Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Palestinians Charge Genocide in U.S. Court; Biden & Blinken Sued for Bac...

Thank you so much for reporting this! Love to us all!

Palestinian journalist documents ‘death road’ route used to evacuate fro...

Thank you for sharing so we can witness your struggles and also say prayers and blessings to all of you!

(Mansour Shouman) PM JustinTrudeau, when asked by a @CBCNews reporter about Mansour Shouma...

Wow! I am impressed! I hope he is alive and well and found and released ASAP! We love Mansour Shouman who has a loving heart and only trying to do good! Also, his loving family and friends I send blessings!

Israel's claim of a Hamas tunnel under Gaza cemetery debunked

There are many systems of tunnels that have been made in the Middle East for thousands of years that were used to cool water and houses, if you look it up it will amaze you how intelligent the people living in these areas were. Tunnels also were built by Israels in the 1980s in Gaza and other places, you can look that up too.
But... to tear into cemeteries and lie about what is being done while everyone is watching is very ghoulish. There are a lot of weird things scientifically being done, and it makes me question what the H.... are they doing this for, perhaps simply as a psychological weapon.

Suleiman was struck by an Israeli drone while out to get supplies for hi...

Right at the end his eyes get all watered up.... then mine now too! I am glad to learn of these arboricities, and it is very difficult to watch but we are not going to be able to change this to something better if we do not know about it! I do not have answers, but I know that I feel love for this young man, and all those who are dealing with the occupation, as well as war torn problems all over the world now and in the past. I will continue to be a part of the change that can make us humans into a more civilized society where we treat living beings as valuable and manifestations of the Creator! Love to all!

Antarctica in old photographs

Robert Scott did go to Antarctica with a group of men to explore, and there is a book called Beyond the Ice Wall, and there are pictures...... but I did not see many of these.... I did not look through them all because there are over 3000, so it doesn't mean these are fake. One thing he did discover however is fossils of trees, which he was trying to prove that Antarctica was once connected to Australia, Africa and South America as one large continent, so the fossil let him know it was once warm enough for plants, trees and animals to live there.

LIVE: Nicola Sturgeon grilled at Covid inquiry

This says it is live on 1/13/2024, I don't know if it will show up or not. 

LIVE: French farmers"besiege" Paris on third day of protest

I am not sure if this will show up, but I found it on 1/31/24, and the protest apparently started on Jan. 18, 2024.    This is from the website The Times and The Sunday Times , the farmers want compensation for cattle killed by epizootic hemorrhagic disease, but included in their anger is lower amounts of money, rising costs and other problems.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Israel white phosphorous munitions: Accusations use of weapons is causin...

White phosphorus is horrible because it keeps burning through humans and water makes it catch fire, so all the little pieces have to be removed from bodies to keep people alive if possible. I did not know this about the land. Why would people destroy land where food could be grown? Their hatred has turned to insanity.

Woke Up to Foggy Morning so Went Back to Sleep #nature #sleep #winter #r...

This was made by me this morning, hahahahaha. 

'Israel A Failure': UK Shocks Netanyahu Amid Gaza War; Sunak Govt May Re...

It seems simple... quit begging Nethen yaho ..... so obviously it isn't that simple..... then who is funding this game? Who has more money than USA and Israel?

'What Are You Suggesting?': Pentagon Official Has Testy Exchange With Re...

Fantastic call by the reporter! Who is he? Bravo? Did Pat call him Fati or Faati?

Ciarán Cuffe MEP says Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu must go

Bravo! And we need to keep looking until the occupation is done! And there are other places in this world too that need real peace for people, not continued bombing and warfare, but real peace and working so everyone has at least basic needs such as clean water, air, shelters, medical care and safety from authorities and others! Love to us all, we can make the world better even if it is one step at a time!

NYT Pulls HAMAS RAPE Story from Podcast Over INTERNAL TURMOIL Over SHODD...

The Grayzone Max Blumenthal interview, thank you for all your work!

Russia will do everything to stop and completely eradicate Nazism! Putin...

Thank you everyone who made this great memorial and for the speeches by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko which were very powerful!

'U.S. Soldiers Mistook Enemy Drone For Their Own': Stunning Details Of J...

Doesn't their equipment work?

Learn Arabic: How did Yahya Sinwar deceive "Israel"

Brilliant idea of teaching! Thank you!

Monday, January 29, 2024

Chicago ER Doctor Just Back from Gaza Says Patients, Medical Staff Face ...

Dr. Thaer Ahmad is a love warrior and thank you Amy for this great report! Love to all of us!

(This is the title only by the maker of this channel) HOW I STARTED TO SUPPORT RUSSIA

I am glad you can speak English because it is the only language I can understand, so I got to hear what you are saying and understand it all. It is quite amazing the transformation in a few years. I did not know people got fined for speaking Russian, or about the total transformations on many levels. I honestly did not know much about Ukraine until the recent war, and then slowly learned things that have happened since 2014. Many things happen around the world that USA is involved in, but the citizens don't have a clue about them or what the truth is.

Arab leaders in Michigan decline meeting with Biden campaign team amid I...

Rather than killing people, tax money can be going to make our world better, it is so simple to me. We can all learn how to communicate and have peace.

@CTVNews interview with Mansour's mum #bringmansourhome

I love Mansour and do hope he is still alive and well. I pray for his family and friends. The occupation needs to end ASAP.

Smear Campaign Against UN's Palestinian Refugee Agency Taken Apart

I agree. A company will not shut down if a few employees are accused of criminal behavior. Israel is using a back door to continue to commit genocide, which is the accusations and then the media getting people to believe their tax money should not be used by the one main source of things the people of Palestine need right now to help them from dying of starvation and illnesses.
Yes, I know many people see this attempt at manipulation that will really end up harming thousands of people. Thank you for this video!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Hamas Again Forces Israel To Change Gaza War Schedule? From '1 Yr' To '1...

The demon they are trying to survive from is within them, they will never be done fighting until they look deeper inside themselves. So far, they fear everyone it seems and have not been able to rid the world of their "enemy".

Israel 🇮🇱 Vs any other army - Western double standards

Bravo love warrior!

