Thursday, February 29, 2024

(He is ok! His mother will be very happy!) Mar 1: Live from Cairo Airport.. Headed to my Next Destination

Love to you and all you do! I am so happy to see you are alive! I know your mother is also happy, she loves you so much, as do us all, but no one like a mother! Blessings to you and your family and your team!

"This COVID study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told us" | Redact...

Besides the biolabs, now the WHO wants to be able to tell all countries how to handle any pandemic and it will be illegal if they don't follow the WHO recommendations. It is called the pandemic treaty. No country should agree to it, is my thoughts. Love to us all!

(2022) Palestinians clean up the streets of Gaza

It is now Feb. 2024, this video is from 2022! Wow!

(including on Oct.7, 2023) Israel Army Damaged Israeli Homes, Govt Building, Military Post In Multi...

Even wounding and killing their own people..... what causes this? Fear or incompetence or drugs or relying on inadequate AI?

Israeli massacre of Palestinians waiting for Gaza aid trucks | Al Jazeer...

Free Palestine!

US Special Forces veteran: 'What is going on in Palestine is not war'

This has happened many times before in other places, this is an escalation of the public having awareness because of the many journalists who almost 100 have lost their lives from being targeted, both them and their families, as well as healthcare workers. This is a time of action, so we can change the world and end the killings in favor of creation of a paradise for all!

Journalists call for access to Gaza in open letter | BBC News

Good, should have been done long ago, but is good now too! Keep pushing for the truth!

Senior member of Hamas' political wing says the group's conditions must ...

I believe she said this is This is in Deir el Balah, central Gaza, I am not sure, and I am not sure if it is in Gaza or the West Bank. For all those in the comments who say this looks like the people are not starving, all you have to do is watch different videos and see what is happening in other areas.... this channel is trustworthily I believe.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Air force veteran expresses grief at vigil for Aaron Bushnell

A lot of people don't know he was the second American to do this. The first was in December 2023. It was kept quiet, they didn't want people to know who it was, or even if it was a male or female.
When I hear Aaron yelling "Free Palestine!" while he is burning, and he also screams and moans in pain, I think of all the people who head their loved ones making the same horrendous noises while they suffered both from white phosphorus, from being blown into pieces, from having buildings on top of them, from having surgeries with no anesthesia and other illnesses, fears, seeing their loved ones harmed or dead, and even suffering from hunger.
Humans can do better, we are all connected and can make the world a much better place where all have shelter, food, clean water and air, and peace and we respect and love all life. The old way of stealing and killing is leaving earth as we move ahead each day, the new world is entering right now! Free Palestine, free all of us!

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) aid worker describes the scenes he saw i...

I don't know what I would do in this situation, they get shot at for even walking around sometimes. I remember hearing stories in past situations like this of people cooking leather shoes, burning all their furniture to keep warm, eating all the stray animals and even those who died. I would be digging through those bombed buildings looking for anything to eat and probably fighting with others to try to make sure my children ate. The occupation needs to end right now! America needs to step in and be what they say they are.... for human rights and the good guys. No more of this political BS! Israel would not harm American soldiers if they were on the right side and made sure those trucks got in!

(Huge air pollution in Middle of video) The Joys of House-sitting!

This is a beautiful video, the sky freaked me out though. But I appreciate the view on everything else and your narration of what is going on! May you continue to enjoy your lives!

Video shows Palestinians fighting to get hold of ration packs

These are basic human reaction when people are trying to keep their loved ones alive. In USA, I believe people would be killing each other. I am surprised they were allowed to get the stuff out of the water. Just a few miles from them are orchards and agricultural fields and fish ponds, fresh water and proper health care supplies..... on what was taken from them......

Palestinian carrying bag of flour reportedly shot by Israeli troops | Al...

There is a scene in the movie Shindler's List where the character Amon Goeth is just shooting random people in the camp while he smokes cigarettes from his balcony and laughs is what this reminds me of, horrifying and sadistic!

Israeli settlers assault German Christian clergy member in Jerusalem's O...

Look at the wall behind them! Probably thousands of years old!
There are some people, no matter the religion, who enjoy being cruel no matter the reason. Humans have a long history of oppression, theft, rapes, beatings, torture, and killing each other but I believe the balance tips more towards the loving, kind things we do for each other. I also believe there will come a day when all people can be free of harm by anyone else, and we can be a community that loves not only each other, but all living beings!

Aaron Bushnell was privy to confidential data on US operations in Gaza, ...

Whether this is true or not, the genocide happening to the Palestine people is horrendous, and the fallout for many who left the area and are now in Yemen, Lebanon and other areas since the 1948 takeover of their land is all just as bad. A lot of humans find it gut wrenching and are having a difficult time with what is and has been going on. It is because humans can feel empathy and love. We instantly FEEL something when we see what injustice and physical violence does to others.
I feel very strong emotions about Aaron's sacrifice and protest stance. He is the second person to do this, the first was in December 2013 and has been kept almost completely quiet. Love to us all!

Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza speaks to TRT World

Motaz Azaiza don't feel guilty brother, now you can keep spreading your words, telling us to do what we know is the right thing! Love to you, love to us all!

Starving Gaza kids consume potato peels to survive

I would be so desperate if my children were starving, and we were getting bombed and shot at. I am glad they have some potato peels, I always eat them, but I don't know if these have mold or anything like that on them. School they can catch up on, but they need to live. The occupation of the Palestine people needs to end now. Love to all of us.

Silwan: a war of isolation and displacement on several fronts in occupie...

I am so angered that the Palestine people are being harmed by the Israelites. I am so glad that most of the world is appalled by it too and are trying in whatever ways they can to have the occupation end. I am also very angry that USA sends money and weapons to support Israel.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Qatar to ICJ: Israel carrying out “genocidal war” on people of Gaza | #A...

