harmed..... but America has had to change some laws and behaviors to give freedom to many that were not included in the beginning of its creation, even women were not allowed to vote, and true changes that improve people's lives is important. Mr. Schumner was courageous in his speech. I also believe if we give weapons to a country that we know is using them to kill others, we are guilty of committing those crimes.

Dozens dead, over 100 injured after mass shooting at Moscow concert hall

How did they even get this video? I would have been running rather than videotaping! I wonder what the reason for such a horrible attack on innocent people was! Condolences to all family and friends, and I hope those injured recover.

Russia vetoes US-led resolution on Gaza ceasefire at UN Security Council

I am so happy that there are many who want something that will actually help the people of Palestine! Love to us all!

South Africa's Foreign Minister Demands Benjamin Netanyahu's Arrest!

Dr. Naledi Pandor is saying the same thing many of us think! Love to all!

Indonesian rescue at sea: Dozens of Rohingya refugees saved after boat c...

These are beautiful people; they would make a great addition to any country! Thank you, Indonesian people for helping them. I know not everyone wants them in, but many do! We are all connected....

‘The war made me ugly’ says Palestinian girl | AJ #shorts

She is extremely beautiful, (but it looks like she has a black eye) but she means she saw the faces of the people who died, and she can feel that inside her..... I get what she is saying. She is speaking from her heart, and she is intensely honest! Love and blessings to this darling! End the occupation and free Palestine. This is the first-time people have witnessed the effects of war, and I am sure we would be appalled to realize how heartbreaking and evil it is....everytime..... we need to stop the wars, we need to evolve to be better humans that find a way to be ethical, wise and loving..... all the time..... we must advance spiritually! Love to you!

‘Something stinks to high hell:’ Brother of airport director shot by ATF...

I am just reading the comments, wow! I am wondering who shot first here.... and many people would shoot someone coming into their home like a break in if they had a weapon to defend themselves. They are saying his wife was there.... what does she say? (Maybe too afraid to speak up). Shot in the head with high powered gun..... even if he does survive, he will probably have severe brain damage..... how horrific! He has a loving brother, and I hope they all get some answers..... but that won't replace this man! Frightening the way this was done!

Little Rock airport director shot by federal agents dies, affidavit alle...

Who shot first?

Also, this was a comment under the video that I found fascinating: Arrest after thought Stalin
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn @Le_Dislike_Button

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Aid trucks seen entering northern Gaza from Israel

Why are they driving in at night? Is this food, medical supplies and water for the Palestine's or stuff to build the pier? What does sufficient mean to that man?

U.S. House Speaker to invite Netanyahu to address Congress

$4 BILLION ?????? Why even any? Let's not fund any more blowing children to pieces! Or anymore sadistic BS that has been done to the people of Palestine!

UNICEF says ‘it is a war on children’ in Gaza

The continual buzzing of the drones, the cold, the putrid water, no food, family members killed, bombs going off, nowhere to go to the bathroom easily, a normal reaction is to run or fight, and they can do neither..... then what.... go inside..... hopefully we will be able to bring them back out of the safe spots they built inside.... hopefully it will even help them to be stronger...... as long as they survive! We are all connected, we cannot bring back the dead, but we can end this horror!

(32024 Whirled Publishing) Knock Knock

The title... Knock Knock is quite the scary name..... oddly! Did you know that in Gaza... many times before they bomb a house, they give the building a knock/tap and they have a few minutes to run..... but, it is usually when they are sleeping, and many have not gotten out, but survivors have reported that..... Yes.... poisoned... sometimes I am amazed that there are even anything living with all that is dumped into everything! But, not everywhere on the planet.... Thank you for your video! The angel/warrior drawing is beautiful!
The link she provides below this video is here: Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States (   

French-Israeli soldier boasts of torturing Palestinian detainee

This is a good time for people to wake up to the reality of war, and how horrible it really is..... people turn into something most of us would consider not human, more demon like, which means we probably have a little of that inside of us. We need to wake up to that and change how we function, so we work towards being ethical, wise and loving! We need to promote how to communicate and negotiate rather than full on physical destruction and all else that comes with the unleashing of the demons of war!
We need to take charge of ourselves as a whole community who want to live in peace with our families and friends, and want basic things like clean water and air, food and shelter! Let's take this time to see what the world is capable of and create something better. Don't let this loss of lives go in vain! Love to all!

Israeli Drone ‘Bumps Into’ Hamas Militant Hiding in Room

Tunnels were built by Israel in the 1980s, look it up. If it was a drone, they are quadcopters, and have weapons on them, plus cameras..... it would have shot him.... if they thought he was the enemy, not flew out! Those poor people held captive in the hospital, some killed, tortured, arrested, beaten.... it they try to leave get shot..... 4 days now.... what a F'n nightmare chamber!

Israel test robot dogs in Gaza

They already use armed quadcopters, something I first saw in movies a long time ago, they have robots in the subway in USA, robot bugs, these things go inside peoples houses too.... They are a nightmare..... I think heat sensors are a nightmare.... so yes, these are horrific!

A Palestinian man cries amidst the ruins of his home after being unable ...

OMG...... I am so sorry dear! I am so sorry!!!!!

U.S. introduces Gaza cease-fire resolution at U.N.

Friday morning? Why not today? But.... will it change anything if everyone votes yes? Who is running the show anyway?