Surviving Jinns & Black Magic in Guantanamo Bay? | Fayez alKandari

Interesting perspective! Thank you for sharing!

"US Soldiers NOT UP TO the Battles in Afghanistan!"

Well, this is a simple truth that people do not see. When people are strong from living strong and eating healthy foods, they will outperform those who don't, even the mind is different so technology might be better, but the thoughts are not.

(1/28/24) UN chief urges donor countries to restore UNRWA funding

Israel made the allegations about the workers; we have already witnessed other lies.... in all fairness from all countries.... however, any company does not close down when a few employees commit crimes, so this is a lame excuse to withhold funding when we already know Palestine is having problems with food, shelter and medical supplies! I think Israel is using a back door tactic to continue genocide.

Israeli forces kill two brothers along Gaza evacuation route

I feel like nothing I say is good enough. This is so wrong and is happening in other places around the world too. I love being alive and I love so many things that humans do, but I cannot make any sense of why humans have the capacity to inflict such pain on each other. I am so sorry to all those who are experiencing this horror! I have a dream of a place where all people can live in peace. Maybe that is not possible, and maybe I should focus on all of us having moments of joy and peace in our lives. Love to all of us!

Living in a cave in the coldest winter of Afghanistan | Life 2000 years ago

Absolutely amazing! The opening that looks like a keyhole in the beginning is HUGE and it looks like there were more of the same shapes once a LONG time ago! Thank you to the people who you filmed and to you for making this video and sharing!

Israel says it will stop UNRWA from operating in Gaza after war

Israel is making the accusations, hmmmm. They may or not be true, but innocent until proven guilty is a good ideal to follow.
A company will not shut down because some employees have gotten into criminal behavior, and the funding by countries should not be paused when Gaza is in dire need of help
right at this moment.
I see this as a back door to speed up the starvation levels within Gaza by Israel. Israel does not like the reports of abuse that UNWRA keeps track of either.

UN agency head 'horrified' by allegation that staff joined Hamas attacks

Israel is making the accusations, hmmmm. They may or not be true, but innocent until proven guilty is a good ideal to follow. But a company will not shut down because some employees have gotten into criminal behavior, and the funding by countries should not be paused when Gaza is in dire need of help right at this moment. I see this as a back door to speed up the starvation levels within Gaza by Israel.

'We can't take it': journalist breaks down on air reporting colleague's ...

Direct targeting of journalists and their family members is not only horrible, but it ought to frighten every one of us! Think of their capabilities to hide truth and to kill whomever they want so easily! Condolences to all families and friends of those who have died, and I hope there is a heaven and those who have passed are there!

(I don't agree with this production, read description) ‘They celebrated’: UNRWA staff caught praising Hamas for October 7 massacre

The workers in UNRWA have not been found guilty of anything, Israel is accusing them of helping fund Hamas, when Israel was funding Hamas specifically to fight the PLO and Palestine Authority. So, there are allegations, but no definite findings yet. This comes just as the ICJ says Israel is to make sure the Palestine's are not genocided.... Israel used a back door and their constant statements of antisemitism. Now the people will suffer from starvation, and they will have access to even less medical supplies.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

(Emil Cosman) 2 Year Anniversary message: Thank you! We are together in this!

Congratulations! I almost started crying towards the end because it seems like you felt everything you were saying so strong that it almost made you cry! I enjoy your channel very much! I like almost everything you say, and I enjoy your wit and intelligence and love of truth and freedom! May you continue to do well and enjoy your life! I like that you include us with you! Great leadership, and you are very inspiring! Thank you for everything you do!

(Bjorn on war) I Need to Warn About This

I feel like everyone should be trained to fight, just to create harmony and a team. As far as fighting a war, well, it is important to know they are created by profiters. If anyone looks at history, people have made money from both sides at the same time. Now we can see buildups of fear and attempts to make people want to fight each other, both within and outside the country. But..... if we worked together, and we are intelligent enough to communicate and negotiate together, but we could end poverty, and all learn so many things that the human population would be at a higher level than we are at now. Love to all. The minute you mentioned coffee, I wanted some, lol. America is building a wall to the south to keep people in saying it is to keep people out!

U.K and U.S Strikes Yemen!

This is actually quite an inspiring video about survival rather than living in fear! Not saying one group or another is right or wrong, but since we all will die one day, better to live than cower!

Blow To Netanyahu As U.S. Sides With 'Hamas Sponsor' Qatar In Spat With ...

What? Is the world darkness finally opening a little or is this another game? It would be fantastic if the occupation in Gaza ended ASAP.

Dehumanisation: From the Holocaust to Gaza

Great video. Anyone who wants to know the truth needs to dig a little, it is not always available because of many of the reasons that are stated in this video.

Resilient chef brings hope to Gaza amidst food shortages

Thank you, Hamada Ghanim! I hope people who are hungry have a way to get some of this food! How wonderful to keep working with what you have! I hope the occupation ends ASAP. You have skills that will keep you working anywhere you are able to live!

Holocaust Survivor Absolutely DEMOLISHES Israel

Thank you Hajo Meyer! He is a speaker I have never heard of; I am glad to find out about his thoughts and feelings! Sometimes it takes a lot of love and courage to speak out loud! Bravo Hajo Meyer!

(1/26/2024) Joe Biden sued for complicity in genocide

1/26/2024 in Oakland, CA. Amazing. Not much heard in USA. Thank you for reporting and thank you to everyone who got this court case going and keep working on it! All humans should be free to live without fear, and all humans should be expected to treat each other with dignity and love! Everything works better when we communicate and use ethical behaviors! 

(Emil Cosman) Historic Victory for Israel. Wins case at UN Court against S. Africa "ge...

I love your insights Emil however, the ICJ ruled there was enough evidence to take up the case, and that they gave some provisions that were asked for. The sad part is many people were hoping they would say ceasefire. Israel already has said they are not committing genocide, so they disagree that anything they have done should even be brought to court. No matter what the ICJ said, they have no control over Israel. Does anyone know that Joe Biden and 2 others were taken to court today, 1/26/24 over Complicity in war with Israel and Palestine? Here is a link:

Friday, January 26, 2024

Can Israel Ignore World Court's Order? Experts Weigh in on ICJ Genocide ...