Qatar and so many other countries and representatives are speaking up for humans all around the world. We are truly evolving towards a world of justice and peace based on love, I see it, I feel it! Love to all of us!

Gaza Boy Dies Of Starvation, Palestinians Eat Animal Fodder; Famine Thre...

If this was happening in any large city in the USA, people would be killing each other to have something to eat.

2272024 Netanyahu Caves In? Israel To Stop Bombing Gaza For 8 Hours & More In Re...

Fighting needs to end from Israel, occupation needs to end now! Bring in the trucks of relief meant for the Palestine people! Create a Palestine state that is recognized worldwide, just like Israel was created with no ok from the people of Palestine, Israel does not to OK the creation and recognition of Palestine, the people of the world are what matter and that is what they want! We can see the criminal activities and thoughts from the Israel government towards just treatment of all humans..... they should not have any say, because their ideals are criminal, racist, and Nazi-like.

Scott Ritter - A Reflection on Duty and Conscience: Aaron Bushnell

I agree! Thank you for respecting Aaron Bushnell! Yes, we have the power in our hands to change things. Love to us all!

People line up for hours for bread in Gaza as crisis worsens

I just realized with these videos we are only seeing a very small area and amount of people, there are over 1 MILLION people displaced! My city where I live has 65000 only and I have no idea what is going on in most of the city. This situation is so terrible, and yet, most of the people are getting along and trying to help others too. Love to us all! Peace is here in our hearts and is crystallizing as I type!

Jordanian Army Parachutes Gaza Aid | Israel-Hamas | IN18V | CNBC TV18

Much respect to all those who must do something to help the people of Palestine and are! Thank you very much. Every little bit helps so very much! Love to you all, love to us all!

Jimmy Carter on the Jewish Lobby AIPAC and the Israeli government

This is exactly what the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi said many years before in an interview with 60 minutes, and the man interviewing him said.... ....'you don't really believe..." and the Shah said he did!

JUST IN: El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Warns Of 'Dark Forces' In An...

Longer version, thank you!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Houthis Damage 4 Key Undersea Internet Cables; Arab Nations, India Worst...

Serious internet shutdowns last week in USA, I don't think we are getting the real truth here. Don't jump to conclusions. If the Houthis said they didn't do this, then I believe them. USA and Israel are very tricky and don't like to tell the truth about things they do.

USA Ignores Netanyahu, Pushes PA Reform? Palestinian Auth PM's Resignati...

More of an explanation within the video, odd though that the push came from USA. 

Palestinian President Abbas accepts PM Shtayyeh's resignation

Pressure from USA.... hmmmm.

Children in Gaza cheer for Jordan as they pick up airdropped aid

Oh, laughter from these beautiful people and children, how fabulous! Love to Jordan!

2262024 Palestinian prime minister and his government resign to allow political ...

Mohammad Shtayyeh you have traveled a bumpy road with lots of wildlife after you, I hope the future holds a good life for you and the Palestine people as well. I hope your heart heals and you can find some peace while still alive!

Final day of ICJ public hearings: Calls for Israeli occupation to be dec...

I loved listening to these hearings! So much information was gathered and stated from all these people to help the Palestine people be free as is their rights. Love to everyone!

(Aaron Bushnell 2252024) Active duty US airman sets himself on fire outside Israeli embassy

This is the second US citizen to do this, the first was a woman, in Alanta in December 2023. It is difficult to find the information now but keep digging. I can't put a link because YouTube will delete it.
The amount of passion Aaron Bushnell feels about how it is important to him that the Palestine people are free and the horror they are facing daily that is in his voice even when he is in intense pain tears me deep in my gut! I feel so much love and compassion for him and I wish he would have not felt he had to go to this measure. The thing that makes me so mad about this is that idiot with the gun, pointing it at him while he melts and is obviously not a threat. The man who shouts "I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers" is a hero, trying to save Aaron's life! Condolences to his family and friends, I can see he was a caring person and will be missed. Thank you for your service to humanity sir Aaron Bushnell!

Palestinian survivor’s plea after surviving an Israeli attack in Rafah

He is right! But many are trying to change the situation. When Palestine is free, the people who have died in this recent onslaught will never be brought back to life, but hopefully the remaining can live in peace, and have shelter, clean water and air, food and joy!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Fishing port in Gaza City destroyed amid Israeli air strikes

Are they able to fish or will they get shot at? Because people do fish offshore, and they are hungry. What a nightmare for all of us to witness, but torture and hell for the people of Palestine! May the occupation end and these people have some peace! I pray for Israel too, because it is awful to have such hate and fear in a human heart....

(This seems biased, so I am posting as an example, read my notes please) ‘Shocking’ developments are surrounding UNRWA

UN watch is a group funded by Israel and other charitable groups. Look in-between and do your own research.

Israeli embassy self-immolation: Man suffers life-threatening injuries i...

Thich Quang Duc is a famous Buddhist monk for doing this practice of self-immolation because there were photographs shared all around the world the protest of the Vietnam war but has been a practice for several centuries. It does not mean the person has any mental issues, it is a protest, but I do not know this person's intentions.
I was thinking of Thich Quang Duc just last night, and also all the people who have gone on hunger strikes in history. I could not do either. I send blessings to this person that he/she may find comfort.
I also cannot believe this channel did a close up of the charred remains of a human's body and clothing on that cement..... Just an FYI... white phosphorus, used by Israel on the Palestine people burns when wet, and through tissue until it is completely burnt up, it ruins soil, and kills plants, animals and HUMANS.

(Special Notice, read my notes) Iran's Bold Claim on Antarctica & Egypt's Gaza Barrier | OUR NEIGHBORHOO...

I posted this as an example of a channel that promotes anger, I believe....... It is important to be able to decipher what we watch and what is the motive behind the news, book, video etc. I wrote this for a comment on their channel: Every living being, every rock, every star has all been created by the same being, we owe it to ourselves to find a way to be peaceful and be grateful for our differences and live together. Anything or anyone that promotes destruction needs a realigning to learn how to love.

(Why? Evidence?) Survivors of Oct. 7 attack sue Associated Press | Dan Abrams Live

I don't understand why reporting isn't just considered reporting, no matter what side a person is on. How would any of the videos or photos from them support Hamas? Maybe they don't want him showing any videos or photos of the IDF attacking their own people and killing them, and blowing up buildings and cars?

How Robots Harvest Millions of Acres of Farmland Every Day

Much of this video, the robots are inside buildings.... I didn't like it at first, and then the weeding part I thought people, and me would like. The funny thing though is, when I grow stuff, it feels good to be outside and notice all the different things. Some of those weeds too are actually healthier than the food that we grow. Very interesting video, it pushes a lot of different emotional buttons!

IDF Chief Unleashes Firestorm on Troops | Startling Admission Reveals Is...

Those aren't believable words for any of us that have been watching and listening.

After telling Palestinians to leave Gaza through the Egyptian border, Is...

Those are fearful cowards shooting and bombing the people with no weapons and no protection. It is sadistic, and that kind of hateful heart needs healing if ever to learn how to love again, but first, they need to be stopped from doing any more damage! Love to us all!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Jewish activists rally to remove pro-Israel lobby in New York City


UK asks ICJ not to deliver an advisory opinion


Young girl leaves north Gaza due to starvation

Oh..... so powerful! 

Gaza Residents Embrace Biking Amid Unusable Roads and Surging Fuel Prices

Everyone that has the ability to ride one, should have one.

OIC holds extraordinary session countering on disinformation over Gaza

BRAVO! This is important for all Palestine people, but really, all people of the world! The lies promoted much hate for those trying to be free and much empathy for those who have been harming others! I love that so many people are trying to make our world a better more humane place for all people! BRAVO! You give me strength and inspiration!

Never Seen Anything Worse: Disturbing Footage Emerges Of Israelis Blocki...

There is a lot of push of the fear that other races want to get rid of white people and their culture, I wonder who is paying for that... but has been underway for many years now. I don't think the USA border is the same issue as what is happening with humanitarian aid being stopped from going to Gaza.

(2242024) More on Paris talks on Gaza ceasefire, release of captives

The answer is simple, end the occupation and validate Palestine. Israel should have no say in that just like Palestine had no say in the deal where Israel became a country.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Julian Assange: 'This generation is the last free generation'


Julian Assange's wife holds a news conference in London

 A major issue for all. 

Feb 23 - Gaza is Not Alone: Meat Distribution in North Gaza

Oh, what a wonderful gift this cow has given so many people. Blessings to all who helped bring this food to the people. Even one little piece will help them survive! Love to all.

(2232024) ICJ demands weapons be withdrawn from Gaza Strip

What does this mean exactly about the weapons? The hospital destruction though is another way for the Israel military to harm the citizens of Palestine.

(this video was made in 2022) Here are four lies Israel kept telling the world

It is now February 2024, this video was made 2 years ago, before the Oct. 7th, 2023, incident, and things have only gotten worse for the Palestine people. Love to us all!

2232024 Hamas Rape Narrative COLLAPSES, Israeli Forces Accused of SEXUAL VIOLENC...

Considering that this is made in America, it presents both sides so as not to get censored, is what I believe. The IDF admits to killing Israel people on Oct. 7th, and we have no numbers of that, but witnesses who are in the IDF and have said that on camera. We have also heard reports of not just Palestine women and girls being raped but boys and men as well, also torture and killings for years by Israel police and IDF.

Yemenis destroy US Reaper drone, with Jon Elmer and Ali Abunimah

Thank you for being courageous and trying to give us the truth!


I totally agree and am so thankful to hear intelligent recognition of the intentions of Israel on the Palestine people.

Israeli leader openly makes genocidal statement on Knesset floor

I am glad that a lot of people do not want this kind of hateful behavior and are trying to end it. Love and blessings to all those who work to make the world better than worse for all people.

Protesting Indian farmers use kites to combat tear gas drones | Al Jazee...

Wow, courageous and innovative people! May they get the prices they are asking for along with the ridiculous loan forgiveness. India has a lot of farmers commit suicide over those loans and crop failures.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Cost of speaking out for Palestine | Bassem Youssef talks to TRT World

Bassem Youssef is a love warrior! Bravo! 

Child marriages in Afghanistan: The fight against selling underage girls...

Why is hunger and poverty surging? Could it be years of war and sanctions?

Venezuelan G4ngs Taking Over Chicago 🟠⚪🟣

Lets keep American citizens in anger and fear! I can't say 4 people is a gang.....

Harvard students protest with die-in and poetry by Refaat Alareer for Gaza

Harvard students gathered on Monday for a die-in protest on the steps of Widener Library, which was part of the “Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine” emergency rally. During the demonstration, students recited the poetry of Palestinian writer Refaat Alareer, who was killed by Israel alongside his family in December.

2212024 Casualties reported in Israeli bombing of UNWRA building in Jabalia

Huni, love to you for all your dedication and work! Love to you!

2212024 Doctors Without Borders urgent update on #Gaza to UN Security Council

Doctors without Borders are heroes! Love to all of us!

Feb 21 - Gaza is Not Alone: Field extension built for Al Kuwaiti Specia...

Blessings to all of us! Thank you very much for all you do!

2212024 Türkiye’s first fighter jet KAAN conducts maiden test flight

It is beautiful and looks kind of like one of those saucer UFOs. I hope only peace comes from such a beautiful and powerful machine as this. Really great video too!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Israel Furious! Putin deploys Russian military on Israeli border as IDF ...