Pres. Biden and 2 others taken to court on 1/26/24 for complicity with Palestinians. Here is a link:

Prime Minister Netanyahu comments on the decision of the International C...

This could easily be an AI generated video for all anyone of us know.
It sounds funny hearing his words considering they funded Hamas. Some game is going on, under what is on social media. Care must be taken not to get wrapped up in emotion and to continue to search for the truth. There are professional people that write and research ways to get people to believe them in both advertising and political media. I am not saying he is lying, but what is the objective here, and what is the game?
People are really getting killed, do we want to continue using those behaviors based on fears, or do we want to learn how to live together and communicate and negotiate with truth and in ethical manners? If we work together, we could have a world with no poverty.

Haj in 1928 Oldest video available. Watch how difficult it was. What fa...

Thank you for sharing! Not easy to see some things, but wonderful to watch anyway!

New Film Examines American Jews’ Growing Rejection of Israel’s Occupation

MLK said that he could envision the day when people would be judged by the merit of their character rather than the color of their skin..... I think the same of all religions..... each person is different, having a general hate for any group is not moving blindly.
But, if a group of people are running towards me with bats in their hands, I will run or protect myself if I can for as long as I can!

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the nation following t...

Thank you, South Africa, for all you are doing to help people! I hope this is only the beginning of freedom for the Palestine people in both Gaza and the West Bank, and all other humans all around the world who are being injured, killed and displaced all around the world! Love to all!

Measures Imposed by Israel to Prevent Palestinian Births | Part 11 | Sou...

Thank you!

German woman voices shame over government's stance on Gaza

I am so happy that people love others! There is a lot of bad, but there are lots and lots of love and people willing to help in whatever way they can to make something better! Love to us all!

Moment South African president and justice minister celebrate ICJ order

I felt like crying, hoping for a complete ceasefire, however what happened is definitely better than nothing. Bravo for South American people working to bring justice for people!

(Jimmy Dore) Hamas Strikes Israeli Military HARD!

They are not sure exactly what caused this accident, but it was their (the IDF) own fault is what I see.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Ukraine shot down a Russian plane carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war! L...

Wow, that first reporter asked some great questions. It sounds like some are still trying to provoke more war.

Puma Drops Israel’s Football Team

I love that people actually have some power with their individual actions!

Israeli Minister Attacked At Slain IDF Soldier's Funeral | 'Stop Gaza W...

The explosion made the building fall on those soldiers, because the soldiers placed explosives in it to kill the people they are fighting, it was an accident really. I like how they are not attacking him and even killing him like what would probably happen in other countries. Everyone agrees with him.... end the war, and I say end the occupation.

Israeli soldier accused of raping colleague in Gaza

Pitifully, this type of behavior happens in all military branches in the USA too, along with other frightening behaviors including bullying and killing. If we just simply consider it is a person who was raped, we can stand with her right to be safe, but how can one feel safe with a group of people who are killers in essence? Even a group of all women or all men will treat a few horribly. Perhaps it is time to end promotion of wars and start promoting health and fitness for safety and ethics and communication, so people learn how to become better humans?

U.S. warned Iran of threat before ISIS-K bombing

Interesting how US knew about the attack. It was a horrible attack on people who followed and loved the man who was being remembered and was killed by a drone strike by the USA a few years ago.....

Umm Mansour's plea to everyone to please help find her son

Oh no! We all love Mansour too but not like you or his family! I hope you hear good news of him ASAP. I pray for your peace and safety too! If I hear anything, I will message you!

Mass protests for Palestine erupt in Amman, Jordan


Thousands lining up for compensation, claiming the COVID vaccine made th...

I don't know if I posted this before, but people might like to know that some have gotten compensated. 

President Nixon Warns Against The "Media Elitist Complex"

Yes, we know this well!

CNN witnessed first-hand results of Israel's bulldozing of graveyards in...

Not only systematic, but sinister! Attacking humans on every level possible.

List Of Muslim Women Heads Of State & Government #Muslim #Women #head

Fabulous video! Thank you!

U.S. Chides Israel After UN Shelter Bombing Kills 9 In Khan Younis; 'Rat...

We hold tight to our focus on Peace and Joy for all Palestine people. I also pray for peace for everyone on our planet. Humans can evolve to where we are living within a paradise if we hold tight to our dream and make it happen! Love to all!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

US General: Secret Plan to Invade 7 Countries #joerogan #shorts

So.... who is behind this... we have to ask..... it goes deep with many angles I believe. One part of it can be found on the YouTube channel of the ex-Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer. His channel name is: paulhellyer3081 I believe also whoever negotiated to have a country put in another country and kill or expel the people living there may be another part.... No matter what we find, we always need to remember who we are, as humans, and stay focused on our connection with the life giver/creator and ourselves and not be controlled with fear.

Bezos' $100M pledge to Maui wildfire relief under scrutiny

Rich people are smart in how their money is used. Some people will complain about anything. The real problem in Lahaina seems to be where are the insurance companies, and help from their government? What is going on with investigations of why there was no sirens, no water, no power shut off, etc..... those and other questions need answers. Now they are dumping the toxic burn ash in a place that the locals are showing will get into the water..... Be thankful Bezos helped and get on with investigations and getting people into homes on the island. A good channel with this information is Hawaii Real Estate

Lab Leak ‘SMOKING GUN’? New Docs PROVE Scientists Proposed to Engineer C...

They are still working on these, and many more! Interesting, isn't it? One has already been on the news that is 100% lethal! It is kind of like weather modification; it makes it difficult to tell if it is natural or not so can easily be hidden. I am surprised and glad that people are looking into this stuff that are not working for the government. It is also interesting that she uses the word... esoteric....

A Family ignites a tale of generosity with free bread distribution initi...

Such a lovely thing to do, help each other! I pray for ceasefire and end of the occupation NOW! You are not alone; many people are trying to help!