Did the giants live in the Middle East thousands of years ago... and do they have a right to claim it? Or..... if all humans came from Africa as many scientists say.... doesn't the land belong to the very first people that lived there ever?...... I am sure their DNA could be traced and we could settle this with no further killing.....

China, Russia Blast US Veto on Gaza Ceasefire, Accuse Biden of Collusion...

Bravo to China! It is a cheating set up to have only a few be able to block the majority of votes. Americas' representative is not a humanitarian representative!

Palestinian women make bread between ruins of Gaza #shorts

The whole place looks devastated and here women are working to keep their families alive! Love to all! I would recommend all people learn how to make bread, especially like this where it is simply made but can keep people from starving! In many places, they cannot be out in the open like this, because they will be targeted.

(2212024 is today, this was posted 2018) Finally Released: Censored Al Jazeera Documentary Exposes Israel-Backed ...

The Electronic Intifada is the place he is talking about in this video. I am not going to post the link because YouTube will remove it. Today is Feb. 21, 2024, this has still been going on and is slowly coming to light. Thank you!

Feb 15 - Gaza is Not Alone: Building a Tent for a Displaced Family

Thank you for helping this woman and her children, the tent looks fabulous, and she will have a little food too! What a wonderful relief for them! Love to us all!

South Africa Says Palestinians Are Enduring Extreme Form of Apartheid

I agree with everything they say about the illegal occupation, and the horror of what the Palestine people are put through by Israel, I want the occupation to end also, however I got a nauseating feeling in my stomach thinking about how this hearing, with all it's research, truth, honor, intelligence, and wisdom may not do a thing to prevent Israel from continuing what it is doing. Israel and USA do not even recognize this court. I don't want more people harmed, anywhere, but I don't know how to stop this horror that is happening not only to the Palestine people, but other places in the world. We must continue trying to help though, no matter how small or helpless we feel.
The truth is this could happen to any of us no matter where we live, and we would want others to help us too if they could. Somehow our world needs to evolve to an understand of how we are all connected and what a better place we can build with truth and love rather than lies and hate, sharing rather than stealing, and working together with creative ways to make sure all have shelter, clean water and air and enough to eat plus access to healthcare and education. Love to us all!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Israel Wants to Replace UNRWA with a CIA Front Group


(Read Comments 2202024) United States on the Middle East & Palestine - Media Stakeout | Security...

(The comments with this video are outstanding)! I would never agree to temporary ceasefire and turn over all my goods for the killing to then continue..... that is not good enough..... how can USA think that anyone would think that was a good idea?

Air strikes in central Gaza: Family searches for loved ones in rubble

It really has been one horrible shock after another..... I must say, the killing of so many reporters have decreased some of the coverage, and that concerns me besides the atrocity that it is. I still think it is frightening that AI has allowed them to be able to target journalists and their families. That could happen anywhere now that it has been used effectively.

"What I Saw Wasn't War — It Was Annihilation," Says U.S. Doctor Who Volu...

Dr Galaria, thank you for trying to help the Palestine people and telling their story from your view. War is two or more sides with weapons battling, this is unbalanced one side of people with no weapons being attacked over and over. Yes, Hamas soldiers have some weapons, but most of the people killed in Gaza are not soldiers, they are purposely being targeted.

US vetoes UN security council resolution calling for an immediate humani...

Many people have been working on this since before Israel was even created.... how much longer is it going to take really? It is obvious that some want it, and some don't.

Animated: Nowhere to run for Palestinians in Gaza

OMG this made me cry! Somehow, we have to stop the occupation and killing! Love to us all!

Palestinians crowd aid truck in northern Gaza for food supplies

Occupation needs to end!

"We Learned From The Israelis" - Iraq War Veteran on Population Control

Very powerful! Thank you! I believe it goes back farther than that though too..... but, it is time we turn things around and create a better world! Love to us all!

‘It was like a Judgement Day’: Doctor recalls surviving Israeli raid of ...

Doctor Ahmad Moghrabi thank you for your love and work. The quadcopters are so frightening, the bombing is horrific, the pain and agony is beyond human mind and heart. I am so sorry! Love to you, love to us all!

Israeli troops shoot at Palestinians receiving aid.

This is the first time I have seen a video of HOW MANY are there! Most videos don't show so many at one time! That is so horrendous that they are suffering. Each one of them and their family members are valuable. The ICJ is hearing their case this week to end the occupation, but we need it to end today! Prayers to all, love to all!

Monday, February 19, 2024

(2192024) In Jerusalem, thousands people fajar pray at al AQSA Mosque on tuesday

Love to us all!

Israeli airstrikes hit southern Lebanon, north of Israeli border

People just trying to live, and some creep bombs them! But.... these keep the weapons manufacturing jobs open in USA and other places..... (puke).... Just think, we have no idea of what wonderful things people could come up to make the world a better place, when they have died..... There are so many wonderful ways to live that have nothing to do with causing destruction and creating more fear..... Love to us all!

Palestinian Ambassador Breaks Down In Tears During His Speech At The ICJ...

I wish there was no added music to this speech, I can figure out myself what emotion I want to feel rather than be led to emotions. If I turn it down, then I can't hear this man, Riyad Mansour speak! Thank you Riyad for your love and courage! Riyad has delivered a beautiful speech and request and I agree with everything he asks for and speaks of!
Our world has had some doors open to the light, and many of us have awakened to the reality of what is happening to the Palestine people, and we want peace, dignity, and ethical living situations for them with the occupation ending right now. We also want Israel to be held accountable for their actions now and in the future that cause harm to the Palestine people! The people of Palestine will need assistance to build back, but immediately they need the killing ended, return of prisoners, food, clean water, medical supplies and other simple living needs such as blankets. Love to us all!

Palestinian boy collects greens near Israeli army and sells them to feed...

I think it is great that they are doing that, but he said he didn't want to be filmed, you are actually risking his life more if he gets identified for doing that! You should respect what he is telling you. They need money and food, what else is he going to do? Just being in Gaza is a risk. I think the kids are cute and strong, but I think they need to be respected.

British people views on immigration 50 years ago. Pretty much the same a...

Funny how it was ok though for the British to go to other places and live there and take over. It is also funny how it is the same thing some people complain about now. This is at some sort of meeting or rally it looks like, but there will always be people who welcome other people as long as they don't cause harm. I believe with immigrants there are many new ideas that can enter the society for the better. I am sure in reality, none of those people talking in this video like ALL the British people either!

ICJ holds public hearings on Israeli occupation of Palestinian territori...

Live Now!!!!!

Brazil’s Lula compares Israel-Hamas war to the Holocaust

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva talked; I was saying Yes! Ben started talking, I burst out laughing.!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

(2/18/2024) Israeli forces are building a fortified highway cutting Gaza into two

Some of the destruction, like this, would only make life harder for them, if they did win. They bomb and block wells with cement, they tear out trees that are mature, they destroy land for agriculture, they bomb centuries old buildings and temples, they completely destroy beautiful homes and destroy infrastructure like the hospitals, libraries, schools, water treatment facilities...... why? Well, it does a few things, ensures profit into the companies that make weapons, ensures profit to those companies that will rebuild, and it makes a huge emotional wound in other humans..... The occupation needs to end now, Palestine must become an independent country, no further weapons or money sent to Israel, who obviously have plenty. They give free visits to politicians and students from all over the world, they donate plenty of money into lobbying in governments, and they buy weapons not to defend but destroy.

New world order needed to end war in Gaza

Palestine PM Mohammad Shtayyeh speaks about something peaceful because many citizens around the world want that, and like he says, some do not. People were talking for many years about a new world order that would bring peace and improve life for the world, it has been changed to something people are afraid of, because of the groups that want us to be in fear. I agree, we need to bring about a world of peace! I see the peace and love as being present right now! Love to us all!

How a Vietnam Vet Received a $5 Million Settlement💰🇺🇸

Scott Lawson should never have been in Vietnam in the first place, along with over 50,000 Americans that were killed and thousands of them that returned with physical and mental issues, besides the thousands of Vietnam people who died and were injured and suffer still from the aftereffects of Agent Orange and other chemicals.
I tried to look him up to find out how he did after that wonderful lawsuit, but no luck. I did find another video about a different Scott Lawson that was in Iraq, which no one in USA should have been at either, but I am glad both of them survived. Love to us all!

2/18/2024 Clare Daly : "Israel is losing on the ground and in the court" ( My Reac...

I love Clare! 

Israeli settlers, with military and police escort, steal sheep. Police a...

Thugs..... and they are doing this out of shear sadistic entertainment. This has been going on for way too long, but this is not as bad as when they come in and take everything, and pour cement into their wells or springs, or simply destroy it all. This is what US tax money pays to continue happening, this is one reason Palestine people are angry. 

U.S. carries out cyberattack on suspected Iranian spy ship

Nothing is beyond the US military..... what is weird is them telling the public. It is like they want to see how the public likes the government doing this thing.... for our security I guess.... I don't know, but it is weird.

Hamas threatens to suspend ceasefire talks unless Gaza aid increased

Needs to be a permanent ceasefire, not one for a short time. Food, water and medical supplies need to be brought in.
We see that woman going to collect some of the plants growing to eat, many of us don't know which are edible and should study and eat them now so you can identify them easily. None of us never know when things like war or natural disasters will happen. Many of the wild plants are actually more nutritious than the modern agriculture in stores, and they aren't sprayed with chemicals. There is a lot of free food out there depending on where you live!

27-year-old doctor cares for 850 patients in Gaza’s Nasser Hospital

Dr. Mohammed Harara, 27 years old, such a hero! He is with his family now in 2/18/2024 because IDF told him to leave the hospital. His family and the sea will help him heal! It helps my heart too just seeing his parents and relatives hug him, and the way he looked and went to the water. The occupation needs to end now, and Palestine must be recognized as their own country with lands back from at least 1967 lines with all the 'settlers' out! Open up the bombed and blocked water wells and springs and start growing food again. Peace with no sounds of drones and no more killing!

(2182024) Gazan doctor reunited with family after Khan Younis hospital evacuation

Dr. Mohammed Harara, 27 years old, such a hero! His family and the sea will help him heal! It helps my heart too just seeing his parents and relatives hug him, and the way he looked and went to the water. The occupation needs to end now, and Palestine must be recognized as their own country with lands back from at least 1967 lines with all the 'settlers' out! Open up the bombed and blocked water wells and springs and start growing food again. Peace with no sounds of drones and no more killing!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

U.S. Rebukes Israel For 'Spreading Lies About Hamas'; Biden Govt Says 'N...

Put some US people on those trucks and announce it to Israel, get them in!

Ukraine withdraws forces from eastern city of Avdiivka

The report is titled Ukranian leaving what was a stronghold, then shifts into talk about sending them more money, and finally some BS about Trump.... wow..... US citizens pay the interest on the $34 billion debt we already have, we don't need to add more and cut social programs in USA to pay..... let people live and don't fund weapons makers!

'Grace' from Cork to Gaza with 💚

Darling Tadhg, I was not expecting this powerful song from you! I got goose bumps and I got inspired to do more! Love to you, love to all of us!

The destruction of Gaza is even worse than we may think

Such sad destruction tears at all humans, because we are all connected. I pray for healing and that Palestine is free of the occupation. I pray for humans to evolve to a higher level of ethics and love so our world can be a fabulous place for all living beings to live. The already destroyed buildings can be replaced somewhat, but the humans cannot be brought back to life. The war needs to end now! Thank you for the video!