Why I stay: Living inside the ruins of my Gaza home

What a wonderful video! The baby at the end looks right at all of us! I see you have done some work, and a few trees are still alive, those are good signs. It must be so difficult to live in all of this destruction, but you are still valuable wonderful people. I am glad you can be inside a structure, even if it is full of dangerous pieces, some homes have been completely dissolved into dust! I know it might seem like no one cares, but there are millions who do and many who are trying to help! I pray that all humans are able to live in peace one day soon. Love to all of you!

(from 2018) Boycott Israel? No US state jobs or aid for you

From way back in 2018.... it is worse now in 2024!

This is NOT What Was Promised! Maui’s Toxic Ash Dump Multiplies

They wouldn't let people go in and check their property for pets or items because of toxins, and now they are putting it in the water, what an upside-down world. What is really going on?

Rabbi Yisroel Feldman: “All lands should be returned to the Palestinian ...

It is good for us to have truth and knowledge.

Judaism vs. Zionism (Explained by Rabbi)

Thank you for helping people to understand. Most of us know little about other cultures outside of our own and it is always good to learn. The more we learn, the more we are able to accept and love each other, as long as those we learn about are kind and loving too.

Palestinian economy struggles: Tax revenue release to have little financ...

Tahani, I love! Those couches are very pretty and look comfortable! Look, those people counting their money right on the street without worrying about their countrymen stealing from them! I pray they the Palestine's will be able to get on their feet and that the occupation ends ASAP. Hopefully they will also replant the fruit and olive trees that have been destroyed and reopen water wells! Peace and happiness are needed for them and most of us!

Authentic Spiced Chai Recipe Perfectly Brewed at Home

Ingredients and directions are in the description box of the video! 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Israeli Minister Shows Videos Of "Artificial Island" For Gazans As EU Pu...

Did you ever think who is actually behind all this? I mean, who really is in control? Look into history a little further......

Palestinians face harrowing hunt for safety as war intensifies

What horrors! To be told to go to an area to be safe, and it is really a trap is a nightmare, if they don't go, they get beaten or shot. Many people care and are trying to end the killing, and stop the suffering and the occupation, we have not forgotten. And there are more too in Yemen and other places. Us humans need to keep our focus on a world of peace and plenty for all.

UK's Cameron: Campaign to degrade Houthi capability will continue

Just give the Palestine people their freedom from occupation, and a legal country so they can be free..... it is simple! Whatever the ambitions that have not resulted in that are criminal and it is time to change so people can have dignity and rights! Bombing is the backward way, but plenty profit from the sale of weapons!

State Dept Asked Point Blank: 'Do You Think Iran Has The Right To Defend...

Hahahahaha. There is an old saying.... What's good for the goose is good for the gander.... Interesting on how the story CONTEX is created by the storyteller.

Indians line up for jobs in Israel

Great coverage, and the lady at the end asked serious questions! Yes they will be taking some of the jobs the Palestine's did, if they get caught between crossfire they will be hurt or killed, and they are workers.... so probably will not have great secure places. Also.... will they be considered second class.... I would say probably yes.

Israeli army says 21 troops killed in Gaza explosion

Hopefully all the planted explosives blew up so no innocent lives will be lost to them.

Attack on PRCS part of ‘systematic targeting’ by Israel: Official

The Israel sadistic torture techniques of physical harm as well as emotional suffering needs to be halted! All weapons must be stopped to a country that runs with obvious corrupt leaders who are full of hate and fear. May the Palestine people be free of the occupation and harm NOW! I appreciate you asking her if they are specifically targeted!

(Hamas funded by Israel) 'Israel’s Plan Not Working': EU's Josep Borrell Pushes Netanyahu For Pea...

Israel supporting Hamas..... so...... The number of Israel people killed has also come down. No one needs to wait for approval of Israel, just end the occupation and make it a 2-state area, free the Palestine's! If Israel could be made up by others, so can Palestine as a country free of Israel occupation!

Chinese scientists experiment with 100% fatal mutant COVID strain | News...

More crazy criminal work. They already showed us that accidents can happen. This news is good because it lets us know it is still going on, and horrible too. WHO is about to control every country to have to follow what they tell us, seriously! Thank you for your report.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Crazy Stuff. Women Sing "The Revolution Has Come. Time To Pick Up The Gun"

Wow. The US government were very afraid of them. The civil rights act was passed in 1964 but there were still lots of problems, this video is from 1969. 

Relatives of Israeli captives storm Knesset | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Most people want their family members safe; it is the same on all sides of any conflict. People need to rise above their fears and come together to negotiate so every human can have chances to live in peace with their families. Dissolve the occupation and learn how to love rather than live in fear because of greed. No more destruction! There are plenty of ways to make money rather than making weapons. Love to all!


Great news, thank you!

Migrant tells journalist: ‘Soon you’re going to know who I am’

USA says many things are a threat...... so paranoid.... why, because that is how USA was made, by them being a threat to everything they encountered. It is their mindset, and they want approval to continue their military money spent and behavior. It works to keep people in fear. But there are other ways to run a country. Think of those parents who are kind and respectful of their children and those who punish and keep their kids in fear. Let's make the world a place where we are aware but not so fearful and where we are able to communicate and negotiate with others, strong but able to use differences to all of our benefits!

Robert Kennedy Jr Comes to Maui | An Answer to Prayer!

Wowwee! Fantastic!

Israel approves plan to transfer Gaza tax funds to Norway

Israel is going to be hiring people from different places around the world now rather than the Palestine's people, they are offering a lot of money for the jobs and have been reporting financial problems without the people from Palestine working for them. What slow torture by withholding money to people who it rightfully belongs. They use as many angles to bring problems to Palestine as possible. Most people have a hard time thinking that people who were mistreated and killed as a group and genocide was done to them would ever do that to another group of people.
It is important to understand that Zionist is an offshoot of Jewish people and is only recent, since the 1800s. There are also Christian Zionist and lots of both in USA and other countries. I pray for the occupation to end! I also pray for us all; we all need love and peace. This is a beautiful world we live in and there are so many loving wonderful people, and all living beings deserve to feel joy and peace and be able to feel safe from those who destroy and cause pain on purpose.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Wounded Palestinians treated on French warship off Egyptian shore

This is a beautiful loving thing that they are doing to help the Palestine people! Love to all on that ship. I wonder how they got to be able to do this miracle?