Mosquitos injected with bacteria released on Maui

Isn't this bizarre! I was just reading about how the British brought an insect to Madagascar that killed the prickly cactus that kept the Indigenous People from starvation and dehydration during times of drought so they would work in their companies rather than stay urban..... this was quite a while ago, but...... just saying.....

Australian Parliament Calls for U.S. to Drop Case Against Julian Assange...

Jullian has spent time that he should not have even had to spend in jail for way too long. USA needs to stand for the free speech it represents in its legal laws!

(2172024) Arab League Fumes At Israel's Rafah Offensive; Orders Muslim Nations To ...

60 terror entities, wow! 12 figures, another wow! I am impressed. Every little bit that helps the people of Palestine is good!

They're Dehumanizing Russians. Have You Wondered Why?

Great video! The number of reasons we should feel fear or hate towards different groups is really pushed in USA where I am from, is intense! When you talk about the drones showing the killing, I am so shocked, the war technology has changed a lot. I old enough to have been around when people were protesting the Vietnam war and didn't even want my son to have toy guns. I remember one day he shaped a cracker into a little gun by biting pieces of it off, and I realized he has been exposed, so thought it was important to teach my kids HOW to use guns safely.
I was also shocked when I saw some of the shooting/killing video games that were out for kids many years ago and have only gotten more realistic. I believe they desensitize people about killing others. I heard others say that too, but I believe it. If anyone listens to people when they are playing some of them, or even just sitting for 10 minutes watching one being played, it is appalling the amount of violence in them, and they have gotten so realistic that it is creepy. People who enjoy playing those games are some of the people that are now controlling those drones and watching it happen too.
I also believe some of the responses on those videos of that are from bots and people that have been paid to write them. It encourages more hate and unethical behavior from others when they read the comments like that from others, and it also works the other way. Sometimes I have seen where people will attack the channels that promote the opposite of the general comments, so I think some who want peace are afraid to even comment on some videos, also those who want peace are less likely to watch the hate videos and the other way around with that too. It seems like that allows groups of people to continue and not much thinking deeply.
Thank you for being a love warrior!

NATO Nation's Pro-Palestine Bombshell Shakes Israel; France Says 'Recogn...

Bravo France on this idea! Yes, give them the correct title that is theirs, and end the occupation, then let's help the Palestine people have shelter, clean water and places to grow their food as they once had so, they can be strong and independent! The social experiment didn't work and was a terrible injustice to both sides. You cannot steal something from someone and not be wondering when they will try to get it back, but people can do loving things for each other and learn to care for each other and in turn, care about each other's wellbeing.

Britain in Palestine 1917-1948

History is a good thing to know, if you can find the truth. 

(2172024) South Africa's President meet with Palestine Prime Minister!

Love to us all! This is a great conversation!

Julius Malema calls on South African soldiers to return from Congo

A whole situation that needs love and protection for the innocents. 

2172024 Amid ICJ's New Announcement, Angry Netanyahu Calls South Africa 'Hamas A...

The buildup of tension is a nightmare on the conscious of all beings who are either in the middle of it or paying attention. We must stay focused on the peace we want. This could all end in such a beautiful way if Palestine was given recognition for their own country with no occupation, all hostages released from both sides and no more money for weapons or destruction to Israel (or Ukraine or anywhere else) from USA and Europe! There can still be plenty of money to be made if we just shift where we want our humanity to shift to, we can change, we can evolve to higher forms of life with love and ethics as the base.

Palestinians without shelter in 'humanitarian zone'

Most of the Palestine people lived like most of the people around the world, with homes that had running water, electricity, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and clothing for different types of weather, and when we see them in these situations it is easy to forget that. Most of us would not be able to live like this for any amount of time, and it is very difficult for them too. We can stop this horror right now; we must all be strong and keep our focus on peace and a life of dignity and ethics for all humans. Love to us all!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Palestinian home demolished: Israeli soldiers raze activist's home to th...

Where will Fakhri go now? This is one of the most horrible things I see, when families have built their income for generations into a house and land with a few crops and maybe some animals and then they lose it all and have to go somewhere else with nothing. It seems like they are making this demolition last as painfully long as possible, usually they go in with bulldozers and it is gone in a short amount of time, here they are making the insane sound of gunfire with their machinery on purpose.

US condemns Israel for demolishing Palestinian community leader's house

What? Is he getting closer to talking about the real thing? I know it is difficult for him, but he said a lot more than he did a few days ago that is in favor of Palestine.

Australian Parliament Calls On U.K. To Free Assange!

Jullian Assange is being held for telling the truth, he needs to be freed! There is more information at the end of this video! 

Satellite photos show construction on Egypt’s border with Gaza | Al Jaze...

This is all backwards; it could be solved so simply by having Palestine be a country with the end of the occupation. There is no need to continue the war against them wanting what humanity considers a human right!

(2162024) Why does the US not seem as cautious with its funding for Israel as it i...

Prem Thakker thank you for the great question! The answer we got was enough for citizens to understand still does not make sense, considering the statements made by Israel to get rid of the Palestine's completely and continue with a genocide campaign.

Get off the fence 🙏

Thank you Tadhg! You are a love warrior! I am sharing!

PROPAGANDA - They Showed This To High School Kids In 1948! Would They Al...

Everyone can learn how to identify tools or tricks; this is from David Hoffman collections! 

This is the World’s Oldest Insult (and it’s still hilarious?)

They actually had air conditioning then, it was an elaborate yet simple system of towers and tunnels underground, the hot air would come down the tower pass into a tunnel underground, get cooled by the underground temp and water temp and go back up a few angles and out the top. (The system was widely used in the middle east..... hence, the reason for some of the tunnels under Gaza and that whole area! Look them up, some are still used today, free and controllable) Thank you for the joke too!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Gaza diaper factory gives lifeline to parents

Beautiful, resourceful, intelligent and loving!

Gaza women describe Israeli kidnapping, interrogations

This is a shocking fact about humanity and how easy it is to get people to do these horrible things to other people.
I want Palestine people to have freedom and their own land with no occupation, I want them living in peace with their loved ones on their land and I want it now.
I also want those who feel hate to be healed and be able to love again!
The video is done well with the ending especially letting us feel somewhat of their feelings and the imposing feeling of how their lives are at this moment.

(Hindi goddess Kunti reference in my blog) HILARIOUS Aussie Dub Of Putin Interview w/ Tucker

The timing was perfect with Tuckers little grin too!
I do think the word C.... that was used is actually from a holy Hindi Goddess Kunti and should not be used derogatorily.
Love to all!

Red wildflowers bloom in southern Israel amid conflict

I can picture the beautiful Palestine children running and laughing there!

2024 France New Law about mRNA vaccines

 What? Up to 3 years and a monetary fine for criticizing a mRNA vaccine in France?

UFO shuts down Hangzhou Xiaoshan airport, China, July 7, 2010

UN relief chief says Hamas is not a terrorist group

I agree with him, just as the Native People of USA were not terrorists when fighting back the Europeans.

Unnamed national security threat reportedly space-based weapon meant to ...

OMG this is so old news, but it is getting stirred up like crazy now for some reason.... what is that reason? USA is just as likely to use such weapons, even to create a false flag. Does this have to do with UFOs, or sending more money to wars, or what exactly? Stay focused and be loving to others.

(2152024) Israel's plan is to "make Gaza uninhabitable"

Akram al-Satarri I am so sorry for what you are going through, and I know you are a love warrior. I send prayers and hope the occupation ends right now, and the Palestine people can live in peace! Thank you for everything you do!

South Africa Just Reached ICJ Again as Israel Prepares for Rafah Offensive!

Bravo! But will it help? We all must see the end of the occupation in our minds and hearts and Palestine people living free and happy. We have seen a lot of horror; we must focus on them healing and laughing and enjoying their friends and family while rebuilding their land! Love to all!

Indrid Cold, the Visitor from Lanulos

I put this here so I could watch it sometime, I haven't seen it yet. It is about frequent contacts with aliens by this person. 

Man Who's Been Abducted Reveals The Truth About Aliens

There are links in the comments of this video from the creator for the man in the story, and this comment was interesting: 
Ever hear of Dr. Frank E. Stranges & his book Stranger at the Pentagon & Woodrow (Woody) Darrenburger & his book Visitors From Lanulos?? Both men had decades of contact with the same group of alien beings & going on their ufo/starcraft!!

Elon Musk Makes Joe Rogan Go Quiet w/ His Warning for US Cities

In order to listen to the whole show, it requires a payment I believe, but this clip is important. I would like to hear his whole thought of being piped to earth...... sounds like he is talking about subtle mind control for destruction, so it would be an internal thing going on without people realizing it.

Israelis shoot at Palestinians during truce

I just watched an interesting video with Kurt Russel talking about the 2nd amendment in the USA. 

Friends filmed themselves in accidental drowning

This is horribly creepy; they were just having fun and knew each other well. It is creepy because it looks like more than once they would be ok, and the one that is off to the side, and the sounds...... It happened in 2018. Chetan Khatik, Sudarshan Chandel, and Radheyshyam Khati drowned. The three men, in their 20s, decided to take a dip in a deep pool Filmed themselves jumping in the water in Rajasthan, western India. They were all poor swimmers, and drowned in less than three minutes
Here is a link:

BREAKING: "This is TREASONOUS what they're doing to the American people!...

Americans are either so busy working to pay their bills to think about these things, or they are saying no more money for wars, or both! It is time to keep our focus continue to be calm and start loving each other. Thank you for all you do!

GOP genius DESTROYS climate clown John Kerry in front of Congress: "You'...

Wow, good!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Erdogan's Big Announcement For Gaza Amid Israel-Hamas War;'Turkey Ready ...

It is easy for people in the comments to say it is just words, but these countries also have to protect their own people. USA has destroyed other countries with a systematic sadistic joy that still lingers, and everyone can see. It is not wise to jump in without caution. That is part of the problem, Israel is also aware of this, and they make up a team like Dr. Evil and Mini Me.

Biden’s plan for the ‘day after’ amounts to half a Palestinian state on ...

Marwan Bishara is open in his thoughts, no playing around or hidden plans. I think the plans for Palestine and Israel from the US are horrible, immoral and unjust. I don't think Israel is an honorable nation that should have any control over others.

Hezbollah's 'Bloodiest' Attack On Israel; Hellfire In Haifa After Safed ...

What are those flying balls with wings on them?

Jordanian activists block goods passage to Israel with human chain

Love warriors!

House intelligence chair warns of "serious national security threat"

This idea has been talked about for decades, it is just being brought up as a ploy. There are those who insist on continuing wars, and keeping the citizens in fear is a great way to get no push-back for funding the wars. The simple truth is USA does not need to be adding more weapons and money to kill people. We are all going to die one day, enjoy as much of your life as you can right now. That money could be used to make lives in USA healthier, happier, and all around better, let's choose love rather than immoral and destructive behaviors!

Palestinian man returning with bread for family finds them all killed by...

Israel wanted all of that piece of land, Harry Truman, US president at the time is in a video where he talks about them wanting everything handed to them on a silver platter without them doing anything...... and they don't like their neighbors either.......
A puppy who has been abused will bite anything around it unless it is emotionally healed. But.... no one in their right mind would let the puppy continue to bite and tear children to pieces hoping the puppy learns to behave. Some kind of intense healing needs to be done because the puppy has become a monster that is using bunker busters and quad-drones that are equipped with guns and AI technology for location and tracking.