TX National Guard Deploys High-Tech Surveillance System to Texas Border

Experiments and practice for monitoring people everywhere, including the USA civilians.

Jan 21 - IDF withdrawal and Ceasefire update

Love to all of you from so many of us outside of Palestine! I am glad you got a shower! I thought they would bomb more after withdrawal; I can hear them around you! I am so glad you have chosen to do videos and talk to us all. Everyone is connected and this does affect us all, but also it sets a path. I know if war continues there, it will be acceptable to do anywhere, even places where people feel it never will happen. Some are making lots of money and enjoying destruction, I want to live where people are truthful and want peace for all, and I see that as the way we are going, to a positive place, even though it is difficult to see sometimes right now! I am sharing and hope others do too! Love to all of us!

WEF Host Accidentally Lets It Slip Why Elon Musk Wasn’t Invited

Well, in all honesty though, we don't positively know who he meant. But I was wondering about it. AI has been known to get things wrong.... and it is also very fast at working on things that humans don't see that quick. Part of the problem to me is when we don't even get a chance to see some information and check for ourselves, because it has been taken down before people can look at it, like banned books or music. Free speech means free not limited to the ideas some thinks are ok. You know there were things removed from the Christian bible because some thought others didn't need to see them!

Guterres denounces Israel

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterre is a wonderful loving warrior! Bravo! Now let's move ahead with his ideas!

Sirens sound in southern Israel after barrage of rockets is launched fro...

Sirens? I did not hear one! I heard a computer voice and heard some small firework sounding things..... this seems like a silly game, and I hope this does not turn into more bombing for Gaza or anywhere else..... we want a ceasefire and an end to the occupation!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Trump Pledges To Enact The 'Largest Deportation In The History Of This C...

I don't know, because I have not checked everyone coming across borders trying to get asylum, however, I have worked with some and I think they are hardworking happy people, not terrorists. However, there is a point to what he is saying..... Israel was founded when there was a limit of how many of different groups could come into that land, and there were people getting worried about too many of some groups being allowed in because of the same reason, take over and that is exactly what happened. Many people in Palestine were killed and kicked off of their land, by people of other areas in the world. Honestly though, in USA there are many areas I would not want to go or live because of crime rates.... by USA citizens.

Damon Imani Tells Klaus Schwab To Go F**k Himself

I know this is fake, but I wish it wasn't. No matter what, it is great and funny! It is also a little sad that we can't say it to them! I love the background noise when he starts talking, which sounds like people in the crowd are in shock.... a little uproar! adds a great touch!

Saudi Princess' Straight Talk On Gaza War & Israel-Palestine Conflict Go...

The Saudi Envoy, Her Royal Highness Princess Reema Bandar Al-Saud, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the USA, says what it is, simple and truthfully! Love to her! Why is there a world economic forum run by these people anyway and why does it have power?

He cried, "I can't afford one". We found him shivering in the cold 🥺 #fy...

What a beautiful young man! Emotions so close to the surface! Thank you for helping him! May we build a better world of love and peace, just like the sweetness in this video!

US recovered 'non-human biological pilots' from crashed space crafts | U...

This is still like it is live from July 28, 2023! Love it!

Friday, January 19, 2024

A story of survival: 13-year-old takes care of seven siblings amid the w...

First, I am shocked that NBC put this out and thank you! There are probably many children in this same situation or worse! Love and blessings to this boy and his family which are working together well. The baby is probably sick from the water being unsafe, even before the war! I hope she heals ASAP. I hope his father also is alive and finds them. Let's continue to work on a peaceful way for all of us to live together!

Trail of destruction: Occupied West Bank residents take stock

OMG how frightening! I pray for the occupation to end for the Palestine's! It is frightening also to know there are many who profit from and like the harm these things do to others! I pray that humans all over will one day learn to live together in peace!

Mother Of Dead Vietnam Soldier Asks "What He Died For?"

I love this beautiful mothers' statements! Bravo! She is right and her comments apply to many situations. It is time we end killings and injuring of all people so some can profit and fulfill sadistic reasoning. We humans can stop these things and move ahead to live in peace together! The description to this video has a lot of information included!

(From Lebanon) Palestinian refugees determined to return home.

Thank you for covering this story!

Israel-Gaza: Netanyahu publicly rejects US push for Palestinian state | ...

What difference does it make what he wants? The world needs to come to the rational of what is needed and make it happen, just like they made Israel happen. The Palestine's deserve their own place too, the Jewish people are not more important than anyone else on our planet! We need to follow moral and ethical ways, not the idea of a greedy group of people or one man!

Palestinian American woman asked Texas Governor to call for a ceasefire ...

She has the right to speak, just like everyone else does, odd how the group were smiling at getting her out of there.... very frightening in a way. I always think that what is happening where bombing of one group of people is ok, means that any group of people could be bombed.... even in the USA..... think about it..... May we all live in peace and have plenty!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Irish Politician Calls Out EU For Sanctioning Iran, Qatar But Not Israel...

Lunacy I agree with you Clare! I am thrilled you still have your loving warrior heart!

Netanyahu: 'In the future, Israel has to control the entire area from th...

He has been talking this same way for decades. If you listen to him speak years ago, you hear it all the same.... but not just take over of where he lives, it seems he wants to rule the whole Arab areas! It makes it sound like he has deep fears..... and those are what is pushing his actions...... or, he is just a cold-hearted greedy person. Either way, humans want peace, and if we keep focusing on what we want, and take actions to get there, we will one day!

Palestinian journalist documents moment air strike hits near his house

Yikes! We see so many of the Palestine people walking, crying, injured and do not think of just a few months ago they were living in comfortable places like this. This war/bombing and shooting must be a nightmare. They are just like any of us, only now suffering so horribly! Humans are doing these things, and humans can stop it. We must remember we are beings of light, and all connected and stay on focus to create a world of paradise for all humans! Love to you! Beautiful children by the way!


WOW, so unexpected and I love! this! I subscribed and am so glad you help people feel love! Thank you for making the world a better place for us all!

Palestinian child recalls moment Israeli soldiers arrested her in Hebron

Horrors. We need to free them! We are all connected! 

Israeli settlers occupy Palestinian home in Hebron

This reminds me of looters during riots! How can the USA support this? Well USA people would not all support this at all.... only some, the same ones that have actually taken USA citizens homes while they live on the streets or had to move because they couldn't afford them any longer..... oops, did I say that? This was before Oct. 2023 by the way....

I Repeat My Call For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza: Antonio Guterres | ...

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres I love! He is speaking truth, and we need to bypass this human illness we have which causes so much suffering! We know a cure, it is love, and we all need to keep focusing on that healthy state of mind! Love to you!

Why 'Messiah prophecy' haunts Netanyahu

The part where they are pouring cement, right around 9:06, is actually dumping cement into a well in a Palestine little farm, this is common to prevent fresh water for animals and humans.... and make them dependent on Israel. Whatever reason he is doing what he is doing is against many people who are aware of it in the world, just like we are against any vile mistreatment of other humans. I can picture a world where the illness humans have that results in this behavior goes away and humans are once again free to live in paradise with love!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

This Father Documented His Family's Escape From Israel's Airstrikes

I am glad you, Rami, documented this journey; your son is beautiful! You are a loving father, and I am so proud of you trying to keep your family feeling safe. I hope you and the rest of your family are safe and back together soon on earth!

Hamas-Israel deal: Humanitarian aid & medicine enters Gaza

Wow! I am a little happier now that I hear this! A bowl of food is better than none! Salt is a good thing to use on wounds, it speeds up healing and helps rid the body of bacteria.... if there is nothing else, but pain medicine helps soooooo much, and some of those injuries need something just as a humanitarian comfort!

Mace To UAP Witness: 'Do You Believe Our Govt Has Made Contact With Inte...

I wonder what the lady with blonde hair is looking at, she is sitting behind Nancy. To me, it is ridiculous that they have to go to a private room with no one else allowed to hear what is said..... This is a public hearing that is going on to inform the public, right?

Freed hostage held by Hamas speaks on living conditions

Her house is like that from the IDF, they have said this in videos trying to get HAMAS. She still has a home to build around and fix, many of the Palestine people do not, and some of the reason for that is them being stolen by Israel. She also is not really saying anything bad, no torture, no rape, no cold at night. Going to the bathroom in a trash can is not that big of a deal, many do that when they go camping for fun! I understand not having food when she wanted, but she had food! And they let her go home with her children..... how many Palestine children are dead? or their parents? Look at that fence near her house..... why, because they took the peoples land on the other side of it..... and are afraid of them..... why.... because they are unfair and unethical. Look at the big picture here!

UFO hearing: Whistleblower says he's witnessed harm by "non-human" entities

According to several sources, including Paul Hellyer the ex-Defense Minister of Canada, there are several species of aliens, and some are working with the government. His channel is paulhellyer3081 if you want to look him up. Also, many who have gotten close to the ships as per their testimony they have experienced things like radiation burns etc. I would say if anything with advanced technology is working with the government, and just looking at our weapons, surveillance capabilities, DNA decoding, mind control research, and many other things, that there is the main danger..... all we have to do is look around through how things are done that are not good around the world. We also see much that is good, so I say let's demand the positive and refuse the negative.

Jan 17 - Update on the situation in Khan Younis after the IDF assault

Thank you! I am glad to see there are some structures that are ok, and I am really glad you are ok. It may not seem like it, but there are thousands of people all around the world trying to help all of you in Gaza. I send love and prayers!

Russia wins in Niger. US troops to be kicked out as France's were. MILIT...

Hmmm, thank you!

US Troops “Flee” Syria Base As Iraqi Resistance Launches Steady Strikes ...

It sounds like they are just moving to where the prison is. What is that big circular thing in the mountain in the top middle of the screen at 1:41? Why are there so many kids at the US military base in the beginning of this video?

Families flee Israel-Hezbollah border clashes

Growing onions is a great hopeful sign! I hope they get to return to their homes soon and that they are not damaged! Love to all!

World leaders set to tackle threat of hypothetical "Disease X"

Labs are still working on these things..... right? Hmmmm. I think I will just try to see the difference between reality and BS and stay as healthy as I can while being grateful for everything I have at this moment.... and I will be happier. We are all going to die someday, I learned to get over that and live! We could try to keep pushing for peace for all people around the world and freedom from poverty! Love to all!

'Gaza First...': Saudi Differs With Ally U.S.; Riyadh Not In Favour Of S...

Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan was dressed in Western clothing, first time I have seen that, wow! He is brilliant and strong, and he is right, a ceasefire on both sides would accomplish a lot to start peace talks. There needs to be something different done, some kind of magical wand needs to be waved so all can understand how all of us humans are connected and to harm one is to harm all!

Journalist Wael al-Dahdouh welcomed by colleagues in Doha

Real love from comrades! I send love too!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Vivek Ramaswamy suspends Republican presidential bid

He was pushed out it seems to me. The writers of the show didn't want him as lead person. It's going to be an incredible movie..... just don't get lost..... know who you are! Also, indulge in chocolate and real butter if you wish, it is good to enjoy our gift of life! Love to us all!

The Destruction of the United States of America (It's NO ACCIDENT)

Getting people upset about people coming through the border is a distraction from the real enemies of the people. There is lots of money sent to other countries that end up bringing profits to those who make weapons, banking systems, and other issues. The USA has lots of land where no one lives, or small amounts of people and small houses could be built for the people coming in, and those who want to buy one from the USA with factories put into the towns, and grocery stores, healthcare, schools whole infrastructures to grow America into a great country rather than let the citizens live in the streets because they can't afford to live in the housing now available. There are many problems that could be fixed, and USA could be the greatest country for real rather than just a fantasy. We need to focus on the solutions! We are intelligent and caring people, we are able to be strong and powerful, but no more money for killing and hating. No more money to those who promote killing and hating. Our tax money needs to be directed to helping citizens and communities with solutions that build up rather than tear down! Love to all!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Israeli Soldier Injured As Armed Men Open Fire At Nitzana Crossing Near ...