(11/2023) Texas organizers estimate that 50,000 people took part in a statewide ac...

I am from the USA, and I do not remember any news of this back in Nov. 2023. I am impressed, especially Texas, no offence meant to Texans, I am just surprised and thrilled!

America a book about ancient items

 Dutchsinse sent this link    from the library of congress that is a book that writes about ancient Americas before the Native Peoples and some of the artifacts. The book is available to download or read for free. He posted on 2142024 to X. 

APA citation here:   Davis, A. (1851) Antiquities of America. Buffalo, Jewett, Thomas & co., printers. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

MUST Watch | Owen Jones Said it a Decade Ago! #israel

Owen Jones is a love warrior! I am learning more and more every day; I feel like I am coming out into the light! I agree with everything he says in this video, and now it is 2024 with almost 30000 Palestine people killed in the past 4 months with whole families being blown to bits, and now starving and getting sick from not enough water. Hospitals, schools and homes have been destroyed and over 1 Million pushed to southern Gaza which is also getting attacked!

911 called on congressmen trying to see Tucson migrant hotel

I love this! The staff is being reasonable. When I stay at a hotel, I don't want others snooping around getting information from me and my family.... and I love that 911 also believes they were out of line to just show up like that. Media and the US government love to keep people angry at other people, as long as they are not focused things that could be great improvements for the USA, they are good to continue, such as the funding voted today for funding billions of dollars to Israel and Ukraine.

Bibi DEMANDS US Pay For Gaza Tent Cities

USA just voted to send more to Israel and Ukraine......

The history Israel DOES NOT want you to know 🤫

No one was sure where Israel was going to be, it was discussed of putting it in parts of Africa and even USA. The story that includes they were promised it is just part of the story that works for the Zionists to make the lie better.

Palestinian man loses 8 relatives in Israeli strike on Rafah

I think it is odd that they knew precisely where the two hostages were yet had to bomb around and kill innocent people. This man lost everything, and so did his family, and more will happen the same to others, because the 'capture' of hostages will give an excuse to continue with that kind of operation. What if the hostages were planted in that area, and the whole 'rescue' was faked? Blessings to this man.... having to go collect his families body parts.... geeze.... this situation needs to end and Palestine's need to be free!

Top Hamas chief in Gaza and suspected mastermind of Oct. 7 attacks seen ...

There was a camera in the tunnels in Oct. 2023. Where did this come from? One part of the report says this is from Oct., one part says it is from after December. They say he is SUSPECTED of masterminding the attack.... The whole report is not really much that is even real except people walking through a tunnel into the light. We don't really know anything more, even when for sure. Watch the emotional place this type of information is intending to put you into. Stay calm and focused and ask questions, do research.

BlackRock: the Company That Controls* the World's Governments

Interesting video, thank you!

‘Is That Even Physically Doable?’: Kirby Asked If Entire Civilian Popula...

He is physically moving around more than I have ever seen, and still talking in sentences that avoid answering what the public wants to hear..... and still ok with sending more weapons and money.....

Mother in Rafah Desperate to Escape as Israel Prepares Ground Invasion

She has a go fund me with a link in the description box of the video. 

(Israel history) Lord Rothschild Claims His Family Created Israel

Sometimes when one looks into things, the doors open wide to show a world you never knew existed. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Sparks Fly Between State Dept Spox And Reporter Over Aid To Israel: The ...

The reporter is a love warrior who speaks the truth! Many of us are saying the same thing and keep getting fed BS!

Pro-Palestine Hackers Penetrate US Navy's 5th Fleet; 'Secret Document, M...

What is the USA doing collaborating with other groups besides using the military of the USA, well, they don't have to follow international rules.

EU's Borrell suggests US give “less arms” to Israel


How Israeli army ordered troops to fire on Israelis on 7 October, with A...

There are so many signs that the whole thing was nothing like they wanted us to believe, with the plan then to bomb the heck out of Gaza.... and capture all the Palestine land.

Israel shares fake content allegedly showing tents for Palestinians

Thank you for sharing, I am too! Read the description for the video when you click the link.

Link below, end occupation in Gaza.

This is difficult to watch, but demonstrates why we must stop the occupation and war on the Palestine people today 2122024.

 Here is a link:

(2122024 Soccer Game) Battle Continues - South Africa's President and Palestine Just Met


Dave Chappelle indirectly criticizes Is....... #shorts

Wow! Funny and not funny.... intelligent perspective!

The NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the THE EU and their influence today ...

An unusual bit of information I found, take it for what you will. 

Israeli offensive on Rafah: Biden administration changes tone

How can anyone say Hamas is using the people as shields when there was nowhere for them to go? And how can any of the bombing be to protect the innocent civilians when we all witnessed the ridiculous overkill of bombs including bunker busters used on the Palestine people? We the people want a better way for all people that involves justice and dignity with leaders who are not liars while making millions.

US Plans To Punish South Africa After its Bold ICJ Case!

I wonder how much those who wrote the bill got paid! Thank you for this video!

Israel strikes Rafah, says two captives freed

Hani stay safe. What an awful situation for all of the Palestine people! I am sending prayers almost every moment. I agree it will be used to continue the operation.... even though they know the hostages were where they found them for a while now.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

2112024 Women and children injured from Israeli strikes on Rafah

Oh, the woman almost fell with the child on her hand..... head injuries.... pain.... agony.... meanwhile USA watching Superbowl and talking about sending Israel more money.... I pray for an end to the occupation, as well as all wars everywhere. Some humans seem to have more fear-based genes than wise loving genes. Evolution happens, one day things will be different.