Oddly both Egypt and Israel are claiming to have stopped a possible drug smuggling event with armed people and arrested 6 ..... from where? Where is the proof of the drugs? One person was killed, and one was hurt but is ok. What really happened? It sounds like Israel and Egypt were fighting with each other.... but what is the real truth?

What's the Real Reason Behind the U.S. Supporting Israel?

We all got told such an amazing story of the reason that many people all over the world believe the fake story, even people from Israel! Everyone gets to be used in this game! We could wake up, and be kind to each other, and start living lives where we refuse to play the war profit game any longer! To not just this place, but everywhere! We could start improving peoples lives all over, and live in peace with plenty of healthy food, clean air and water, safe housing, healthcare and education for all! We could all be enjoying our lives together!

'We are steadfast': Displaced Palestinians reflect on 100 days of Israel...

I want this nightmare sadistic work of those dropping and paying for the weapons as well as those who purposely make the lives of others miserable to end ASAP. We must remember that Gaza has been hit much faster than we usually see, but there are those who need war to end in other places too like Yemen where hundreds have starved to death. Love with action is the only way, we need to realize we are all connected. But in that.... we have to stop those who wish to continue the harm to others! Love to all!

Inconsistencies exposed in 'crib' video from Elon Musk's Israel visit

So the shells were not there at first..... then the ones they added were ones they use..... wow....

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Arctic ancestral survivalism: on extreme weather Sami wisdom

Gunnel Heligfjell is a lovely teacher! I want to go there and learn some of these things!

JUST NOW! Iron Dome Fails Again, Drones Set Israel’s Biggest Oil Refiner...

I think USA has something like the iron dome, hence the radar all over the place in the country. Oil started in 1938..... oh... so that is why Israel is there! Wow!

Dr Nick Maynard: ‘I saw injuries that will stay with me till the day I die’

When we see people in pain, most of us want to help, which is a great thing and has probably been the main reason humans have survived so long considering we are born naked and without many skills, vulnerable to the world. Because of that, our simple need for each other, we can live together and care for each other with love and kindness if we are ethical and tell the truth, rather than live in a world of bullying and controlling behaviors. Everyone, even top leaders of the most brutal militaries need help sometimes. Let's face the facts and grow up!

Palestinian brothers from Gaza thank paramedics for their rescue

Beautiful souls! Love to all! What a horrifying experience and thank you to everyone doing kind, loving, helpful things for each other. I pray the actions of killing and horror are ended ASAP, not just here but all over the world!

British surgeon discredits Israeli claims it safeguards Gaza hospitals

Could he be lying? Of course! But do you trust him? I do! Why? because I have seen evidence in videos too. Are some people lying? Yes. Are there fake videos? Yes. But, considering all the information for decades from notable people like Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandala and even Anthony Bourdain I know the Palestine's are treated as less than human, in sadistic ways by the Israelis.

🇵🇹 7,95 hectares Farm for sale in Central Portugal | €100.000

This is a long video, so you might want to skip through just to get an idea! It is beautiful and lots of room for inexpensive price compared to USA. The weather is mild year-round, a little warm in summer, but that would be fine! I would love to live here is why I am sharing! It is like a perfect dream to me! I am not going to buy it now though, my funding at this moment is limited, so if you want it, go get it! 

جنود إسرائيليون يفرون بأسلحتهم أمام الشبان الفلسطينيين

Feb 9, 2022, normal activities in Hebron. 

Thousands of protesters in US demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Wow! Love this! Thank you everyone!

First Lady Erdogan visits 16 children brought to Türkiye from Gaza at th...

These are just a few of those who need help, but it is a beautiful loving thing that they were brought into safety to have the help they need. Family members with them, all is calmer and helps the healing process. I think the Palestine people are some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. We can see that some of those patients will have a hard life, with amputations and brain injuries! I wish all of their family members could be brought to Turkey, if they wish, and have safe good lives. I know that some of this visit is PR, but she is still really kissing them and touching them and giving the mothers hugs, she is sincere, I see that! May we all have peace and end the insanity of power over games of destruction and profit for a few.

Palestinian paramedic breaks down while cheering rescued baby

Love and blessings! Wow... the beautiful baby brought him back to a normal person for a moment rather than a tough rock that can handle anything! The one closer to the front also picks up the child and tries to keep it warm and blows it a kiss, so sweet! Most of us would not be able to handle more than a few minutes of what these amazing medical people do! Thank you and may the creator hold your hand at all times! Thank you, all medical workers, and blessings upon us all....

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Bisan shows how entire #gaza neighborhoods have been destroyed by #israel

Those bombs that leave holes like that and destroy the whole house are bunker busters and should not be used on people's homes. I am glad to see people doing something special like drinking tea. You have to have some familiar things to keep strong! Love to you all!

China's Big Prediction After U.S. Airstrikes On Houthis; 'Attack In Yeme...

I am thrilled that people in administrative positions are more for peace than war!

ICJ To Begin Deliberations On Israel Genocide Case After Public Hearings...

It seems simple to me.... go in say anyone agree it is genocide being committed? and everyone say yes.... debate concluded.... now let's get the bombing ended and aid brought in ASAP!

Is Biden Merely 'President In Name Only'?: Lloyd Austin's Disappearance ...

Interesting commentary!

Occupied West Bank raids: Claims Israeli forces targeting infrastructure

"Better to die on your feet than live on your knees" the Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata (1879–1919), from the Oxford Reference

Israel rejects genocide charges in Gaza, asks ICJ to dismiss case | Al J...

Blessings to those who are making this great case happen. A few weeks for any action is way too long, many lives will be lost, however it would be better than nothing. Israel must have been really frightened when the hostages returned with only nice things to say about the Hamas they were with while all the released Palestinian's talked about the atrocious ways they were treated by Israel when they were in prison.

Watch: South African lawyer's speech accusing Israel of 'Genocide' at IC...

Just take a moment to think of the level of education these people have! They all speak more than one language and spent a lot of time learning many things, it is quite an amazing group of people in the room! This man's name is Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC I am so thankful that South Africa has chosen to not just sit, but to take strong action in any path they can! Bravo!

Italians Sing Antifascist Anthem 'Bella Ciao' at Israeli Military Checkp...

It feels good to be with a group of people who have positive ethics and morals! Singing together is fabulous!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Gaza: Lies Israel fed the world since October 7

Thank you for all this information. People need to know the truth to be able to make decisions from solid ground.

Biden Administration Complicit In [Gaza] Genocide: Congresswoman Rashida...

I am glad to hear her!

House committee receives classified UAP briefing | Vargas Reports

Crazy that this is not openly reported to the public!

Israeli reservist contradicts military’s narrative on Gaza

That is all normal fighting talk and behavior. The leaders want to keep the moral up and support from those paying for the fight. It happens even in sports games. It actually can work sometimes to change the situation. I have used it at work to keep my workers under me calm, and we always ended up at least feeling better even when we were overwhelmed. I have even used it in my home when we haven't had a lot to eat... and figured out something to make with what we did have... and kept everyone feeling positive!
It is a good skill. It is like that saying, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'... positive thoughts help most situations by keeping up positive feelings. Even right before death, to have a loving person tell the dying that everything is alright usually results in a calm death. Try it!

Hundreds Of Thousands In Sanaa, Yemen, Demonstrate Against U.S. & U.K. S...

It is a very simple concept.... people want to be free.... some are not being treated as humans and some are trying to help them..... there are those who want only power and profit, and they have a lot of money and weapons but no heart for any they harm, people, animals, plants, earth...... what it looks like is one thing that the news pushes from each side...... If anyone studies history, they will be able to see how the bullies' anger those oppressed by the bullies..... it is a matter of ethics and morality.
Most of us little people don't have a lot of power in the decisions that politicians make, but we can learn, and we can try to be the best people we can be. We can do little things that are ethical and moral. We can be kind and loving. We can speak up and we can even use prayers and meditation to try to keep a balance and even tip it a little so there is more positive than negative.
I think a lot about the teachings of master's that advocated peace and love. I also think of the song by John Lennon... Imagin.

Israel's defence representative: ‘Someone has shuffled my papers’

OMG how embarrassing for him! But.... it seems like an act of the divine! Perhaps he wanted to mess up on a higher level but was hired to do a job.... perhaps somewhere he has a heart.... but his world reality is shaken, and he doesn't know what to do..... so, his soul took care of the matter for him and will allow him an excuse. Or perhaps he is simply a scum bag that will do anything for money....

200 Miles From Gaza, Protesters Target Shadowy UK Air Base

Interesting, thank you for the video!

Ramaswamy Says 'Mainstream Media Can Go Screw Themselves' After Negative...

Bravo! Get some sleep though when you can! You are right! Eat good, laugh a lot!

Palestinians: Were your ancestors Jews or Christians?

This in a way is a trick... and many people are uncomfortable with it.... but it is enlightening.... I bet you would get the same reaction if you asked many peoples around the world..... the three, Muslim, Jew and Christianity stem from the same religion, but none have been around forever.... there were other religions before those. Many people were forced to change or die in history. I used to ask people questions like this.... I remember asking people why they were the religion they are, many said they didn't know, because they were raised that way maybe...... It is a real mind blower when a person finds out some things about a very basic thing they believe in that does not fit their idea of reality. It can throw some people into a tailspin. I went through something like that and cried for 6 months!!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Coalition strikes in Yemen by US and UK with support from Australia, Bah...

Bernie Sanders was fighting to get USA out of Yemen...... because there has been too much destruction and death..... and now this..... What a horrendous game is being played with people's lives. These behaviors are an assault to humanity! The occupation of the Palestine people needs to end. We must continue to focus on our dream of a world where people can live in peace with each other and have enough water, food, air and shelter to live decent lives with their families without fear of others with bigger weapons bringing destruction to them.
How do they do it? Bomb specific places? Technology is amazing, isn't it? They also use AI.... you could see it being used a lot in Ukraine..... but was also used for the past 20 years, with improvements. They can also tell where you are and target any one of us if they want..... I mean.... it is very freaky if you think about it for one moment!

Fiery Israel, South Africa Clash Over 'Nakba' Charge; 'Legal Arm Of Hama...

I am so glad this is happening! I have heard so many abusers talking BS and Israel sounds the same..... The world is slowly becoming better, and that is good. We all need to continue with our focus on a place where living beings have the right to live free.

Russia Comes To Gazans' Rescue Amid Israeli Attacks; Putin Aide Reveals ...

When my grandparents were young, they had to flee the land they loved or die. A chance to live is better than dying. I know the Palestinian people do not want to leave the beautiful area they know and love, but sometimes humans have to change. I love San Francisco, but the Mid-west, USA is a safer place to raise my family. At least someone is doing something to try to keep the people alive, and that is great! People who are intelligent and want to work are an asset to any country! They bring new ideas, tax money and more help all around for everyone!

The last keffiyeh factory in Palestine | The Take

Thank you for this. I hope the occupation ends ASAP. Everyone deserves freedom to live a good life like was intended by our creator. We can make our world as we dream it to be! Love to all!

Breaking🚨! Mega Islamic Culture Centre Planning Application Letterkenny,...

No offense but didn't a lot of Irish die because of a Christian take over once? And... then the Irish have killed each other from different Christian groups especially the Catholics and Protestants? At least no one is proposing that either everyone join or die!

Who Is Adila Hassim, The Lawyer Fighting 'Genocide' Case Against Israel ...

The lives of all these people is interesting to me. I am most interested in stopping the killing and oppression of the people of Palestine, and also Yemen and anywhere there is injustice that serves some and causes harm to others. We humans need to rise above the hate and stay on the vibration of ethical love and dignity and we must have the courage to behave with such holy aspirations!

Irish lawyer's stunning speech at The Hague accusing Israel of genocide ...

This is one of the most fantastic things happening around the world as far as politics! I know many other wonderful, fantastic things are happening too, but it is time the world shows love and ethical behavior is the path we humans want to be on. I hope something happens ASAP so no more harm is done to the people of Palestine!

ICJ concludes first day of hearing in genocide case against Israel

This is one of the most fantastic things happening around the world as far as politics! I know many other wonderful, fantastic things are happening too, but it is time the world shows love and ethical behavior is the path we humans want to be on.